Unfiltered Emotions

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"What do you mean my coronation is next week?" I asked bewildered as ever, "We could be under attack any minute now!" I harshly shoved my idiot brother for not telling me sooner.

"Shh!" He said quickly, "If the rogues come back trying to look for you, then I'll handle it personally. In the meantime, I've already told Kayden to up the security, you need to tell him soon. He's starting to get suspicious." Isaac tutted.

"I know," I said, groaning in frustration. "I'll tell him today, happy?"



I knocked on the door of Kayden's office, hearing the sounds of shuffling paper from the other end. "Come in," He said in a bored tone.

"Hey," I said, seeing his mood lighten up as he realized it was me. "Can we talk?" I asked, smoothing my hands through his distressed hair.

"Sure, what's going on?" He asked confusedly, pulling me down onto his work chair so I'd be strewn across his lap.

"Well you see, I've been lying." I said, the last part much quieter than the rest.

I could feel his grip on me begin to tighten as his hard stare burned through my face, "What do you mean, you've been lying." He almost demanded, his usual patient aura faltering.

"I'm the Ultimate." I said, avoiding his eyes.

Springing up from the chair, the sudden movement startled me. "You're the what!" He partially exclaimed.

"I'm the Ultimate." I repeated, but slower. Confusion washed over his face and I mentally screamed, "Think of it like the Elemental of all Elementals." I said.

"I thought they didn't exist anymore?" He asked in confusion, I could still see anger brewing in his eyes.

"Well clearly they do." I said, gesturing to myself. Apparently my snarky replies were only making him more angry, his fists clenching and unclenching as he paced back and forth within the office.

Suddenly pausing he asked simply, "How long have you known." I stayed silent, not wanting to elicit a reaction from him again.

"I said, how long have you known Charlotte!" He almost yelled, his voice raising higher and higher.

"Before the Luna ceremony." I said, not meeting his eyes. I knew it was wrong of me to consistently lie to him for so long, he has every right to be mad right now. Yet, I couldn't help the heavy feeling that began in my heart and flowed to the back of my eyes. "Please don't be mad." I almost whispered, my voice cracking.

"Don't be mad?" He said breathlessly, "You have no idea how much danger you've put yourself into. Someone could've taken you again!" He shouted.

Before I could even speak he continued, "Do you not trust me? Is that it? What do I have to do Charlotte! I've tried so hard over and over again to be the person you come to, the person you trust. Do you understand that?" I could hear the emotional build up in his voice.

"I do," I mumbled, feeling the first onset of tears spring to my eyes. My sad frustration kept piling on and I wasn't sure much longer I could hold it in.

"Then why would you wait so long? Are you afraid of me? Am I doing something wrong?" He yelled once again.

His response seemed to finally set off the ticking bomb that was my unfiltered thoughts. "It was because I love you, Kayden! I didn't tell you because I love you so fucking much and it would kill me to see you think of me differently because of this!" My sudden outburst seemed to finally shut him up.

All I could hear was our heavy breathing and the quiet dripping of my tears hitting the floor. I looked at Kayden through my watery eyes and I couldn't decipher a single emotion on his face.

I waited. I waited for him to say something, anything. But he never did.

I left his office with my heart feeling more shattered than ever before.

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