Chapter 36 | Her Task

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Liu Ying Yue

"No!" A woman's shriek pierced through the air as the body of her young son collapsed on the ground, blood pooling from the fatal wound on his throat. She attempted to rush forward to him, only to have a soldier tighten his grip on her arms. As he harshly threw her to the ground, her body shook with grieving sobs.

"You all have some nerve to ruin the preparations for the fall festival," the soldier growled, pacing around the group of rebellious villagers. "...Surely, you must be aware of the consequences?--"

"Like hell we would celebrate the inauguration of that corrupted son of a bitch--!" A man recklessly roared in defiance, going after the nearest soldiers with his sword. Unfortunately, his attack was quickly subdued by the counterattack of flames which engulfed his body as the rest of the villagers looked on in horror.

"Emperor Tang is your leader, and it is your duty as citizens to uphold him in the highest position of honor!"

The rebels tensed up in their mutual silence, unsure of what action to take next. A young woman was suddenly forced to kneel at the feet of a soldier, her eyes darting around fearfully as she clutched her wounded arm.

"What a rowdy bunch..." The soldier's comrade let out a sigh, immediately pulling her up and placing his sword to her throat as he muttered lowly. "You have some nerve, you little whore...Laying a hand on a soldier is an offense. And believe me--burning to death isn't exactly the most pleasant way to die..."

"Hm...How about a bargain?" Another soldier strolled around casually with a twisted smile. "...Perhaps, we'll leave some of you alive if you have anything worthy--"

He suddenly let out an unexpected scream, his comrade releasing the woman as she collapsed on the ground with a bewildered expression. A sword extended through his chest and he slowly glanced back over his shoulder at the unknown person with wide eyes, only to find out that it was his own comrade. The villagers began muttering themselves in shock, some using the situation to their advantages to break free as the sound of unsheathed swords filled the air.

"What a revolting sight..." Ying Yue appeared from the shadows with a self-satisfied smirk, waving her hand to send the wounded soldier's comrade into a rotting pile of flesh. Before the rest of the men could react, the man began swinging at them with rapid strikes, fortunately managing to inflict some wounds as their bodies deteriorated upon impact. 

The villagers backed away from the scene of violence as she stepped forward, eradicating the rest of the soldiers with a deadly swish of her sword. Ignoring the splatters of blood on her face and robes, she glanced back at the villagers' stunned expressions and sheathed her weapon. "You all are safe now. Don't be so brash in the future."

"Wait!" A man stumbled forward. "W-Who are you--?"

"No one you should be concerned about." She quickly turned her back on them before they could get a chance to reply, turning a corner to disappear into an alley of the crowded markets.

"Hm, not bad, Yue Er..." An Fen leaned against the wall with a low whistle, signaling at the physician with a jerk of his head. "Xiao Ming, go check her life force."

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