Chapter 27 | Her Protection

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Liu Ying Yue

Ying Yue sat in the palace courtyard, burning in irrational anger as she took a sip of freshly-brewed jasmine tea, wincing as the heat scorched the inside of her throat going down. Per Ming Yu's orders, her husband was resting for a bit, since the assassins had unleashed more of their potential in the duel and did a greater deal of damage compared to her.

Therefore, she decided to take on the load of writing imperial edicts while sorting out her thoughts alone despite her husband's forlorn expression until he was able to return to his duties.

...Thank the heavens that Diao Chan's state is more steady...The only problem now is that I can't even concentrate...

She leaned on her left hand with furrowed eyebrows, watching the fiery leaves of autumn drift towards the ground slowly and shivering from the gusts of wind, her mind constantly running over the events from earlier.

Despite what Ying Yue had originally thought, Ji Li wasn't lying. After Ming Yu finished his thorough check-up on the girl's vitals, he confirmed that she was almost five months pregnant. With the younger woman's petite frame, it was quite a surprise to find out that she managed to hide the physical proof of her pregnancy under mere layers of clothing.

It's only natural. Emperors have a harem for the purpose of producing an heir, after all...

She was aware of this fact all too well, yet she felt almost resentful. After all, Ji Li knew she was pregnant for a while. She didn't bother to see a physician and waited until now to reveal the news--just so Zhang Wei wouldn't be able to get rid of her or their unborn child. Her triumphant smirk of superiority at Ying Yue only proved that fact was true. Ji Li knew she would be of higher importance to the emperor compared to an empress who bore no child.

...Why should I be angry at something that's uncontrollable--that the hierarchy of the palace revolves around?

During the time Ji Li was with them, her husband was unusually silent. He made no movement and said nothing despite the news, only possessing an unchanging expression of disbelief and slight regret. The sight of his sad expression couldn't help but leave a similar ache in her heart.

He should have been happy--but he obviously wasn't. I think I know why--

"Your Highness!" Feng Mian ran towards her with a panicked expression, leaning on her knees and panting heavily. "I was in the markets, and then Hei Wu came--!"

"It can only mean one thing..." Ying Yue immediately dispelled her earlier thoughts and stood up to face the younger girl, extending an arm for her crow to land on with a caw.

"Lu Cang! Message!"

She cursed lowly, clenching her jaw and grabbing the note. When her personal assassin informed her of his mission to Chen, she had sent Hei Wu after him in case anything happened. Now that he returned bearing a message without the presence of Lu Cang, it was certain that something had happened to the capable assassin. Ying Yue quickly unrolled the paper, her eyes widening at the message scribbled in a dark copper--that of dried blood.

Your Highness, I apologize if my lengthy time away made you worry. I am still in Chen, and I also apologize for not finishing my mission as requested. Unfortunately, I am unsure of when I will be able to return--although, I assure you that I will somehow manage to. Please take care of yourself, and please tell His Majesty to do the same.

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