Chapter 66

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Travis's POV

I feel myself fading in and out, I don't feel the hard mattress of the bunk that I have been sleeping in. Instead I feel warmth and softness under me.

I slowly peel my eyes open, and the light is dim. I look around and this room looks eerily familiar. I can soon smell something sweet, and it flashes and image in my mind.


I look around and realize I am in Ashton's old room. I'm in my prison attire, and I have a brace around my neck. I hear voices coming down the hall, and immediately jump up. I soon regret it as I feel the painful bruises on my neck.

I hear two people walk into the room, and I look up and see Ashton's mom, and a red headed guy in front of me.

"Why am I here? I'm supposed to be in prison?" I say, my voice hoarse.

"My men on the inside brought you to me, they are speaking with the judge right now and we are going to get your name clean. They know you didn't kill him, and we know who did. We have people searching for him as we speak.." Mrs Niko says, I look beside her at the guy that I didn't think I would ever see again.

"Why are you here?" I say to him, he looks slightly offended before he masks the emotion on his face.

"I came because I was the one who gave her the proof.. Ashton is my friend and I know she loved him dearly, and I know you knew that as well.. Although you love her.. I know you would never kill him.. I know who would.. I wasn't about to let my only brother die in prison because of someone framing him.." Alex says, looking down at his shoes.


knew it, I knew he had to be my brother..

There was a reason my father hated me.

I wasn't Alex.

"He hated me because I wasn't you.." I whisper, feeling tears prick my eyes. I pull the neck brace off and rub at my eyes before standing up. "Do you still have my phone?" I look Mrs Niko, she nods.

I made sure she got my phone when she came to see me before they transported me to the prison.

She walks out of the room, and comes back a minute later holding my phone. I turn it on, and my phone begins to buzz from all the messages I was getting while I was gone.

I check most of the messages, they are from gangs that only keep in touch with me because we give eachother information. And then some are from a few friends that I made in school.

The ones that hit me the hardest are the messages from Ashton. Most of them are pictures of her baby bump, And some are of the ultra sounds. All of them say three words.

Miss you T

I open the last text from her, and I fall to my knees.

Ashton: Travis, I know you won't see this for a long time.. but I have been kidnapped. They don't realize I still have my phone.. but they left Cole and Damian to die.. they are going to kill me Travis.. they are going to kill my babies first.. I have no way to get out of here. If I die, just know I will always love you. Tell Brandon and the guys I love them too. Tell my mother that I love her so much. Good bye T..

I check the time the text was sent, and it was five minutes ago.

I still have time.

"We gotta go! They got Ashton, and they left Cole and Damian for dead.." I say, tears falling freely from my face.

"No not my babies.." Mrs Niko cries before she runs out of the room. Alex picks me up, and pulls me out of the room.

"We will find her, I promise." Alex says as he practically drags me out of the house.

Brandon's POV

I finally make it to the location where her phone was at last, and I see a horrible sight. I park my car, and jump out running over to the purple car. Cole is lying on the ground beside it, he has a large cut on the side of his head. I shake him slightly, and in return hear a low groan. I run over to the familiar black car, and feel all the color leave my face.

Damian is sitting in the driver seat.

His head is lying against the steering wheel, and it's bleeding around his temple. I try to open the door but it is jammed, the front of the car is pushed back and it has the door bent just enough that it won't open.

"Cole get over here and help me!" I yell, I look back and find Cole slowly getting up.

I put my hand in the window, and shake Damian's shoulder, he doesn't budge. I know he is alive because I see his chest rising and falling slowly. Cole walks up beside me, and pulls out his phone. I hear Mrs Niko on the other end, Cole tries to calm her down but she doesn't budge, and instead he hangs up after a few moments.

"She is bringing some people, and Travis. They are going to help, they already have people out looking for Ashton.. I can't believe I let them get her.. I didn't see the other car coming and before I realized it they were on me and we're taking her away.." Cole begins to break down and I smack him hard enough to bring him out of it.

"Look, we have to keep it together! Ashton will be fine as long as we can get to her soon!" I go back to pulling at the door, I can hear it squeaking so that must be a good sign.

"Ughh... what happened? Where is Ashton?" I hear Damian whisper as I also see two vehicles driving towards us.

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