Chapter 58

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I roll over in bed and I feel someone's arm around me. I slowly open my eyes and find Travis, he is fast asleep. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, I want to lay my head on his shoulder and go back to sleep.

He isn't Vinny.

The thought hits me like a ton of bricks,and my stomach lurches. I jump out of the bed, and run to the bathroom. After a few minutes I feel my hair being held back. I feel my eyes watering as the realization hits me again.

Vinny is never coming back.

"Travis... I need to be alone.." I say pulling away from him. He looks hurt, but instead of arguing he stands up.

"If you need me call me.." he says before walking out of the bathroom and out of the room.

I lean against the wall, and I rub my stomach.

"Mommy is going to take care of you two.. I promise.." I say looking down at my stomach.

Travis's POV

I walk out of her house and get into my car, I don't let it hit me until I am back at the safe house. When I get in my room I slam the door and lean against it. I slide down to the floor and cover my face with my hands as I feel my body begin to shake.

The fact that my father destroyed the girl I love is tearing me apart. I don't know if she knows, but I want to tell her.

What if she hates me for it?

I shake the thoughts from my head as soon as I hear the front door slam open. I jump to my feet, and grab my gun before slowly opening my door. I walk down the hall slowly, and I see three guys walking past the stairs. They all have their hands out in front of them, and I notice they are holding guns. They turn their backs to me, and I see the words on their backs.

"Shit.." I whisper to myself as I slowly back up, I feel something press hard against my back.

"Shit is right son.. You are under arrest Taylor." The cop says from behind me. I drop my gun as the rest of the cops slowly walk up the stairs. The cop behind me handcuffs me, and pushes me against the wall to search me.

"Why are you arresting me this time Martinez?" I ask the cop.

"For the murder of Vincent Black."

Brandon's POV

I stand back and look at the person laying on the ground before me. He isn't recognizable, but he is still very much alive.

"So are you ready to stay away from Ashton?" I ask him for the millionth time. He begins to laugh, and Sebastian hits him again making him cough and sputter as he chokes on the blood in his mouth.

"You.. can't make.. me.. stay away from.. what belongs to me.." he chokes out, spitting blood on the floor of the abandoned building.

"Now you see, I can make you, but I'm trying to be nice here Marcus. You are testing our patience, and soon I won't be so kind." I say flipping open my blade.

"Kill me.. I dare you... it won't help you.." he spits more blood on the floor, and this time Dylan walks up to him and crouches down in front of him. He puts his hand around Marcus' throat, and we watch as Marcus begins to panic as he loses air. Dylan doesn't budge as Marcus begins to hit him.

"Stay away from Ashton or I will kill you myself. And it won't be quick." Dylan whispers, and gets up walking away. We follow him as we leave Marcus in the building we brought him to. 

I feel my phone vibrating, so I pull it out and answer it.

"Brandon, I'm in jail.." I hear Travis say on the other end.

"What the hell? Why?" I say, Dylan and Sebastian both look at me.

"They are framing me for Vinny's murder.. but I know who actually killed him. They won't listen to me, I need you to get Cole and come to the jail. I have something for you to do.." I am about to ask him what it is before the phone goes dead. I put my phone back in my pocket, and hurry out of the building to my car.

"Bro what's up?" Dylan yells trying to catch up. Sebastian runs up behind him as we all get in the car.

"Someone framed Travis for Vinny's murder.." I say as I drive away from the building. I spend down the abandoned street, and try to avoid anyone seeing us.

"Who could have done it?" Sebastian says from the back seat.

"I don't know, but-" I get cut off by the sound of tires screeching. I look to the side of my car as I feel the impact of the truck hitting us. I begin to black out as I feel my body being flipped all around as my car flips. I feel the car come to a stop leaving us upside down.

"Dylan? Sebastian? Are you alright?" I choke out, my seat belt constricting me to the seat making it hard to breath.

"Well, well, well.. may I ask why my boys were all the way out here without me knowing?" I hear a familiar voice say, I turn my head and see him crouched on the ground staring at me.

"Had.. some business to take care of.." I cough, trying to unlatch the seat belt.

"Yea, Marcus told me.. you should really learn how to play well with others Brandon. Marcus has alot of information that will help you.. and your going to throw it all away over some girl?" He laughs at me, I snarl at the man in front of me.

"You are not our gang leader, why are you here?" I ask the man in front of me.

"I heard you had a falling out with my friend, Dakota has grown quite fond of him, I would hate to make her upset because you all beat him to a pulp.." he smirks at me, and I can see how much Travis looks like him.

"Why do you need marcus?" I ask quietly, he laughs at this.

"Didn't you know? He helped me kill the heir to the Black gang.." he laughs before pulling out a box of matches. I notice the oil on the ground from my car.

"Don't do this, boss won't be happy about this.." I threaten, he laughs again dropping a lit match on the oil. It ignites quickly, and he begins to walk away.

"Actually.. he sent me.." he smirks before driving away.

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