Chapter 50

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We wake up around one in the afternoon, I roll over and my insides turn. I jump out of the bed, and run to the bathroom before I throw up. Fifteen minutes later, and I feel gross as I quickly brush my teeth.

I look for a towel, and luckily I find one. I turn on the shower, and get in scrubbing my body clean before wrapping the towel around me and walking into Vinny's room. I grab his tshirt that is on the floor and throw it on. It's a little bit big on me, but I love it. I put my underwear on and crawl back into the bed beside Vinny. He rolls towards me, opening his eyes looking at me.

"Hey baby.." I smile, he grins kissing me quickly. He looks down at my body and notices me wearing his shirt.

"You look so hot in my shirt." He smirks, I blush making him chuckle.

"What do you want to do today? It's Saturday so we can do anything you want." He says as he gets up, not wearing any clothes. I blush even worse as he walks to his closet.

"Let's do something fun." I say laying back on his bed watching him as he picks through his clothes. He finds what he wants before winking at me and walking into his bathroom. I hear the shower turn on.

I pull out my phone and plug it in to his charger. I have a few texts from my mom, but a million missed calls from her. I text her back letting her know where I am and that I am ok. I look through the rest of my messages and find one from the number I now know as Alex Taylor.

Alex: did you tell travis?..

Me:no, why? I haven't talked to him.

Alex: he came here and beat the shit out of someone then saw me and followed me and then asked me who I was but before he left he called me by my name..

Me: maybe he already knew, maybe he knew of you but never thought he would actually meet you.

Alex never replies, I skim through the other messages. And land on one that makes my blood run cold.

Marcus: this isn't over, I'll get you back. I have nothing to lose, I don't care what I have to do. I have someone backing me up sweetheart. You should have just came back with me that day, but instead you had your little boyfriend intervene. And now you have someone jump me at a party for reasons I'm not sure of? Ashton Niko I will not be rejected again.

I don't reply, instead I text Travis he has some explaining to due.

Me: hey T, is there something you need to tell me?

He doesn't reply so I close my phone. I look up as Vinny comes out of his bathroom. He looks hot in his black jeans and white tank top under an opened black button up. He grins at me causing my stomach to erupt in millions of butterflies.

"I'm going to let you borrow some shorts, long enough to take you home and let you change. Then I'm going to take you shopping." He says smiling, I grab the short he throws to me and slip on my converse. I grab my dress and jacket as we walk out of his room. We run into Cole as he I coming out of the room across from Vinny's.

"How you feeling Niko?" He says yawning.

"Better.." I say pushing Vinny down the hallway, I hear Cole laughing behind us.

"How does he always know anytime we have a moment.." I whisper, and Vinny laughs.

"He is all knowing." Vinny continues to laugh.

When I finally get to put on my own clothes, I go with something simple today. I put on a plain white tshirt, with black Capri pants.

"Let's go Vinny." I say when I'm done, he is looking down at his phone. His face shows his confusion, and my stomach knots suddenly. "What's wrong?"

"Do you know this number?" He says showing me the number, I read it and notice that it is Marcus.

"That's Marcus? What does it say?" I ask confused as well.

"All it says is paybacks a bitch. I hope he realizes I'm not scared of him, and if he wants to go for round to I'm down, and he will be too as soon as I knock his ass-" I cut him off by kissing him. He is tense at first but he soon relaxes pulling me into his arms.

"Vinny, I don't want anymore fighting ok? Let's just avoid him, I want to worry about our baby and us nothing else.." I whisper, and he nods before kissing me again.

"No more fighting, I promise baby girl." He gets down on his knees where his head is in front of my stomach. "Just going to worry about you and your momma baby."

"I love you Vinny, you are going to be a great dad.." I wrap my arms around him as soon as he stands up.

"I love you too Ash, and I know you will be an amazing mother." He lays his hand on my stomach gently.

When we finally get to the mall I feel like Vinny is the best boyfriend ever, he walks in every store with me even the underwear store. Although he did prance around with a huge bra strapped to his chest. I found it hilarious, but the workers did not.

After almost three hours of walking around to different store we go to the food court. When we are finally done there, we decide it's time to go home.

"Now you already have clothes that will fit you through the entire pregnancy, gotta think ahead baby girl" He says sounding like such a dad.

"I don't think I needed all of this Vinny, but thank you." I lean over and kiss his cheek quickly.

"Yes you did, no arguing or I will be forced to buy you more." He laughs.

"I do love the two baby onesies you got, totally classy." I wink at him as I look at the onesies, one of them is black with a miniature leather jacket on it, and the other is pink with a white leather jacket with it.

"I got both of them because we don't know the sex yet, and I think our baby needs to look like a bad ass so no other babies try to bully them." He says winking at me, I laugh as we continue to drive home.

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