Chapter 13

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      On the train ride back both Kanda and I were silent. My wounds keep opening so we decided to go back when I felt 'better' for a lack of a better word.
        Kanda has been staring at me for the last hour. I feel nervous under his gaze, so I shift around in my seat quite a bit.
        The day was almost at an end and we were still on the train. Kanda's gaze was gone but I continued fidgeting trying to find a comfortable spot for my head so I can sleep.
       Across from me Kanda had his Mugen in between his legs with his arms encircling it. His head was leaning against the wooden wall behind him.
         Kanda blew out a huff of breath and glares at me.
        "Just find somewhere to sit" He growled.
       "You've already caused me enough trouble." Kanda added as an after thought.
        He closed his eyes again, but I was furious.
      "Well I'm sorry I saved your life. Next time I'll let you die" I yelled. I don't know why I'm getting so mad. Kanda doesn't care.
       "And to think I like this bastard" I mumbled under my breath.
       Kanda opened his eyes. His sharp blue eyes boring into my gray ones.
        "Wanna say that against beansprout?" Kanda spoke is a low warning tone. He never cared.
       "I said I might as well let you good for nothing die next time!" I didn't mean what I was saying, but I was so angry I couldn't stop the words.
        "Ever since this damn Noah thing happened. Everyone, including you, treats me like an enemy. I was trying to prove to at least one person that I won't kill them!"
      "So you only took the blow because you wanted to prove something?" He shouted.
        We both argued back and forth for a while before I finally gave up.
        "Do you have a death wish? even if you do no one would ever save a cursed freak like you." Kanda shouted now standing up trying to intimidate me.
       I was also standing. His question struck a nerve in me. I slumped back into the chair and started laughing. 
      I was laughing so hard I couldn't stop. I felt tears prick at my eyes.
      "If that's what the 'oh so great King Kanda' wants than it shall be done" I mimicked a small bow and left the train car. Slamming the door behind me.
Nobody really cares after all huh? I thought Kanda at the very least might have something to say, but I guess even he thinks I'm a traitor.
      I lean my back on the door and slide my back down it. I put my head in my hands.
Never stop, keep walking. Manas words echo in my head. Replaying over and over again. I used to live by his words, but now they are only a reminder that Mana never loved me. He only loved the 14th
      A small girl and a tall man heard the whole exchange from the car next to theirs.
        "Yay! That Kanda has always been in the way. With him gone I can have Allen all to myself." The little girl giggled.
        "Yes, yes. I'm very excited to play with the boy after last time" the older man added. 
       The girl fixed her dress and happily skipped out of the compartment. The man followed her walking like a predator waiting to catch its prey.
       They are both greeted by the sight of Allen Walker sitting against the door head in hands. He's crying.
      His body is shaking slightly and there are small sniffles coming from the boy.
       The girl immediately ran up to the boy with a worried face and enveloped him in a bone crushing hug.
       Allen looked up and saw the blue hair. Road. He jumped back. Successfully slamming his head into the door.
       "What's wrong Allen? Is it that evil girly man? Should I kill him?"
        "Road. Tyki." Allen spoke in a deadly voice.
       "What are you doing here?"
        "We're here to take you back with us boy" Tyki finally spoke.
         "Never" Allen growled. He activated crown clown, but before he could attack Tyki had his hand up stopping Allen from attacking.
"Wait boy" Tyki spoke in lustful voice. It sent shivers down Allen's spine.
"Why are you crying boy?" Tyki asks, his voice was now soothing. Not even a hint of lust in his voice.
Allen stood there confused. Why does he care? Is he trying to distract me? He looked at Tyki suspiciously.
Allen saw Tyki eyeing the car suspiciously. Kanda would know, and if we fight here we would kill a lot of people.
Against Allen's better judgment he lowered his weapon and deactivated crown clown.
"What do you want?" Allen asked.
"Let's have a chat in our compartment boy" Allen straightened his posture. Road let go of his waist only to grab onto his arm in the next second.
I walked down the train following Tyki and Road. We entered a train compartment at the end of the train car.
One of Roads doors were standing where the window should be.
I took a few steps into the room. The door slammed shut behind me and I turned around to see Tyki standing in front of the door. His hat was tipped over his eyes, but I could still see his smile.
A chill ran down my spine.
"Here's what's gonna happen" Road sang.
"You come with us or everyone dies. That Kanda man goes first." One of Tykis tease fluttered around him and landed on his shoulder.
"I can't just disappear. People will get suspicious"
"Go back and tell Kanda you got another mission. I'm sure you can think of something" Tyki chirped. I scowled. I can't let Kanda die. No one will die because of me again. I made up my mind.
Tyki seemed to notice because one of his tease took its place on my shoulder and he moved out of the doorway.
I walked down the hall and back into our compartment. Kanda seemed to be asleep.
"I'm sorry. But I can't let you die." I whispered.
"I love you." I leaned down and kissed Kandas forehead.
Sighed and put my hands on his shoulders. It only took a few seconds for him to wake up.
"What do you want beansprout? Weren't you supposed to go and die?" Kandas words were harsh, but this time he  sounded almost gentle. I saw the tease on Kandas shoulder flutter it's wings.
"I just got another mission. I get off at the next stop. You are to take the innocents back to head quarters immediately" I didn't let him say anything because I was out of the room before he could even make a noise.
I quickly walked back down to where Road and Tyki were. When I walked into the room they were both standing at the doorway.
"After you boy"
I already stated the next chapter because I'm so exited about this story.
400 readers!!! Thank you so much. I hope you enjoy

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