Chapter 67

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Ivy's POV

It has been a week since Dylan kissed me, ever since that night he has been shutting me off and not talking to me. My brother and him had plans for him to sleepover here, but he didn't even show up this morning which is weird because his parents are usually off from 6:00 a.m and they're never there for breakfast, so he has it here!

Also he had a practise with my mom today but apparently he called in sick! Why is he ignoring me? I should be the one ignoring him!

I walked over to his house through the backyard. I saw him surfing and waited. He came up and looked at me then froze. "What's up with you.... Dylan?" I snap at him. "Nothing, I just need some space to figure this whole shit out!" He says. "Figure what out? You kissed me and it was meaningless.. right?" I ask when he looks at me weirdly.

"Right" he sigh and walks away. "Dylan?" I say. "Just please go home or to Grayson or something, I need time away from you and everyone" He says. "Fine!" I scoff.

I walk back to the house and grab my car keys then head off to the spot.

I took my bathing suit and a speaker with me.

I make my way there and walk down the stair shaped rocks.

Today is just one of those days where I just want to be alone because everyone pisses me off.

I look up and there he was, Gray. The one person who I never not want by my side. "I brought vegan cookies" he smiles and I hug him. We haven't seen each other in a week and I missed him like crazy. I kiss him and he smiles.

"How'd you know I was here?" I ask. "Well a little birdie told me that you and Dylan had an argument , so I know where you really come to blow off steam" he says. "Who's the little birdy?" I ask. "Cindy, she saw you two, and I asked her where you were since you weren't picking up your phone" he says. "It was charging upstairs and I usually don't like having my phone whilst having breakfast with Fresh prince, too many distractions!" I smile and he smiles.

"So what was the fight about this time, thought you two made up" he asks. "Uh, he is having a problem with Lexi and I was trying to help, but I just guess he didn't want it" I say. "I know a thing or two about girl trouble" Grayson smirks. "Well mostly because you are so great at it" I smile then kiss him.

"Come on let's go for a swim" he says then bites his lip. "Sure but let me open some music!" I say. "Just don't open any of that trash rap you kids listen to today!" Grayson says imitating my mom. "Hey! For your information, my mom loves Drake" I say, "maybe a little more than appropriate" I add on and he chuckles.

I take off my shirt and get in, Grayson followed right after me. He held me close to him and kissed me passionately.


"God I can't believe schools is after tomorrow" he says. "Ughh don't remind me!" I say, "like how are we going to do this?" I ask. "Well now that your brother knows, it might be easier" he says, "what about E?" I ask, "I want to tell him so bad, but I can't, he'll tell Julia and mom, they won't approve, they think I have changed" he sighs. "For the better though, you're much hotter, confident, and you have tattoos, I always found a tattoo attractive especially when it had a deep meaning that has to do with me!" I smile. "Yea But I also started to drink more, fight more and lie more" he sighs. "Listen, no one's perfect, it just takes a balance in your life to see what's wrong from right!" I say

"Well you're that balance" he says and I smile, "cheesy!" I chuckle. "No! I'm serious, you are literally my angel, you are all that's good, and it makes me feel good. I don't care about my social status, what everyone thinks of me, about parting, drinking or proving to everyone I'm the best. Because when I'm with you, I have already won, I feel like an absolute champion" he smiles and I smile then kiss him.

"Well I'm glad you know that I'm that valuable to you!" I smirk, "wow, gloater aren't we, you might be an angel, but at least I don't care about who is the best at football, because we all know it's me." he says with a smile, "Well we can see who the better player is this week at football tryouts" I smirk. "Listen, about football I have something that I need to tell you" he says, "okay" I say worried, " know what it's not that important, let's just have those apples and peanut butter snacks that you have brought" he says trying to change the subject then smiles. He looked nervous, and I looked at him weirdly.

"Weird combo, what is this?" He asks. "You've never tried apples and PB" I ask, "" he shrugs, "well you're missing out, this snack changed my life!" I say. "Okay"he says and tries it, and then looks at me shocked. "This is good, like really really good!" He says. "I can't believe you never had it, it used to be my dad's favourite snack" I smile. "You know you've never told me what your dad was like, you tell me he was a great man, but never why" I say. "I guess it just doesn't feel right to talk about my dad when yo.." I say but stop myself.

"When my dad left, no its okay, I'm fine, I want to hear what he was like" Gray smiles. "Well he loved Apple and peanut butter, he Umm he introduced me to football and Nate to volleyball. he was never a huge surfer back from where he was from, being a city boy and all but he always tried new things, especially when it came down to impressing mama. God I remember this one time, Erika's dad was hitting on my mom, and he tried to impress her with his sailing skills,and my dad got so furious that summer. He bought a boat and was determined to become a better sailor. Weird thing is He never once put that thing in the water or to good use, with him dying and all. But oh boy was he great, he would coach me and Nate once a week for two hours, it was..special. He made the worst meals ever but he always made up for it with cracking up the best joke or making fun of himself. He was a pure innocent man, I guess it just came down to a shock for me when I found out how he died. He cared so much for people, and always tried to see the best in people, no matter what!" I say.

"Guess I know where you get that from" Grayson smiles. "No, I'm nothing like my father ever was, he was special and a truly amazing human, who put everyone's needs above his" I say. "If you ask me, he sounds more like Nate" I chuckle. "He does sound like Nate, but you know what's so great about that?" Grayson says. "You and Nate are exactly alike, that's why you get along so well, I have a twin brother and even we aren't as close as you and him" Grayson says.

"Yea, well he has been the dad in our relationship" I smile
Until next time, X

The QuarterBack~ A Grayson Dolan love storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora