Chapter 22 : Second Chances

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"Charlotte, please talk to me." Isaac pleaded. I ignored him once again, jogging down the staircase, looking for something to satisfy my hunger.

Silently, I opened the pantry and found a granola bar. I sat down on a stool beside the counter and began to eat. All without a word to Isaac. "Don't be stubborn, just hear me out! You haven't talked to me in days!" He begged.

I shrugged indifferently, trying not to let my anger for him show through as I continued to munch on my bar. He began tapping my shoulder constantly, in attempt to bother me. Once again, I had to ignore it like I had been for the past few days.

Tap, tap tap. I was going nuts with this nonstop annoyance. Tap, tap, tap. Dear Goddess please help me. Tap, tap, tap.

"What!?" I shouted, finally losing my cool. He grinned at me childishly, then sobered up when he realized I was serious.

"Just listen to me, please Charlie." I groaned at the nickname, it's so boyish.

"You broke a promise Isaac, you know I hate liars." I deadpanned, looking him straight in the eye. He looked sad as he stared down at me, regret morphed his features.

I tried my best to not give in, I mean he was my family after all. But as we all know, I'm not so quick to give second chances.

"I know that and I'm so sorry for telling him, but you have to understand, I was so worried for you. I didn't want to lose you again and I knew King Giordano was the only one that could help. Please understand, Charlie." He pleaded.

I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes, trying to process what he had just said. "You knew my plan Isaac, why would you jeopardize that?" I said exasperated.

"You were so oblivious! He has feelings for you and anyone could tell he'd never reject you, let alone replace you with whatever candidate you were trying to find. You were thinking irrationally, you had never taken the way the bond made you two feel into account."

"I was thinking rationally! You know why I felt the way I did, that's why I made the plan in the first place. I had to protect myself because there is no chance in hell I'm letting myself get hurt again!" I exclaimed.

"But how couldn't you see that by going through with it, it'd only hurt you more? I love you Charlie, and I was only looking out for you. I know about the nightmares and insomnia. By holding it in for so long you were only making it worse." I was at loss for words.

He was right, dammit he was actually right.

I stayed silent for a few moments, trying to find something to say. "How'd you know?" I said, my voice cracking slightly.

"I know my sister better than anyone. I'm sorry for breaking your trust like this, but I'd do it again if it means keeping you safe." I pulled him into a bone crushing hug, breathing in the familiar scent of my brother. He was the only family I had left and I couldn't shut him out of my life like that.

"I forgive you." I said, muffled by his shirt. We stood there embracing each other for another minute or so until a loud growl was heard. I rolled my eyes once I realized who the noise had come from.

I released Isaac and turned to Kayden who was at the top of the staircase, looking down angrily. I pointed to my brother and I with my hand. "Siblings, remember?" I said loudly, throwing up my hands.

"Sorry Isaac, I should go." I muttered before heading upstairs.

Once Kayden and I made it back to his bedroom I turned to him with a blank stare. "Are you that dense? He. Is. My. Brother." I emphasized.

"I don't like people touching what's mine." I rolled my eyes at his possessiveness once again and walked away from him, heading further into his room.

"Whatever Testosteroneous, I'm gonna go take a nap." I casually searched through his drawers and pulled out a sweatshirt, putting it on so I wouldn't feel cold as I slept. I threw my hair into a messy bun and crawled into his bed, getting comfortable.

As I began to doze off, I could feel Kayden's lips against my forehead before I had officially fallen asleep.

When I awoke, I found a note on his bedside table and sat up with a yawn, stretching my arms. I reached out for the note and read what he had left me.

'Went out for a meeting, I should be back by dinner.

You can just relax and maybe meet some pack members this afternoon if you're up for it. Just give me a call if someone's pissing you off and I'll have their head on a platter. Got it?

Sexiest Man Alive :),


(P.S. You should wear my clothes more often, it looks good on you.)'

I blushed at the last part of the note. What? I was cold and the hoodie smelled nice.

Is it a crime to be warm?

Didn't think so.

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