Chapter 6

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"Will you marry me?" Sebastian says clearly shocked at the amount of pizza I devoured. Everyone laughs, and I just shrug.

"It's depends, will there be more pizza involved?" I say, leaning against the booth.

"Definitely, even in the bed if you like-" he starts to say when Brandon smacks the back of his head.

"Hey, has no one heard of dinner in bed? Jeez, you bunch of perverts, I would never talk that way to this young lady." He states, causing me to roll my eyes.

"So, Travis you still mad bro?" I say looking at him with a smirk on my face.

"How could I stay mad at this cute whittle face.." he says while pinching my cheeks. I smack his hands away and lean back against the booth seat. I'm about to come back with a comment when, the two blonde bimbos walk up.

"Damn girl you work fast, I didn't think you worked with numbers but I guess you work with a different kind of numbers." Dakota says, making her sidekick Charlie laugh.

"Back off Dakota.. she is our friend and I will not allow you to disrespect her." Brandon stands up, causing the booth to shake.

"Yea, just because you have tried to sleep with all of us and have got turned down every time doesn't mean she is trying." Travis says to Dakota only. Charlie looks around wanting to defend her friend, but she doesn't know what to do.

"Whatever, your dad didn't turn this down T. In fact he loved it-" she says laughing, making Travis turn red with anger. I stand up, causing everyone to look at me. I shut off my emotions, I can't let my anger show if I do then it won't work.

"Hey, Dakota!" I chirp, smiling a venomous smile.

"What do you want?" She eyes me, with a bitter look on her face.

That's when I do it, the crack is satisfying to me. I look down at Dakota on the floor, blood pouring from her nose. Charlie looks at me shocked. I look at my knuckles, and grin.

Oh, how I have missed this, I feel my blood pulsing. I am about to do more damage when I feel someone pulling me away from her. I growl, reaching out and trying to pull myself back to her.

"Guys, we gotta get her out of here!" I hear someone yell. I'm trying to focus on anything.

This is why my mom has been so worried about me. My anger problems, they are what caused me to fight so much.

I turn my head to see who has their arms around me. It's Brandon, he looks at me clearly worried. I frown, why is he worried he didn't do anything wrong.

"You are gonna be the death of me beautiful.." he whispers in my ear.

"I doubt it, thank you though.." I say, pulling away from him.

"Brandon, dude did you see that?" Travis yells, obviously shocked at what happened.

"Travis, of course I saw it the entire restaurant saw it. Look we need to get her home, Dakota and Charlie aren't going to just let this slide. They may not fight but with their dad's, they don't have to.." Brandon cringes at the thought, I sigh, I  am starting to slowly calm down.

"Guy's, I can't go home not for about another hour or so. My mom will know, she always knows after I fight. I promised her I wouldn't." I look around trying my best to think of any where else to go so my mom won't see  my swollen knuckles. The swelling takes a little over an hour to go down. I learned that from all the times, my dad would be making out with my principal while I waited outside in the hall. It usually lasted about an hour.

"We can take her to the safe spot.." Travis whispers into Brandon's ear. I look at Brandon, he has a deep frown on his face. Travis didn't do a great job of whispering, because Sebastian and Dylan both look at Travis like he is crazy.

"Dude, boss will kill us if he knows someone other than him knows where we stay. Especially after she punched Dakota, Mike will be on his way to find boss soon. I know he will and then he will be after us.." Dylan says frantically looking at the three guys next to him.

"Dylan, as soon as boss knows why she punched Dakota he will be ready to hire her. If not marry her, you know he hates that whole family." Sebastian laughs, making Brandon get an angry look in his eyes.

"She is going to the safe spot, but boss won't know about her. And no one will tell him, got it?" He says through clenched teeth. They all nod, and I can't help but worry as to why he is suddenly so uptight.

"Come on Ashton, I'll drive and the guys will follow us. If that's alright with you?" He smiles at me his attitude changing drastically. I simply nod handing him my keys. We get into the car, and leave the restaurant.

I look at Brandon, watching how he seems calm and collected, but I also notice his muscles they are tense. I can't help but continue to stare because, hey, he is built like a God. And it's just now that I also notice a very faint but noticeable scar below his right ear on his neck.

"You seem mesmerized by my rugged good looks.." he grins, "or oh my goodness, do I have a pimple?!" He shrieks like a girl making me burst out laughing.

"Yes, you have a big one.." I say, leaning over and poking his nose, " right there!"

"Wait really?" He says, completely serious. I start laughing as soon as he leans over to look in the rear view mirror. Once he realizes there is no pimple he leans over and pinches my cheek making me scowl at him.

"I will kick your ass, if you pinch my cheek one more time." I say, smacking his hand away.

"Oh feisty, I like it!" He winks at me, I look away, this boy has made me blush more in one day then anyone ever has. This really isn't good, I never blush.

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