Chapter 20 | Her Connection

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Liu Ying Yue

Pacing around the hallway in her white robes, she let out a sigh of disdain as she glanced down at her hands.

...To think that I've been resorted to this pathetic state...Emperor Tang and Consort Sui--those bastards planned for this to happen...

A cool breeze blew through her thin robes as she suddenly shivered, placing a hand over her bandaged wound and re-entering her room. Ying Yue paused in her steps and slowly closed the door behind her, staring at the unexpected presence of four men. They immediately stopped their conversation as Hei Wu flew on her shoulder with a caw.

"Ying Yue!"

She raised an eyebrow at the scene and observed their varied clothing as Lu Cang bowed alongside the three handsome men. "I hope Your Highness is feeling better now. During the political meeting in Tang, I have completed the mission as requested. Of course, I have also managed to get a hold of some others for the purpose of guarding Your Highness."

Ah, yes...A soldier, merchant, and court painter...Although, it's quite unusual that they are dressed rather normally.

"What are your names?" She turned to them, waiting as they awkwardly shared a glance.

Lu Cang trailed his gaze to the floor guiltily, getting on his knees in a bow much to her surprise. "Forgive me for failing to mention this, Your Highness. As assassins from the Earth Realm, we take on the common name of 'Lu Cang' for the purpose of preserving our identities."

Well, this complicates things...Come to think of it, I never really had the chance to ask more about his background...

The merchant gave her a sheepish smile. "We all have good family backgrounds, Your Highness. However, we just choose to work as assassins for further monetary benefits or simply the thrill."

"...I see." Ying Yue took a seat in the wooden chair and faced them with an observant eye as they straightened up even further. "I highly appreciate your efforts in completing my request...Hm... Lu Cang...Unfortunately, it seems like I won't be able to go through with my original intention considering the circumstances."

The quiet man tilted his head in questioning.

She narrowed her eyes in a pensive expression as she got up to pace around. "...Consort Sui already has the upper hand through allying with Tang and preventing Jin from taking any further action. Before that was done, I was planning to get a hold through her daughters--specifically by courting them to keep a closer eye and as potential bargains in the future."

That woman is always a step ahead...Every action truly is unexpected.

A low whistle came from the soldier. "It's certainly an impressive thought, Your Highness, that it would be a shame if we were unable to make ourselves of some use in any way..."

The corner of her lips turned up. "...In fact, there is a manageable task that you three are capable of completing." Ying Yue leaned on her hand, the seriousness present in her dark eyes. "Keep an eye on Consort Sui's surrounding acquaintances and note any suspicious activity, particularly from the ministers."

"This should be simple for us, Your Highness." The court painter nodded among the other two.

"If the situation allows, kill some of them or acquaintances of the consort as a warning--"

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