Chapter 61

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Me and Sebastian have been sitting on my bed watching movies for the past four hours. At some point we ended up laying down, and now I am laying against him with his arm under my head. I lay my hand on my bump, and notice Sebastian's eyes wander down to my hand.

"So what do you think you will have?" He asks quietly, I look down at my bump.

"I feel like there is definitely a girl in there.. not sure about the other one, could be a boy, if so it's a very calm one. Because the one I am almost certain is a girl is very active.." I say feeling Sebastian shuffle before he lays his hand on my stomach as well. I become still under his touch, and I remember the last time Vinny laid his hand on my stomach.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to see if I could feel them move.." Sebastian says pulling his hand away.

"No, it's ok, I just keep thinking about Vinny.." I say my eyes beginning to water.

"I'm sorry Ashton.. we will do what ever it takes to get the bastard who done this.." he wraps his arm around me pulling me into his chest.

"I know who done it Sebastian.." I whisper, and he looks at me with wide eyes.

"How do you know?"

"I met someone who knows them.. and I described the person I saw that day and the picture they had was of the same person.." I wipe my eyes and sit up my stomach beginning to get that oh so familiar feeling.

"Are you ok?" Sebastian says but I run into the bathroom. He doesn't follow me and I'm thankful for that, I don't want him to.

When I finally come out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth for the millionth time, I sit back down on the bed beside Sebastian.

"I am so glad I can't get pregnant.." Sebastian laughs, I hit his arm as I begin to laugh too.

Brandon's POV

"Dylan, are you almost done putting that together?" I ask him as I finish painting the room, I hope she likes it. Although I'm not sure how she will feel when she realizes everyone went in together to get her this decent sized house. It has four bedrooms, but everyone including Vinny's family went in together to buy it for her. Hopefully she loves it and doesn't explode when she realizes what we have done.

"Dude it took me forever to put the first one together and it's taking forever to put the second one together!" Dylan yells, and I can't help but chuckle because he is putting together the babies cribs.

"What if she doesn't like this color?" I ask Dylan, he looks up at the pale purple and grey wall.

"Her favorite color is purple, I'm sure she will like it. Although nurseries are usually pinks, blues, yellows, and greens." He says beginning to get frustrated at the crib.

"Eh, I think she will like it.." I say as I hear someone opening the front door.

I walk out of the room with paint all over my jeans and black tshirt. Cole is walking in with Damian right behind him.

"Now you guys show up, Dylan is about to throw in the towel on the cribs.." I laugh, and Cole walks in the room to take over.

"We brought some food.." Damian hands me a fast food bag, my stomach growls immediately.

"Thanks, the only things we have left to do is put all the accessories in the nursery, and get all the furniture in.." I say, "OK that's still alot, but we can do it before night fall.."

"Gonna have to man, she has to be in here within the next couple days." Damian whispers, I nod knowing exactly why.

"Why are they after her so bad? And do you really think they won't find her here?" I whisper so Dylan doesn't hear. He doesn't know the real reason we bought this house so fast and why we have to have it done before tomorrow.

"Somehow he has found out about her being pregnant.. I'm sure you can understand why he wants her.. he doesn't want there to be any ties with the Black family.." Damian says, and it makes my blood boil as I think of exactly what he is wanting to do.

"I refuse to let him touch her, even if I have to die to protect her, he won't hurt her or those babies. I may not have liked Vinny that much, but I love Ashton and I know he wouldn't let anything happen to her if he was here so I will protect her from this gang and myself if I have to.."

"Cole! I told you I got this.." We hear Dylan yell before we hear Cole laughing loudly.

"You put it on backwards.. let me fix it.." Cole says still laughing, I shake my head as me and Damian continue to get everything ready.

After about three hours of hearing Dylan argue about how he knew how to put the crib together we are finally finished putting everything in the house. The hardest part was getting the bed in the upstairs bed room.

All I have to say is I should definitely atleast get a hug after all this.

I finish putting the sheets on the bed, and go downstairs to the other two rooms. The nursery was the first thing we finished, and it is neutral due to the fact that we don't know what she is having yet. We already bought alot of the necessary things she will need when the babies are born. The two downstairs rooms are mainly for any of us to stay over and make sure she is safe.

She is going to need us, especially now that he knows she is pregnant. He will be coming after her in the next couple days, but he isn't doing it himself.

He is sending someone else after her..

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