Chapter 20

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        Kanda and Lenalee fought Road for what seemed like hours. The little Noah was getting bored so she decided to play with Allen's Prince Charming a bit.  
       "If you can beat me..." she cooed.
       "I'll let you go through a door that leads straight to Allen." Kanda and Lenalee both took a offensive stance. They needed to get Allen back.

It's not home without Allen-kun.

I can't let the sprout leave me. I still need to kick his ass like I promised.

       Both exorcists fought for Allen. They didn't realize, however, that they to would be stuck in one of Roads mind games.
        Tyki phased his hand through Lavi's chest. Marie screamed out for his comrade, laying in the floor. Three of his finger were missing naming one of many other injuries. He can barely stand.
       "Marie... go get Kanda" Lavi huffed out. If anyone can kill Tyki it's Kanda.
      "I'll stall for time" He finished. Marie of course protested like the good person he is, but he ended up giving into Lavi's desperate attempts to save everyone.
      Within seconds Marie ran away distracting Tyki for just enough time for Lavi to separate from his attacker.
      Kanda and Lenalee fell onto their knees simultaneously, their lips eyes glossing over.
      (In Kanda's mind)
       Road dissolved into thin air with one last attack from Mugen.
       Kanda and Lenalee didn't look back as they ran into the house to look for Allen. They both searched the house not leaving on inch untouched.
      Lenalee was crying. Allen wasn't there.
        Out of the corner of his eye Kanda saw the air ripple. One of Roads doors appeared and was slowly breaking apart. He ran to the door with God's speed.
When he entered he was brought into a dungeon. The beansprout laid on the other room. Naked and hurt in what seemed like every was possible.
The sight took his breath away in the worst way possible. Kanda's heart clenched at the sight.
He might be dead considering the condition he's in. That thought scared him. The mighty Kanda scared.
He rushed over to the beansprout only to be stopped by some kind of invisible glass.
Kanda pounded on the glass with all his strength. He watched as Tyki approach his bean. Tyki had a predatory gaze.
Kanda's trained his eyes on the bean. His eyes seemed empty. As Tyki got closer he started fidgeting and squirming around.
"Don't be scared my love. This will be fun. Just like the last times" Tyki put a strong annunciation on the word 'times'. It made Kanda's blood boil.
Tyki ran his hands all over Allen. The worst part was Allen was reaction. His moans were loud and sensual.
"M-master Tyki" he moaned out. Kanda now had Mugen out and activated. He furiously sliced at the invisible barrier.
Tyki just continued. Kanda lowered his sword, panting from the exercise. Dammit!!!! He hated being so helpless.
He felt like a little kid again. Watching as Alma killed everyone. He was useless.
No. He refused to be this helpless. He looked around him and found that he was standing in a pond full of lotus flowers. Che. Troublesome, he thought.
Every lotus was the color of the beans hair besides one. This single lotus was on its own. He would recognize it anywhere. The petals were rapidly falling to the water.
Anxiety rose in his chest. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. None of this is possible. He brought Mugen over his head and sliced his lotus in half. It turned into dust and blew away in the wind. He felt relieved that it was all fake.
Then he fell to the ground on his knees. A terrible pain made its way through his body. He tried to fight it but he blacked out.
(Kanda's dream over)
Kanda woke up to the sight of Roads back. It seems that she was having fun tormenting Lenalee. She wasn't paying attention to him.
Just like in his dream he used Mugen to stab a hole through the Noah's chest.
Road turned her head to the side. Blood spilling from her lips. She scowled at the exorcist. This wasn't supposed to happen!
"Here's a door to your precious Allen. I suppose I will see you guys in hell soon enough" Road hissed. Her body seemed to crack and then disappear into particles.
Lenalee's eyes started to come back into focus. A few tears stained her face.
"Let's get a move on. Beansprout is just through that door" I told her. She nodded and followed behind me.
One of Roads doors stood at the door of the house. When he walked through it we were brought to a steel door.
The hallways were stone lit by dim candles. An amber glow was cast upon the eerie hallway.
Lenalee and I both shared a nod before I placed my hand on the knob and opened the door.
       The inside of the room was pitch black. Kanda exited the room and grabbed one of the torches from the walls. 
       He walked into the room not finding anything. The only sign of life was a big puddle of blood and some half eaten moldy bread. He cursed under his breath and left the room. When he turned around he dropped the torch. A sharp intake of breath alerted Lenalee. She came running up behind Kanda and more tears spilled out of her eyes.
      At the other side of he hall the walls were converted in blood. Hand prints smeared, puddles, and blood splatters. It was a sickening sight, but that wasn't what shocked them.
      In the middle of the hall was Allen. His hands had nails through them pinning him to a cross. Bracelets, anklets, and a crown of thorns sit in their places on his body. The name of each exorcist is burned/slashes across the beans chest each name scratched out after. In the center of his chest was the mark of an akuma. Blood tricked down from between his legs.
      It was just then that they realized he was completely naked. Kanda's blood boiled.  Kanda cut down beansprout and covered his with his jacket.
     Kanda used his shirt and anything else he could find to try and dress the beans wounds. As kanda looked over his bean he saw just how bad his injuries were. The signs of rape spilled Kanda's range over the edge.              
        Not wanting to ever let the bean out  of his sight again, Kanda picked up the unconscious bean and carried him princess style as he ran towards where Lavi's group was.
      As they ran he could hear Lenalee sniffling. She crying.
      "You can feel bad for him later. First we need to kill the bastards who did this." Lenalee wiped her tears and nodded.
       They met Marie not long after. He explained the situation to them. It all clicked then. Tyki was the one who raped his bean. He handed Allen over to Marie. Them and Lenalee stayed back.
     "You'll only get in the way" Kanda said.
     Kanda took off. When he arrived he went straight for Tyki. He pushed Lavi out of the way and stabbed at Tyki.
      Kanda laid on attack after attack each one being successfully dodged by Tyki.
      "Oh? What made you so mad girly-boy?" Tyki cooed.
       "Die Noah" Kanda responded.
        Tyki released his tease, but Kanda cut every single one in half.
I am going to kill all the fucking Noah!!
Whoop new chapter. The ending is gonna come around soon. I'm gonna start some one shots with Kanda and the rest of D-gray man among other things. Please follow my other stories.

1k!!!!!! Thank you so much for reading this terrible story. I promise to write better next time!!!

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