Chapter 10 : Conversating

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...The Alpha was dressed in a black suit clad with a sultry red tie. All eyes were on me as I walked down the stairs, "What is this, prom?" I muttered under my breath.

Sebastian then waked into the room and once he saw what I was wearing he let out a low wolf whistle. A warning growl from the Alpha told him to back off and I rolled my eyes at the two. Alice pinched both Sebastian and the Alpha for acting so childishly, "She's not a piece of meat you guys, let's go."

I shrugged and followed her out the door, both boys trailing behind us. I quickly caught up to Alice's pace so I could whisper yell at her, "I thought this was a third-wheel thing, Alice." I glared at her from an angle.

"Sorry? I guess I just forgot to mention it." She smiled at me sheepishly. We both knew I wasn't buying it.

I've been set up. I felt uneasy, thinking though each possible scenario of how badly this dinner could end.

"Very funny Alice," I remarked sarcastically, "ha, now how do I get out of this?"

"That's the best part, you don't get to." Alice looked over at me with a mischievous look on her face. I have to be near him the entire night, my body shuddered at the mere thought.


"A table under Giordano," The King informed the woman with a slight accent.

"Alpha King Giordano huh?" Alice nudged me, "Betcha didn't know that." I narrowed my eyes at her and pinched her lightly yet playfully. The woman had us seated fairly quickly, bowing her head in submission before she left our table.

I was quite fond of our seating arrangement. Alice and I on one side with the two boys on the other. The only part I disliked was how it gave my mate a direct view of me; his burning stare slicing through my skin.

But then again, it doesn't matter where he sits, I will always end up finding a way to feel discomfort. Although he is attractive, there's still something about him that intimidates me.

I looked up from my hands to see the Alpha staring directly at me, almost as if he knew what actually just happened. I looked away and blushed, not meeting his eyes.

From then on dinner went smoothly. We each had a few glasses of wine and me being the lightweight I am, already felt buzzed.

"Absolutely not, mint chocolate chip is just disgusting!" I retorted, narrowing my eyes at Sebastian. Currently we were having a heated debate over ice cream flavors.

"And what? Your cookie dough is so much better?" He argued.

"Yes actually, it is. If I wanted something minty, I'd brush my teeth! Not eat ice cream." The Alpha and Alice chuckled at my remark.

"Well cookie dough is plain basic, at least mine has character." He stated huffing and crossing his arms.

"Ice cream doesn't have character! Are you out of your mind?" I retorted, hoping to win the argument soon.

Before Sebastian could reply, the Alpha cut him off, "--I'm gonna have to agree with Charlotte on this one, mint chocolate chip isn't that good." He explained. I stuck my tongue out at Sebastian and smiled in victory.

"Ha! You hear that? The King agrees with me! Not you." I smiled childishly. He groaned and pouted in protest, "But you're supposed to be on my side." He whined.

"You're only on her side because she's your mate," He muttered to himself, "asshole." I laughed at him, ignoring the first comment.

"No, you're just mad that I won."

"Oh piss off Charlotte."


As we left the restaurant, we were all laughing and having a good time together, "Well, we'll see you two at the pack house. Bye!" Alice and Sebastian made their way into their own car quickly, leaving me behind with my mate, all alone.

My palms began to sweat, what if I acted out of line tonight and he wanted to lecture me?

"You coming in?" He asked, disrupting my train of thought. He had been holding the door open for me and I didn't even notice.

"Oh, y-yeah. Sorry," I apologized, getting into the car, taking a seat then fastening my seat belt. The scent of pine was stronger inside and I instinctively inhaled it, the smell calming my jittery nerves.

"It's fine," He said coolly, closing the door for me once I was inside.

Once the car was in motion, and instead of what I expected to be an angry conversation, we actually began talking about our common interests. It was odd to say the least, his complete 180 turn in attitude catching me off guard.

"You played hockey?" I asked, my tone amused.

"Oh yes I did, that's how I finally lost my two front teeth in fifth grade." He chuckled at the memory and I couldn't help but imagine him as an eleven year old with a huge tooth gap.

Once we arrived at the pack house, I was about to open the door to exit the car but he growled lowly, causing me to freeze in my position, "Patience." He said as he left his own seat, walking over to open the door for me.

My heart was about to go into overdrive, and I wasn't sure if it was out of fear or admiration.

"Quite the gentleman I see," I said in feign mockery, curtsying once I was out of the vehicle.

He gave a small laugh at my action, "Very funny," He said, rolling his eyes playfully.

The two of us were now heading inside, tired from the day's events. As we reached the staircase I turned back to him, "Thank you, Alpha, for the night, I had lots of fun."

He laid a hand in my shoulder, and for the first time, I wasn't afraid of him hitting me. He, too, seemed elated at my reaction. "Please, call me Kayden,"

I nodded, softly smiling.

He stepped closer to me, and when I didn't flinch away he dipped his head down to press a warm kiss against my forehead. I stepped away, blushing furiously as I waved goodbye once more.

With that, I ascended up the stairs, making sure to say "Goodnight!" before I shut my door.

Moon Goddess, why are you letting this happen?

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