Chapter 4 | Her Power

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Liu Ying Yue

Ying Yue was enjoying her tea in the silent morning of the main hall when her step-mother just happened to make an appearance in extravagant gold robes. Her moment of peace was immediately gone.

"Ah, Ying Yue," the consort looked at her with a smirk, "We have received a proposal from Emperor Jin of the shadow realm for a political marriage."

Ying Yue simply stared at her step-mother with a cold expression as if she didn't care. "Oh? I see."

Obviously, she knew the conniving lady was lying, as she heard the consort rant about this issue with her personal maid. Through the political marriage, her step-mother would not only be getting rid of Ying Yue from the Sui palace, but she would also receive the favor of the Jin royal family along with various betrothal gifts of their appreciation.

In addition, from what she heard about the leader of the most powerful realm, Emperor Jin was known for fooling around with his harem of women, along with his short temper and arrogance--some very unappealing qualities.

"Considering how you're past the ideal age for marriage at twenty, I suppose you should go in the stead of your sisters. After all, this could be your only chance at marriage compared to your sisters' youthfulness."

"You do not need to concern yourself in my affairs, Consort Sui. I simply have not found the need to find myself a husband to leech off of, as I am more capable of taking care of myself than certain others."

Her step-mother pursed her lips in silent anger as she glared at the younger woman. "Nonsense, Ying Yue. A woman's worth is based off of marriage, after all."

"If worth is concerned, then one of my sisters would be far more suitable as the emperor's wife. I recall that I am simply a 'lowly peasant' compared to their status...unless, you actually choose to acknowledge my worth?"

When she was met with silence, Ying Yue bowed in contempt. "I assume that our conversation is over now, so I shall therefore take my leave."

Before she could grab the door's handle, the consort appeared in front of her in a flash and slammed Ying Yue's back against the wall. Her hand formed an aqueous ring around the younger woman's neck that harshly pressed into her airway and cut off her breathing.

"I have had it with your attitude, you arrogant bitch..." The consort growled in Ying Yue's ear, tightening her hold on her step-daughter's throat. "While you are in the Sui palace now, you have no choice but to follow my orders. Unless...You don't want to meet the same fate as your pathetic mother, do you?"

Ying Yue's eyes flashed in anger at the consort's mention of her mother. The consort had no right to criticize her mother about anything, especially since she was aware of the older woman's past crimes. Raising her leg, she kicked the consort in her lower stomach and made her lessen her pressure. Escaping from her grasp, Ying Yue's hand gently rubbed her neck with a harsh glare as she breathed heavily.

"Insolent wench...!" She went to land a harsh slap on her step-daughter, but was interrupted by a knock on the door of the main hall.

"Consort Sui..." A palace maid called, "Lady Yun has arrived for tea."

The older woman let out an annoyed scoff and fixed a superior glare to her step-daughter. "Ying Yue...Did you really think you had the power to defy me? You may have the blood of Sui in you, but do not think for a second that you are anything but the spawn of a lowly peasant. You are to accept this marriage gratefully and never show your face in the Sui palace after it again."

Without waiting for a reply, the consort exited and slammed the door behind her. For a moment, Ying Yue stood still as she remained in her boiling frustrations before she slid down the wall into a sitting position. Staring at her hand, Ying Yue clenched it in a fist in her discontentment of her powerlessness compared to the consort earlier.

As much as I do not want to acknowledge the consort's words, it is true that I lack powerful abilities over the water. I have my father's blood, yet...this body of mine is too weak.

In the realms of water, fire, shadow, and earth, the powers of the citizens were related to the specific element of their birthplace. People from wealthy and powerful families were highly respected compared to their lower counterparts, and Ying Yue obviously knew her place.

Sighing to herself, Ying Yue closed her eyes. At her current level of power, she knew it was impossible to go against the consort--her words would be her only weapon.

Pondering over her predicament, she then opened her eyes when she had a sudden realization concerning her marriage.

...But with the role of empress, there already comes great wealth and power by name since she is the mother of the nation, after all...Perhaps...

"Hm, perhaps this marriage may be beneficial to me, after all..." A slow, dark smirk grew on her face at the thought of the consort's fall.

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Some insight on Ying Yue's power..


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