Chapter 8

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Contrary to my beliefs, I didn't do most of the missions with Team 7. Instead, my time was evenly split between doing mission and training with either Hiashi-sama or Sarutobi-sensei. The latter seemed to run me to my limits every time he could although recently, I felt that he was running out of ways to teach me. That said, he had a few of his ANBU ta train me when he was busy and it was worth it. Due to my multi elemental affinity, I could reproduce a lot of Kekkei Genkai and my Ranton was among the first that I had discovered. Sarutobi-sensei had advised me to generally use the Ranton with some basic Mokuton for a more of a befitting covering story for a Hyuuga ninjutsu prodigy who inherited Shodaime's Kekkei Genkai. His personal ANBU, Kinoe-san was immensely helpful with his lesson and despite the mask he wore, I had memorized his chakra signature so that if he ever showed up unmasked, I would thank him personally. Sarutobi-sensei had suggested to me that the Mokuton should be used for dire situation only. Sensei and I had managed to test out all sorts of nature transformation which made me felt in awe of him; knowing this much jutsu to the detail. The moniker 'Professor' was truly justifiable for my sensei.

"I could only teach you that much, Hikari. Already, I am running out of things to teach. You need to learn the chakra nature transformation from the person that is familiar to a particular nature. Regrettably, we don't have much of them in our village," Sarutobi-sensei said as he smoked his pipe after one of our training sessions.

"You've already taught me so much, Sensei. For that, I am greatly indebted. Besides, all of these knowledge, it is far more valueble than gold itself," I tried to soothe him. He took another puff of his pipe and laughed lightly.

"How are things with Team 7?" Sarutobi-sensei asked. I let out a chuckle.

"Sasuke and Naruto are itching to get a better mission. Kakashi-sensei can only hold them back so much. Though, I understand that they needed to work up their way through it to earn it," I said.

"I don't know. Maybe my clone would give in to their wishes sooner or later. I'd love to see the children grew up and prosper for much longer and here they are impatient to face the cruel ninja world," he said and we both laughed.

"I concur, sensei. Youth these days, they went through their everyday life with the gusto that could be called craziness in my time," I commented.

"Well, you managed to blend in alright," my sensei suggested.

"I wouldn't say that I am alright per se, let's just that I nag like an old woman every time Naruto did something insane. Anyway, you know, I really miss my mother. I had always wished that I could go back and be with her. But now, I just take what I had and make do with it. One shouldn't dwell too much on the past, I had accepted that. Besides, the Hyuuga's hospitality was one I could never able to pay in return. Let's just say that I have a responsibility here now. There are a lot of people I need to watch over," I said as I looked into the clouds.

"Part of your 'one who wields chakra will quest for more' motto?" he ventured and I grinned.

"Not to blow your horn, old friend. Your people here are remarkable and truly formidable in the way of chakra and ninshu. I promised that I will protect them to the best of my ability. It's the least that I can do for returning your favor," I said.

"What do you expect? Should I leave a boy living alone in the forest? Or send him to the slammers?" My sensei chuckled.

"If not only for that prophecy, I would be rotting in solitary confinement right now. Which reminds me, when Jiraiya-san will come home? I've been itching to go to Myoboku-zan," I asked.

"About that, his toads just notified me that Jiraiya was in deep recon mission. I couldn't reach him with a summon. But he will turn up to report me if he can manage," Sensei answered. Then a brown dog turned up from the forest in front of us.

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