Chapter 2

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    The words of people that I consider my family echo in my head. 
    I want to scream and tell them that it's not true. That I'd never betray them. That I'm not evil. But I don't because it's not something Allen Walker would do. Instead I continue to walk down the halls  glancing at things around me.
  I glare at the window. No. Not the window. The reflection. That horrible monster standing behind me every time I glance at a mirror, a window, anything. Anytime I look around I see the damn 14th behind me.
   I walk swiftly to the ark and enter the piano room. I sit down on the white piano bench, in the middle of the white room.
    The reflection in the window calls to me. Tells me to play while flashing its wide grin and its white eyes digging into me. I'm to tired to resist, so I lay my fingers on the keys and I let them dance around.
      A few notes turns into a melody and, a melody turns into a haunting song.
      I play and play and play. My arms and finger ache, yet I still play. I can't stop. He won't let me stop.
      A loud bang snaps me out of my transe. A screen appears in front of me. It shows Kanda standing in front of the arc with a pissed off expression.
   "Damn beansprout! I know you're in there. Komui has a mission for us. So get your ass down here before I leave you." Kanda yells.
    I press a few keys on the piano and a door appears. I step out of the arc. I was about to yell at Kanda and tell him my name is Allen, but by the time I took a step out he's  already closing the door and heading towards Komui's office.
     I sigh and followed Kanda to Komui's office at a slower pace.
      "Kanda I have a mission for you. It's with Allen. Go find him. Take the mission file and head out immediately." Komui's orders.
      Sister-complex was serious. It must be a dangerous mission. I ripped the file out of his hand and started to walk to the arc.
I saw the bean walk into that room and I've had that annoying song ringing in my head since I lost sight of the bean.
I walk into the arc room and knock on the giant cube.
"Damn beansprout! I know your in there. Komui has a mission for us. Get your ass down here before I leave you" I yelled.
Without looking back I head out of the arc room to pack my things.
When I get to my room I put a few things I'll need to for the mission into a bag and throw it by the door.
I sit down on my bed and open the mission file. I read through it, but not really. My mind has been on the beansprout lately.
He's been moody. He better not get in my way on this mission. He's not worth the time. But while I think that I can still feel a small pull in the back of my chest.
We both set out to Japan via the arc to retrieve a innocents fragment.
I watch Allen summon a gate and we both walk through. When he steps out his body stiffens.
I look around to find us at a small port in Japan. There were stairs leading up with Sakura trees surrounding the path. There were white flag signs all up the stairs.
I take steps forward up the stairs, but I notice there aren't any footsteps behind me.
"Hurry up or you're on your own bean" I say without turning around. I hear a quiet sigh and light footsteps behind me, so I continue walking.
I follow kanda into the hotel and check in.
"I'm sorry sir, but we only have one more room available and it has only one bed." The man behind he counter told me apologetically.
I kindly accept the keys with a smile and walk over to Kanda who was sitting on a bench glaring at anyone, specifically the girls fawning over him, who walked by.
"Kanda they only had one room left and it has one bed. I'll ask for some extra pillows and blankets and I'll sleep on the floor." I informed
I walked up the stairs with Kanda following, letting out a colorful string of words in his wake about how we have to share one room.
We arrived at the room marked 66B and I unlock the doors. Kanda stormed past me and threw his things in the corner. I gently laid my suitcase down next to the door.
Before I had a chance to say anything Kanda stormed out of the room with Magen (his prized sword) in tow.

Hey guys another chapter is up! I hope you guys enjoyed it. I was thinking about taking the story down, but I decided to see how it goes for a few more chapters.

If anyone actually reads this I thank you for your support!

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