Chapter 17 : Welcome

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Today my brother is finally being accepted into the pack as a warrior. Words cannot begin to describe how happy I am for him. Isaac being part of this pack gives me a sense of home, even if I'm not part of it myself. Although it may have taken a good amount of convincing on my behalf, it happened!

My parents weren't the happiest upon hearing the news, but by now, they had already found an Alpha for our old pack and it would've been wrong for Isaac to take that from him.

He's currently pacing around my room, nervous about the announcement. I've been trying to call him down, changing the topic as much as I can. But of course with my luck, we've come back to the one dreaded topic I hate, "Have you told him yet?" Isaac asked.

I shook my head no, "I'm not planning on it, we have to find him a new Luna first." The look of shock on his face was obvious.

"What!? What the hell are you talking about? A new Luna, are you crazy?" He rambled on and on. I didn't think he would understand at first anyway. Guess I'll have to explain.

"You really think he'd actually keep me around once he knows? Let's be real, every Alpha wants the perfect purified mate and we both know I'm neither of those things." I deadpanned. His expression of shock on his face morphed into one of pity.

"Charlotte, Kayden wouldn't reject you for that. Can you not see the way he looks at you, he'd never do that." I scoffed at his response.

"You don't get it Isaac. And neither would he. The two of you don't understand what I went through, you barely know what happened as is. The minute any of you guys find out, I'm done for. You'd all look at me differently and I don't want that." I said angrily.

Before he could start a reply I cut him off from speaking, "I'm not talking about this anymore, I don't want to hear another word from your mouth about this. Got it? I just want to forget about it all and enjoy your welcoming ceremony alright? Just drop it." I commanded him.

"Fine." He said with a sigh of defeat.


"May we all welcome our warrior Isaac Carter Woods to the Royal Moon Pack!" Kayden exclaimed, his voice booming through the ears of his pack members. I smiled and clapped for Isaac as he beamed back at me, just as proud.

Once the aftermath of the ceremony was over, I was exhausted. I stretched my arms above my head and yawned, "Are you sleepy?" Alice asked me. The two of us spent most of the time after the ceremony dancing and hanging out together. We were both beat by the end of the day.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna go get ready for bed." I said, my eyes dropping. Even after the constant naps Kayden makes me take nowadays, I'm still tired as a dog. No pun intended.

I trudged upstairs slowly, I felt grimy all over and I craved a shower. Once I made it back to my room I found some clothes to wear to bed. I pulled out the shirt Kayden lent me a while back along with some black running shorts.

I turned on the water to the hottest setting and stepped inside. I washed myself throughly, relaxing my muscles as I let the hot water run down my body. I glanced down on my thighs. The marks from Kayden's men had finally disappeared, but the other ones were still there.

Some of the faint lines that littered my upper thighs were self inflicted, other result of the rogues that manhandled me for seven years. Before I could think about it too much, I looked away and finished up the rest of my shower.

When I was done, I finally felt clean. My hair was freshly washed and I smelled much better. I slipped on the clothes I picked out and climbed into bed, my limbs feeling heavy. In a few short moments, I was falling asleep faster than I could count sheep.

My whole body was on fire. I lay on the ground limp, unmoving as the rogue molested me over and over. Letting his buddies take turns every once in a while. But as time went on, I began feeling numb. I had to forget the pain was there, feebly mumbling for them to stop here and there.

I was weak, completely helpless. There wasn't a thing I could do to make it all stop, they just kept going and going as I lay on the cold hard ground, unable to do anything.

I was just a frail, weak little twelve year old girl who had no idea what rape was until it had actually happened. If I thought the first time would be bad, I was wrong. It just gets worse and worse.

I could smell his rancid breath as the main rogue pulled out of me, me weeping lightly once they left me alone in the dark cold cell. The pain in between my legs began to spread, making my entire body throb with pain.

The faint sound of their laughter resounded throughout the room as I lay on the floor, sobbing to myself, wondering when my parents would come save me.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I shot up from my bed. I breathed heavily, trying to ground myself. My nerves were on edge, and I was shaking. I practically had to force myself not to cry because once the tears start, they don't stop.

I walked over to my bathroom sink, my legs still feeling like jelly. I splashed my face with water, trying to cool down my body. I pressed the cold towel against my skin lightly as well. Once I felt better, I realized I couldn't fall back asleep.

I slowly made my way over to Kayden's bedroom, stumbling most the way pretty much half asleep. I knew going over there was a stupid idea but nothing else could put me to sleep.

Freaking open his door I tried my best to be quiet. Not realizing he has wolf hearing, Kayden woke up, "Charlotte?" He asked, his voice thick with his own tiredness.

"Bad dreams, couldn't sleep." I whispered, my voice coming out coarse and broken up. He groaned as he turned his body over, holding his arms out for me as he signaled for me to walk over. Once I was close enough, he swiftly pulled me up and into his bed, landing with a small thump.

He situated us underneath the covers and I snuggled myself in, getting comfortable, "Sorry for waking you up," I mumbled into his chest.

"It's okay," He said back lowly, "get some rest." I nodded my head although he couldn't see me. Soon enough, I was falling back asleep listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

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