Chapter 11

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"Up for a little afternoon swim" he asks "I don't feel like driving to the beach or going today I'm okay with just staying in one place" I reply "that's exactly why we have a pool" he says and smiles.

"That's great but did I even pack a bathing suit" I ask "or should I ask, did my mom even pack a bathing suit" I say and go upstairs to look. I find The bathing suit that I wore last time, why did my mom even pick that one I'm so mad.

"That's great my mom picked the one that showed the most just great" I say in a whispering yelling voice.

"Wear it, it looks great"
Grayson says standing leaning on the door with his arms crossed.

"Ughhhhhhh" I groan because I'm just going to give up on life. I got ready and waited for Grayson by the pool. Then got a message from a guy named Jacob.

"Hey you're Liv right" he asks "yea?" I reply. "I'm one of Nate's friends can you tell him I'm waiting for him, he told me about you and he won't pick up his phone I just wanted to see if he is with you or if he is okay" he replies.

Nate is my older brother he is a senior captain of the volleyball team I absolutely hate him and love him at the same time, he has the sweetest girlfriend ever named Cindy.

He is what you would call a guy who gets any girl he wants for no reason I just don't see it, but he finally settled down for the love of his life and I'm so happy for them.

She isn't like any other girl who he would be with, selfish or has a huge ego, *cough cough* Erika, yes he had a thing with her as well, but anyways Cindy is an actor , who plays volleyball, they met two years ago and became best-friends she had a boyfriend back then and Nate kind of had a thing for her but never admitted it.

One year later he asked her out and then they were in love. It's actually quite adorable if u look at it. Anyways I text him back "sorry I am not with him but I can try calling a again" I say and then he begins typing.

"Oh nvm actually he just walked in thank you tho I appreciate it :)" he replies. It was a relief honestly I was getting a little scared that he wasn't okay. "Oh okay that's good:)" I reply.

He was really sweet un like my brothers other friends who flirt with every girl that is right in front of them including their friends sister.

"Sorry to have bothered you" he replies "no it's okay" I text back and he replies with a ":)" .

That was the end of the conversation. "You ready for some swimming, I know I am" Grayson yells then jumps into the pool and splashed water on me thankfully not my phone. "Grayson what the" I say but stop myself. "Sorry what was that" he asks. I put my phone inside then get carried and thrown into the pool by Grayson.

"You bitch" I say once I get up. " admit it you enjoyed that" he says. "No I didn't" I reply. "Anyways who were you texting anyways" he asks "not that it's any of your business but my brothers friend" I say and smile for some odd reason.

"Oo you like him" Grayson says and smirks. "No I don't" I say. "Dude your cheeks are literally turning pink" he says "no stop" I say and then laugh.

"Ha well that's cute, how old is your brother and his friend" he says "they're seniors so seventeen and only one year older than us about to turn eighteen once they graduate this year. " ooo how does your brother feel about you crushing on his Friend" he asks " i am not" I say.

I have to admit Jacob was the second most attractive guy I have seen in our school after Grayson of course. So I can't lie that I'm not attracted to him.

"Yea sure" Grayson says. "You know what let's change the subject" I say. We were both still in the pool just by each other talking. "Let's finish that game"Grayson suggests.

"You first" I say "do you like your brothers friend" he asks. "Seriously, no I just talked to him for the very first time I didn't even knew he existed but, I won't lie he is kind of cute" I say.

" oh really well at least you admitted that" he says. "My turn, who is your celebrity crush" I ask "oh easy Selena Gomez" he says "what actually I love her" I reply. "She is hot as hell dude plus that voice" he says.

"I know" I say and smirk. "Who is one guy in the school you would date" he asks " I don't know I haven't really thought of that" I reply. "Not an answer" he says " fine umm I don't know well since Jacob was the first guy I thought was actually cute and goes to our school" I say "oh really I totally wasn't expecting that" he says in a sarcastic tone "then why did you ask" I say and we both laugh.

"Who is your bestfriend" I ask not knowing what to ask it's less interesting when a guy has a girlfriend okay?? "Seriously get some good one, and It's Ethan" he say which was totally obvious.

"Dude it's not easy to ask a guy questions when they have a girlfriend" I say. "Then ask me questions about that I don't know" he replies. "Okay fine but your turn" I say " Have you ever had your first kiss" he asks "no I have not" I say and then he was shocked

"seriously not even a kiss how" he says. "I told you I haven't had a crush before" . "Until now" Grayson says. "What is your favourite thing about Erika and honestly" I ask "her smile" he says but he was lying I could just tell by the way he was looking into the water " you're lying you can't lie" I say "ughh okay the way she looks it's awful but like come on that's the reason I got with her before I even knew her last name" he replies, which kind of stung a bit.

"Well She is the most attractive girl in our school" I say to him "yea" he says and looks down at the water again which meant he was lying but I ignored. "Want to go watch movies and eat" he asks "hell yea" I say then use the stairs to climb up front the pool.
Until next time, X.

Do you guys want me to upload more of this book? Like honestly comment your thoughts (if they aren't going to tear me up from the inside).

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