Chapter 58

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Ivy's POV

After the whole beach fiasco, we went back home. Jay and Dylan are sleeping over for the night and Cindy finally came over, it's been like 3 days since she did because she was helping her dad with something.

We just chilled downstairs watched chic flicks. "I'm home!" Mama screams. Me, Cindy, Nate and Dylan yell "come here!". "Hey guys? What did you do today?" She says as she takes off her shoes. "Went surfing!" Dylan says. "Oo where?" She asks, "uh backyard!" Nate says and looks at us. "I'll take that as you guys went to Lemoines point, but I'm very tired so I don't have the time to get mad at you! Ooo who is this?" She says as she looks at Jay. "Ivy's new boyfriend!" Cindy chuckles and smirks. " shut up, He is not my boyfriend"  I reply, "and will never be!" Nate says to Jay.

"I'm Jay! ..Alvarez" Jay says Ashe gets up to introduce himself. "Jay Alvarez as in the surfer Jay?" Mama says as she looks at Nate and Dylan surprised. "Yea!" He smiles. "Nate, Dylan, you know I have been trying to recruit more people on them team,and you two being friends with him sure would have been nice to know!" Mom says.

"Sorry ma, It didn't cross my mind!" Nate shrugs. "Wait you're recruiting, I have been trying to get on the Dickens team since...forever actually, I thought it was only family?" Jay says. "Well family and family friends, it just makes it easier for me to have healthy and comfortable relations with parents, most parents don't like their kids coming to their coaches house to practise!" Mama says. "Smart!" Jay says. "Well I would love to try out!" Jay says. "Are you kidding? You're already in!" Mama says. "Yooo, that's sick. Dylan and Jay take the team to nationals!" Dylan says.

"Hey! What about Zoe?" Nate asks. "Oh yea! Her too!" Dylan sighs and rolls his eye. "Why are you mad at Zoe?" Cindy asks. "He's mad that We said Zoe is better than him at surfing!" I say. " but it's true!" Cindy says. "You know what Nate? I always hated your girlfriend, and now I have a reason" Dylan says and sits down frustrated.

"Aww! Well she hates you too, and she's doesn't need a reason!" Cindy pats him.


"So what's the deal with you and Grayson?" Jay asks whilst everyone else was sleeping. "We were a thing for a bit, then he cheated on me even though he denied it, and we broke up. He is being trying to deny it ever since. Today we saw him making out with the same girl he cheated on me with, and well the rest you know!" I summarize it for him. "I'm sorry, man, why would anybody ever cheat on you?" He sighs and looks at the ground.

"You deserve better!" He says. "Everyone's been saying that, and I still don't believe it!" I sigh. I smile at him, "Then I realized that a healthy relationship can't only be fought for from only one end! Both individuals have to fight for it together and equally. Me and Grayson's relationship was just me against everyone, and then him with everyone on his side. It was toxic, and the sad thing is, I still want that relationship back and I would kill to be where I was five months ago!" I say as tears begin to form.

"It just sucks you know, being in love with someone who hurt you so bad, that you can't even sleep at night from the nightmares whilst they're living their life" I say and a tear falls down. He wipes it away with his thumb and smiles at me. "One day you'll find someone who shows you how amazing and beautiful you truly are" he says. "Why are you so sweet?" I ask him.

"It's the Many things I got from my mama, along with good lucks, and amazing at surfing" he smirks and I chuckle quietly. I hug the pillow and stared at the tv that was still playing a movie. "Why do you think you're in love with Grayson?" He asks me.

"It used to be because Of his personality, but now I don't even know because he just isn't the same!" I sigh. "What I have learned is, people change, sometimes it takes a hard time in their life for the sudden flip. And from what I heard about Grayson, seems to me, is that your guys breakup really damaged him!" He replies.

"He should've thought of that before he did that!" I sigh and look up at the ceiling. "I think maybe you need to talk to him, hear him out, it might bring closure?" He says and smiles at me. I looked at him and then back at the ceiling again. "Yea" I sigh.

He might be right, but how can I talk to him without my heart exploding from beating too fast!


Whilst everyone was asleep, even Jay, I was still awake. Hell I have not slept a decent one since my trip to LA. I lied there stalking Grayson's Instagram for about 10 minutes, just going through all his tagged and then landed on the girl he is now with. He just had posted a photo with her. He eating a watermelon slice out of her hand in a funny aggressive way, whilst his hand wrapped around her waist while she was in a bikini. His caption "you might not believe it but I like her more than the watermelon 💓 @KatyaBrown" .

I was so confused, he played with my emotions. One minute he still tells me he is in love with me, then makes out with a girl, then says she kissed him, then posts this couple photo? I needed to move on from him right now.

I had the guts to follow Jay's advice and message him and he replied right after.

Me: Hey Grayson, We need to talk!

Grayson: thought you said you didn't ever want to speak to me again

I ignored him.

Me: can we meet tomorrow? Same booth at 12?

Him: see you then I guess!


I waited anxiously in my car at the place. I could see Grayson from the window waiting for me in the booth we sat at yesterday. I finally had the guts to go down and talk to him. I took a deep breath and entered.

"Ivy... Hey?" He says as he gets up suddenly. I look at him then sit down. "I'm listening!" I sigh. "Uh um okay, so about a week before we started dating, Katy's threw a party, she invited me to it. I went with a couple of buddies, we had a few drinks, but after it was getting kind of boring. Katya decided that we should play spin the bottle and you can pretty much imagine what happened from there. A video was taken, and then sent around the school after me and you started dating." He sighs

"That's why Julia and Ethan were freaking out, and not supporting us all of a sudden. They did want us to together at first, but then when someone sent them the video, there feelings changed. They were looking out for us" he explains. "So why not just tell me or you about the video?" I ask. "Because they didn't want to see you hurt!" He says. Well that explains a lot!

"Look Ivy, I didn't want to hurt you, this was all a big misunderstanding!" He says. "Grayson, you still did, you keep on hurting me. The things you said about my dad, about me yesterday, and most of all even if you didn't cheat, you still are going out with the girl from the video which hurt me deeply. You can't just play with my feelings and expect me to forgive you. One second you say you're not over me, then your all over that girl. Makes me wonder if you had feelings for her during our relationship? I'm still in love with you, but I'm not in love with the person you've become!" I sigh as I get up but he stops me. "Ivy, I'm sorry about all those things, but I'm still the same old Grayson!" He says

"No you're not, look at you, you dress different, you have a tattoo, and you get drunk before noon" I sigh and leave. "If it makes any difference the tattoo is about you" he says which makes me stop right at the door. "The angel wings represent you, throughout our friendship and relationship, you protected, supported, guided and healed me, I felt free with you. They're a memory of you Ivy! Without you, I wouldn't have reached out to my dad and finally got the confidence and trust I have in my self now. Heck sometimes I even think you were an angel sent from the sky to help me with my life!" He says as he tears up. I look at him and a tear leaves my eye. Then I look outside and walk out without hesitation.

I finally have closure, although I'm still very much in love with him, I now know I can move on with my life.

The love this book has been receiving in the past week is crazy. Thank you so much, bless your hearts! You're all so sweet Omg! 🖤

Until next time, X

The QuarterBack~ A Grayson Dolan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now