Chapter 16

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Note: Third Person POV

The morning came after some tranquillity at night while Otsutsuki Hikari or as he is now formally known as Hyuuga Hikari slept on the floor. On his chest, laid a glowing, shoulder-length golden-haired woman who was his original family's longest patron and dubbed by the toads of Gama no Kuni as the ruthless Phoenix Sage. Never in his own mind would be considered that such an eccentric character had lived for Kami's knows how long. What was better yet, she was promised a prince to be wed by for all he knew, his long since dead grandfather. A fact his mother had really failed to mention. He could use a little warning beforehand. Not that he minds, that is. The said Sage was a restless sleeper as she was originally sleeping on the bed. Whoever that woke up first will have the most awkward start in their day. A day that seemed to be undergone by Hikari.

As his consciousness began to creep back into existence instead of an incoherent display of colors, memories or whatever anyone would saw in a dream, he noticed that someone was on his chest. That someone felt really pleasant, warm and welcoming despite the cold snowy mountain they reside in. He opened his eyes and confirmed his suspicion while he looked over her bed and noticed that the sheet was a mess.

"Huh, a restless sleeper?" his mind wondered. He didn't wait for an answer as he hesitantly reached and brushed her glowing hair. He wondered how was her life had been all alone for those ten millennia. He suspected that she had visited a few countries over the years and those sages on a few secret occasions throughout the century scaring them off her mountain or on a pure whim. No one dared to cross her because they knew that she was the most powerful being in the world. That much he could figure out and he assumed that such things were in a sense shared a similarity to Naruto's quest for attention--she did long for a long lost soulmate. He could not help but felt unworthy for such affection as he was unwillingly sent to the future for his weakness. His mental ramblings were interrupted by the girl's slight stir into consciousness. When she was wide awake, she immediately pulled out and sat a few feet away from him.

"Sorry, I am not good at staying still in my sleep," she said and her cheeks were pinked with embarrassment. Hikari managed to stare at her and a few moments passed when he finally said something.

"I," Hikari nervously said. "I didn't mind, Hitori-san."

She blushed even redder than the previous and hastily stood up. She made her way to the bathroom after giving him a bow. Hikari sighed and stood up to stretch his body. He found that the air was starting to get colder by the minute. He assumed that it was snowing last night. Hitori-san came back from the bathroom and sat on the floor.

"Baths are heating up as we speak, you may want to take it first and changes of clothes are in the closet," she began to say. "Training will begin after breakfast."

Hikari nodded and went to the bathroom. He wondered how could she start a fire that fast. He shook his head and reasoned that it's must have been a fire jutsu of some sort. Nothing is impossible in a shinobi world and with all the time she had, he wouldn't be surprised that she could sneak into a village and learned a few. Hell, she might have taught them in the first place anyway. He shrugged as he entered the bathroom.

After the good long and inviting bath, Hikari wore a robe similar to his mother's that was filling the closet. This robe had inadvertently brought back sad memories but it didn't pain him as much now. He decided to leave his third eye unprotected as there were only the two of them were present there. He made his way to the kitchen and found that she had already sat there waiting for him. Hikari chose to take a seat next to her.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Hitori-san. This smells delicious," Hikari said after he breathed in the aroma from the dining table. She just chuckled and pour him a cup of tea. Hitori had cooked some plain noodles to be eaten with a seaweed broth. As he dug into the food he once again overwhelmed by the taste.

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