Chapter 18

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I get thrown into a cage crashing with the hard cold floor, after the metal door is slammed behind me.
"Now you stay in here and be a good little pet," Wes growls as he walks away when I stand up grabbing onto the cage door growling.
"Get back here!" I growl yelling at him but instead he ignores me disappearing into the other room.
"Carla and Charity should be here," Lexis adds in when I kick at the cage door like a caged animal.
"I'll kill Darwin," I growl anger flowing through my body.

Charity's POV
"We're the hell are we going Carla?" I ask as she keeps running in circles, or at least it feels like it.
"We're almost there! Her scent is stronger!" Carla announces when we finally see a building come into view Carla stops running and let's me back into control.
"She's in there!" Carla yells at me when I smile.
"Let's go save Clarissa, and then kill Darwin," I growl licking my lips ready for a fight.
"Let's do this Charity!" Carla announces as I run full force hoping I'll be able to tear a hole in the wall so I don't have to change back. Once I break through I get surrounded by men everywhere.
"Ah come on!" I growl looking around for an opening so I don't have to fight them.
"I'll kill you Darwin!! I swear!" I hear Clarissa yell as Carla giggles at the excitement.
"Carla I swear if you don't shut up no being in control for a whole month," I warn and she gasps while I leap over everyone, and take off running in the direction I heard Clarissa's screams.
"No control for a whole month?" Carla repeats me just in case she heard me right.
"Yes Carla now help me out or shut up," I growl following her scent that's becoming stronger.
"Behind us!" Carla yells but I don't turn around fast enough and I'm tackled by another wolf who tries snapping at my face.
"Who is this?!" I growl dodging their attacks.
"You've grown to look just like you're father haven't you Charity?" I hear only his voice having to be Darwin's I get free and I step back far away from him.
"Shut you're mouth!" I growl snapping, when he laughs.
"Why are you here Charity?" Darwin asks after he's finished laughing.
"You know why I'm here!" I growl louder.
"Charity!" Clarissa screams like she's in pain.
"What's happening to Clarissa!?" I yell as I hear Clarissa scream again louder this time.
"You're not getting her back. Try as hard as you can but you aren't going to get her back," Darwin says, and I growl pawing the ground.
"I'll kill you to get my sister back alive, and safe!" I roar as Darwin chuckles.
"Try you're best," Darwin says as someone runs past me, and tackles Darwin.
"I've got him! Go get you're sister!" Tyler yells as I take off running to where I hear Clarissa crying out in pain. When I find her I see her in a cage trying to escape.
"Clarissa!" I scream as I quickly change back to my human form running up to the cage.
"Charity thank god, help me," Clarissa whimpers when I hear Tyler growling.
"We need to hurry because Tyler is keeping Darwin company," I say as I rip the cage door off, and I pull Clarissa into a hug.
"Let's go!" Clarissa yells changing at the exact same as I do, and we take off running to go, and help Tyler.

Clarissa's POV
"Darwin will pay dearly," Lexi growls.
"Clarissa let's go!" Charity yells as we run faster finding Darwin standing over Tyler's body.
"You should've fought me yourself instead of letting someone else take you're place," Darwin growls pushing Tyler's body towards us.
"Tyler? Oh my god Tyler!" Charity growls tears sliding down her wolf cheeks.
"You'll pay!" I growl running at him snapping.
"You can't kill me Clarissa," Darwin laughs.
"Watch me!" I growl as I pounce on him, and I bite the back of his neck making him howl out in pain.
"Get off me!" Darwin growls trying to throw me off of him.
"Never!" I growl louder as I bite down harder holding on so I don't go flying off.
"Clarissa!" I hear Cody call my name looking over to see him with, Kalian, Alexander, Ashton, Hope, Rowan, and Jaxton.
"Cody!" I scream as I'm thrown off Darwin's back, and tackled instantly.

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