Chapter 37

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Ivy's POV
"Hey hey, what..what are you doing?" Nate asks confused. "I'm packing, if you're going, I'm coming" I say as tears go down my face. "Ivy" he says and then hugs me. "What happened?" He asks.

"My whole world is falling apart, dad left, then Jacob, then you, then..." I watch my words carefully as he looks at me. "Ivy, then what?" He asks. I sit on my bed and cry.

He shuts the door and hugs me. "I'm in love with someone, and they don't love me back" I say. "Oh god" he sighs. "I knew this day would come and I just didn't want it to be the day I left" he says. "Listen, whoever it is, they're one fucking fool not to love you!" He chuckles.

"Do you want me to stay, just say the word and I will" he says. "No, well yes, but no, I want you to be happy, and to follow your dreams, I'm just going to miss you" I smile. "Don't you think I'm going to miss you, shit Ivy, you're like my daughter, and whoever hurts you, hurts me too, I love you okay, and everyone downstairs love you, mom loves you, and dad loves you, he is always going to be with you even if he isn't physically with you, like me, I'll always be here for you, whenever you need me" he says.

"Now you just focus on football, getting that fucking scholarship you wanted, and come on with me to Cali, where unfortunately for me, you will have many guys in love with you, keep your head high but low when you need to, if you truly love that guy, then I trust it's for a good reason, if he doesn't love you, he is blind and dumb as fuck, okay?" He says. "Yeah" I say and wipe my tear then chuckle.

"Now come on wash your face and let's spend these few hours we have together laughing and not crying, let's go on our last but not least surf together" he says. "I miss dad, and I'm going to miss you, having no male figure around me, annoying me, that's hard."I chuckle. "Well, you always got Jake for that, I can tell him to stay here for a couple of days to keep you company and annoy you" he says, "oh no no, absolutely not, he's not a male figure, more like a what's the word?" I try to say, "annoying needy douchebag who you still love because you have to" Nate says and laughs, "Yeah!!" I laugh.

"I heard that!" Jake suddenly says as he enters my room. "And I love you too" he says and tried to hug Nate but Nate backs away. "And by the way Ivy, you'll always have me" Jake smiles at me and I smile then hug him. "Okay gross get off me!" He says, I slap his arm, "ow, I was just kidding!" He says.

"Hey?" Cindy says, "everything alrighty?" She asks, "couldn't be better!" Jake says. "Well the twins have to go but they wanted to say goodbye before you leave." She smiles, "aww man" Nate says.

We all go downstairs and I sit on the chair, this could be the last time that Grayson steps in this house, and the only reason he's ever here is because of Nate, the only reason I talk to him is because of Nate and Julia dating his brother.

"Hey man, imma miss you!" Ethan says and hugs him. "I'm going to miss you to bro, focus on that serve, it's powerful! alright?" Nate says and hugs him. "And you, stop being a weird ass, alright?" He says to Grayson, "only if you stop being sexy!"Grayson jokes and Nate laughs. "Don't think that's possible" Nate replies and hugs Gray. "When you coming back though?" Ethan asks, "oh well I'm going to be here in two weeks for the game, but every now and then I'll appear, and y'all got to come visit me!" He says! "For sure, it's going to be a weird day without you in school and the team, we all got to rely on this headass" Ethan says and points to Jacob who was eating. "Hey!!" Jacob says with food on his mouth. "Trust me, I pray for you guys every night" Nate chuckles.

They both laugh and then walk out to their car. "Byeee babyyy!" Grayson shouts to Nate, "weird ass"Nate shouts back and chuckles. "Oh man, I'm going to miss those little fuckers!" Nate says.

I spent the rest of the day surfing and watching tv with Nate and the others. Mom came home two hours before Nate had to leave and spent time with us.

It was now close to the time and as I was watching Nate pack up his things whilst standing against the door and the others sitting spread out in his room, I couldn't help but have a sick feeling in my stomach.

I hate goodbyes, mostly cause when dad left I couldn't give him one. "So, what time do you arrive there?" Jake asks, "around 5:30 to 6!" Nate replies as he zips up his bag.

He then puts on his shoes and looks up at me then smiles. Today was the last day he was a resident of this house and not some weird ads apartment that he had to share with a stranger!

"Okay, well this is it" he says. He says as he picks up all his bags and other pick up the rest. We put all his stuff in his car which will be sent to him since he doesn't want to drive there. We are dropping his car off first then him.

"Alright bro" he says to Jacob, "it was fun while it lasted" Jacob smiles. "Going to miss you" Nate says. "I'll FaceTime you everyday baby, Cindy won't stand a chance!" Jacob winks at him, "you've been hanging with Gray too much!" Nate chuckles. "Aww I'm going to miss you, don't forget me!" Zoe says and hugs him. "How could I Z, still the best surfer in the city, after me of course!" He says and messed her hair

He thinks of Zoe as a little sister, "right" Zoe chuckles. "Mama!!" Nate yells. "Coming!!!" Mom says as she runs the locks the door.

Jacob and Zoe hug him, Mr Valberg, Ms Boyce and Aliah then come out on their car, they were driving with us to say goodbye to him. "Ready champ?!" Mr Valberg asks, "always!" Nate says. Me, Cindy, Nate and Jake get in the car then Nate waves off goodbye to Zoe and Jacob.

We start driving to the place we're Nate is supposed to ship off his Car, then get in moms car. After a few minutes of awkward silence, mom finally says something, "if you decide to leave me this early that soon, I'll disown you" she jokes as she looks at me through the mirror lens. "I'm not leaving you mom!" Nate smile say her, "it just feels like you are!" Mom gives him a warm smile and he smiles back.


We all said goodbye to Nate, and I might have cried but so did Cindy and mom. Cindy's spending the night with us we all returned home and just immediately slept since school is tomorrow.

"Ivy?" Cindy comes into my room with her blanket. "Yes?" I ask, "I can't sleep there without him it feels weird" she says, "hop in" I says as I move for her to sleep beside me. "Thank you" she smiles. She gets in and I smile then turn around. "Are you in love with Grayson?" She asks me and my eyes immediately shoot up from the strange but true question. I laugh it off "no, why?" I ask. "I don't know" she shrugs and then I shrug and head to sleep. This is going to be one long week without Nate

Until next time, X

The QuarterBack~ A Grayson Dolan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now