Falling Like the Stars

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New Story Alert!

I am beginning a new story, I'm sorry to those asking for updates on Alpha Giordano and Loving Aspen but I do not plan to update those stories any time soon because I wrote them so long ago and lost sight of the plot.

For those only interested in the werewolf genre, this may not be for you. But if you are anywhere near obsessed with Hogwarts and Draco Malfoy as I am, you may want to give this a read, it's definitely worth it.

The novel is not yet complete, but I just spent the last hour publishing the first twenty six chapters, so there is a lot to get through. This is the proudest I've ever been about my writing, and I really hope that it can get some recognition.

It's called, 'Falling Like the Stars' and is on my profile!

It would mean the world to me if you guys read through it and gave me feedback. Hopefully you're all as excited about this as I am. I've been out of the writing game for a while but with so much extra time on my hands, I thought I would give it another shot. It took me a few weeks to get this far, which is shockingly fast for me.

Also... WE'RE ABOUT TO HIT 3 MILLION READS. Never in my life would I have thought so many people would read and enjoy my writing in this story, not even including the others I have published.

I'm really grateful and sorry once again for being inactive for a few years.

- A.J.

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