Chapter 24

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Me and Vinny have spent the past hour trying to fix our broken tent. He broke one of the rods and now we can't set up our tent.

"You know Ashton can always sleep in my tent.." Cole winks at me, and Vinny punches him hard in the shoulder.

"No we have an extra tent, luckily, so just trash that one and put up the other one" Vinny's dad hands us another tent.

"Can I speak with you for a second Ashton?" Vinny's dad asks pulling me aside. I nod and we walk down the shore a little bit.

"So is every thing alright Mr Black?"

"Yes, I was just wanting to offer you some defense training.. I know about what you have been dragged into, and I want to make sure you can defend yourself if one of us is not there. Have you ever fought someone before?" He questions, he is being sincere and it actually makes me feel a little bit good. He cares enough to train me, and it almost makes me miss my dad.

"Yea, I have been in a lot of fights.. do I really need training though? Is this guy really coming for me?" As soon as the words come out of my mouth, I remember the text message I had recieved.

"I'm afraid so, I can have Vinny and Cole train you If you would like.." he says looking at the boys too.

"Yes I would like that.. will he ever stop trying to get to me?" I ask quietly, I look down at my hands and think about my life.

How on earth did I end up in this?

"Most likely no.. there is only one way to make him stop.. and right now you don't need to be worrying about that. So let's get back to putting up the tents shall we?" I nod and follow him back. I decide to text Travis and let him know that i am doing okay.

Me: hey T, I made it! Miss your face

I am about to shut my phone when I decide to text a quick message to Brandon and the other boys, asking them how they are. I shut my phone and sit it on a near by tree stump.

"So we got the tents up, you ready for some fun?" Vinny asks with a grin, and I smile back.

"What are we doing?" I say, looking towards where he is walking.

"Well, Mrs Ashton, we are going white water rafting.." Cole says, as he puts his arms around my shoulders.

"I've never done that before.." I look between Vinny and Cole.

"I'll keep you safe, I can swim like a fish if you get knocked off, But I won't let that happen." Vinny says flipping Cole's arm off of my shoulder.

"She can ride beside me, I'm a life sized floaty.." Cole laughs, I just roll my eyes and walk with the guys to where the rafts are.

Travis's POV

"Mrs Niko what are you doing here?" I ask as she sits down on the bar stool beside me. She looks a lot like Ashton but just a little bit heavier.

"Well, I'm about to tell you some things that you nor your gang know.." she says before ordering a drink. I order one to, and we wait in silence until they bring our drinks. I down another shot, and turn to look at her. She sips her scotch, before turning to me.

"I am one of the top gang leaders in the state.." she says bluntly, I look at her with wide eyes.

"Wait what? You can't be, there are only three top gang leaders. Boss, Xavier Black, and Nikolis. But no one has ever seen Nikolis, they only ever see his workers." I say, looking at her like she is crazy. I mean she is dressed like she would be a gang leader, in a pin striped skirt suit which is flattering, but also tells you that she isn't playing any games.

"I am Nikolis.. and I am the source you came to see today. Travis, I am trying to take down your boss. And when you sent word through one of my boys, I had to come talk to you myself. I didn't realize it was you though, considering I did not realize that my own daughter had managed to befriend another gangs members. I found out about the gang she is currently camping with when I started working at the school, and Mr Jacobs introduced himself. They sought me out, and I asked them to try to recruit the boys from your gang including you. I needed to make sure no one knew me by face, so when I started working at this school I could keep kids off of the streets so your boss doesn't try to recruit anymore. Yes I moved here because of my divorce, but I could have moved further but I chose here so I can take down your boss. He needs to be stopped, he has shed to much blood already we can't let him shed anymore.." she finishes off her drink as she let's me think about her words.

"So you came here today to tell me that you and Xavier Black are trying to recruit us to help us take down our boss and the gang?" I say quietly to make sure no one else hears.

"Yes, you boys don't need to be in his gang.. I know what he does to his boys after they hit a certain age, or for that matter, when they decide they want their own lives.. Travis this doesn't leave us ok?" She grabs my arm, turning very serious. I simply nod, turning towards her entirely.

"Ashton isn't my only child.. I made her believe she was.. before I married her father, I was in a relationship for eight years. I was in love with this man, and when I found out I was pregnant I was so happy. So was he, until his father passed away and left him in charge of the family business. I didn't really care about what work he done as long as it paid our bills and got anything we needed for our unborn baby. He started getting aggressive, and was very persistent about me never leaving the house because I couldn't put our son in harms way. That was when I realized he was the leader of a gang. He had his members follow me everywhere and guard me constantly. We had been together three years when I had my first born child. It caused him to change and become happy again, I was so relieved. It was going great until our son turned six. Then he changed again, becoming violent, he hit me and our son. He started forcing our son to train, telling me that he would someday take over the family business and had to be prepared. I decided then it was time to leave, so I packed up and ran away with my son. I got all the way to this state, when I finally decided I was safe. It was going good until I woke up one day and my son was gone. I searched for a long time, before I couldn't anymore. He would be a couple years older than you.. your boss ruined my life.. now he wants my daughter.. please consider mine and Xavier Black's offer so that I can keep the only child I have left from him. I need to keep you boys safe as well, Ashton loves you all. She will put herself in danger to keep you safe. Help me help you travis.." she whispers.

"I will.. and I may know where your son is.." I say, shaking her hand before I leave the bar.

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