Chapter 14 | Her Agreement

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Liu Ying Yue

As Ying Yue and her assassin neared the palace gates, the guards standing by withdrew their weapons and bowed. One man glanced at Lu Cang in suspicion as he placed a hand on the hilt of his sword, and she placed a hand up to ease his tension.

Jumping off her horse, she led it to a shady area in the palace garden as the quiet man trailed behind her. Turning around, they looked at each other without a word as he glanced around for any potential eavesdroppers before speaking again.

"...I'm sure Your Highness's request will be fulfilled."

Ying Yue nodded seriously. "By this point, I will need all the aid I can get. It would also be greatly appreciated if you could send my crow back to me."

Lu Cang bowed. "Then, I suppose I shall leave on my mission--"

"Ah, before you do..." She smirked to herself. "Try to recruit young, handsome males."

It was a weird combination to see him slightly tilt his head curiously with a dead-serious expression on his face. "...Of course, Your Highness."

The serious assassin continued to stand there as she raised an eyebrow. "Is there something wrong?"

"...Am I not a 'young, handsome male' working under you already?"

Ying Yue looked at him, unsure if she should have laughed or apologized. "Was that intended to be a humorous remark or a defensive question?"

"...It seems like I have not improved at telling jokes, Your Highness." He bowed in apology. "In that case, I suppose I should leave now."

Perhaps, if he were to express any other emotions...

"Of course, Lu Cang. Report back to me whenever you can--and if anything happens, I'm sure you'll know where to find me."

At the finality of her words, he disappeared as she sighed to herself.

I swear, this guy...

Turning the corner of the palace garden to head back to her chambers, a loud slap and a yelp of pain resounded as the body of a young maid was flung at her. Taking a step back in surprise, Ying Yue quickly wrapped an arm around the girl's waist and helped her steady herself.

"Are you alright?" she raised an eyebrow and glanced down at the maid.

With wide, doe-like eyes, the young girl's face reddened as she stepped back from her empress's arms, nervously readjusting her pale green robes.

"I-I'm sorry, Your Highness!" she bowed repeatedly.

How adorable...

Turning her gaze towards the other women, she met the cold gaze of one dressed in lavish blue robes with her makeup done to perfection as her other personal maids stood by.

"What seems to be happening here?..." Ying Yue questioned, stepping in front of the maid.

The beautiful woman bowed as her eyes glinted with a hint of disdain. "This concubine greets Your Highness...Obviously, this maid has required some discipline for her disobedience."

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