Chapter 22 | Her Truth

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Liu Ying Yue

"Get changed and meet me in the study room," he said in an authoritative tone as he walked away, leaving Ying Yue to stare at his retreating back with an empty expression and heavy heart.

I don't know what to think...Almost everyone seems to know about Li Qiang...despite the person closest to him by blood.

However, Ying Yue knew that she could only do as her husband said--after all, she needed answers. Standing in front of the study room, she placed a hand on the door as she hesitated to open it. She glanced at the way her hand uncontrollably trembled, unsure of her current emotions.

Ying Yue took a deep breath and opened the door a crack, only to hear pieces of a conversation. Glancing into the room, she narrowed her eyes at two standing figures.

...Heavens. Why is that annoying consort here?...

"I don't have the time for this, Ji Li. What do you want?" His tone was surprisingly cold to her.

I could have sworn those two were all over each other at first...

"...Zhang Wei, I feel like you've been growing more distant from me..." She desperately grabbed the front of his robes despite his glare, pulling him down into a sudden kiss as he stiffened for a moment before pushing her off.

"Stop being so selfish, Ji Li," he hissed, "Do you understand the circumstances now?"

"Zhang Wei...The last thing I want to do is stand in your way..." Ji Li looked down at the ground before wrapping her arms around him. "...Am I really that disposable to you like your other wives?...I...I love you--!"

"Do you?" He stepped away from her embrace with an emotionless expression as he shook his head. "Is it me you love or is it power?

She flinched at his words, an unknown emotion flashing in her eyes as Ji Li thought over her response. "I...I just want to tell you that..."

...'That...?' What does she want to say?...

"...I do love you, Zhang Wei. It's just that I'm to why you choose to keep that powerless empress by your side--"

...Is she serious? Although...I have a feeling that there was something else she wanted to say...

"So these words are only because of your petty jealousy?" he growled, sitting back down at his desk. "Is your selfishness more important than the matters of the nation?! The empress is far more important to me than a consort who does not know her status, let alone be capable of understanding Jin's issues. You--!"

Despite how the situation was rather interesting, Ying Yue didn't feel like wasting her time even further by watching a petty lovers' quarrel. With a self-satisfied smirk at her husband's claim, she slid open the door, leaning against the frame casually as the two glanced at her.

"...What are you doing here?" She narrowed her eyes at Ji Li as the younger girl directed a murderous glare towards her. "Zhang Wei and I have something to discuss. Please do us a favor and rid yourself of your presence."

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