From The Ground Up

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Okay, guys. Short, sweet and hopefully enough. This is it for October's book but this definitely isn't the last you'll hear from her or our beloved Pecan Valley and Red Mire crew. This is the end of Convincing October and opens up Reviving December. It'll be a bit of a wait for Dece's book to be posted but I promise to try to make it worth it. This one goes to southernTXkindagirl


My guy twisted uncomfortably as I looked at the mass of blush colored dresses before me, eyes swimming with tears as I counted and recounted the heads before me. Each time I stared over, one was still missing. One wasn't there. I knew this was a possibility when we planned this, I knew the truth and the likelihood of her standing up with me, but I hadn't expected this. My brain couldn't compute what was happening. Where was she? Why wasn't she here? I wanted to ask my sisters, my mother, but they all looked at me with the same look of desperate hope that I wouldn't ask, their multi colored eyes begging me to not say what they knew I desperately wanted the truth of. If I spoke, I knew I'd start crying — the tears of hurt would ruin my carefully done make up and essentially ruin the day. I didn't want that. I wanted my wedding day to be as perfect as ii had always dreamed. I had the future husband, the man I loved beyond words, I had the fantastic in-laws, or law since I had Pierce, and I had Opal, my little princess to walk before me; lastly I had my daddy. Who was staring at me in awe from his perch in the corner. His mouth was drawn tight causing his scar to stand out even more than it already did. Still, he was handsome in his black button up, his dark Stetson gripped tightly in his hands as he refused to speak. I knew he was waiting for me to say something, to voice what we all knew I wanted to say, but I refused. I needed to continue on.

With or without December. One day I knew she'd wake up, and I knew I'd be there for her, but today wasn't about her. About reviving the woman I knew she could be. It was about me. And still, as I thought about the fact that only five of my siblings were here,  I couldn't help but let the sadness tug at my heart. I wanted my sisters all to be here on the day that I married the man of my dreams and I only had four. Where was the girl I had hugged goodbye all those years ago and why had she been replaced with the shell of a woman who was as good as a stranger to all of us?

I didn't know. But I had a feeling that we would find out soon.

Instead of letting her absence plague me more than it already had, I gestured to daddy and mama, smiling as the veil my mother had worn on her own wedding day was tucked neatly in my meticulously curled hair before turning to the people who helped make me whole.

"I'm ready," I said, taking a deep calming breath in. And I was. Ready to move on, to be Sterling's, to be Mrs. Young, to be a family. I was ready to let go of my past transgressions, to let go of Ian. I was ready to begin my new life. All I had to say was 'I do.'


In his arms I was home. Safe, sound, complete. We swayed to the music, a song I didn't recognize with a soft ballad that allowed me to stay comfortably in the shell of his protection. Tucked so snugly within the strength he gave me. I was struck with a sense of total appreciation for the blessing God had given me. A man who loved me with all his might, adored my daughter - our daughter according to the state of Texas  since he'd surprised me months ago with adoption papers - with every breath he breathed. I was a lucky, blessed woman.

I sighed.

"What are you thinking about?" He whispered softly despite the depth of his voice, his beautiful eyes looking down at me. My gut twisted with desire. He was so handsome. All mine. A feminine satisfaction curled in my gut at that thought, and I smiled at him — one that caused a mirrored look of desire to glow down upon me under the  glow of fairy lights. My mouth turned up. Oh, there was something he didn't know just yet. A secret I had kept all to myself for long enough. Something that I felt I should reveal at this particular moment. It was perfect.

"Caroline," I said coyly, staring deeply into his gaze, wondering if he'd understand. He didn't quite get it at first. His brow drew down, mouth turning into a frown for a moment before he spoke.

"My mother?" He asked softly, eyes taking on a loving quality. I simply shook my head and smiled, arms tightening around him as we continued to move. We had spoken about his parents in length, Adam and Caroline Young had become a regular topic in our home, where we worked to raise Pierce and Opal, loving them and nurturing them — where we would work to raise another member of the Young clan soon.

"No. Our daughter." And with a bated breath I waited for him to understand. Praying he got what  I was saying. Abruptly he stopped our movement, pulling away from me.

"Our daughter! We, you.." I simply answered with a nod and watched as my strong, handsome man fell to his knees in front of me and sixty other wedding guests to stare at my belly, nearly crying out as his eyes glistened and he reached to touch the bump I'd kept hidden for as long as possible.

"Caroline?" He asked softly, not noticing how the room quieted down, and the music stopped. "Are you sure?"

"More than anything." I promised.

Convincing OctoberWhere stories live. Discover now