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I cried.

I cried so hard.

I cried until I felt nothing left to weep.

Kayden never came. I sat on the bed of my old room, my face still stained with tears feeling nothing but lightheaded. I knew what I did was wrong, but I still couldn't help but feel dejected. I told him I loved him, and clearly he doesn't feel the same.

Kayden Giordano managed to secure himself a Royal Luna, fulfilled his needs, and maybe now he's finally realized I'm no longer what he wants. I knew this would happen from the start, but it still hurts me so badly knowing that I was right this whole time and should've just listen.

But at the same time, maybe this was bound to happen. Couples fight all the time, maybe this was no different. But the emptiness I was feeling nudged me to think otherwise. Falling for him would be my downfall.


I haven't been out of bed in days. My coronation was approaching quickly and Kayden still hasn't come to see me once. Every bone in my body aches to see him, although I'm still hurt by what happened, I'd do anything to be back in his arms.

For the first time in four days, I finally decided to get up and shower. I tried so hard not to cry again, for it'd only make me feel worse.

By the time I was done, my skin was red from the scalding hot water and my damp hair cascaded around me, still dripping wet. I dressed comfortably, a grey sweater of Kayden's and some black leggings. I flopped back down into the bed, still fighting back any intrusive thoughts.

"Charlotte? Are you in here?" His voice resounded, instantly making my heart pound. Suddenly I wasn't so sure if I wanted to see him again.

I hesitantly walked over to open up the door. When I did, the first thing I saw was a very disheveled Kayden. Dark circles beneath his eyes and his hair more messy than I've ever seen it. The next thing I saw was the watery sight
of black cotton.

I hugged him for dear life, my face pressed against his soft shirt as soft sobs racked through me. "I'm so sorry," I cried over and over again. "It's all my fault." I hiccuped.

His warm, calloused hands cupped each side of my damp face and made it so he could see me clearly. "No I'm sorry, I overreacted and shouldn't have avoided you for so long." He admitted, pressing a lingering kiss to my forehead.

"I missed you," I replied, tears silently flowing down the sides of my cheeks.

Kayden was quick to wipe them away with the pads of his thumbs, "Please don't cry, baby, I love you so much." He said, only making me cry harder.

"Why didn't you say that b-before? I thought you didn't feel the same about me." I said, trying my hardest to keep my emotions under control. His strong arms wrapped around my waist picking me up as he shut the door behind him.

He gently set us down on the bed, enveloping my smaller body with his. "Charlotte, I'm so sorry for making you think that. I love you more than anything in this world and I regret not telling you that sooner. I was too blinded by my own emotions." He said, peppering kisses all over his mark.

I felt so overwhelmed,

"Why are you still crying?" He asked, laughing nervously, "I thought that's what you wanted to hear."

I nodded, my eyes finally done with producing tears, "It was Kayden, thank you. I'm just so relieved I can't control it." I sighed, my eyes sore from all the crying I had been doing lately.

He kissed each eyelid gently, then capturing his lips with mine in a gentle embrace. "I love you, Charlotte."

"I love you too, dummy,"

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