Chapter 29 | Her Fall

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Liu Ying Yue

What was it like to die?

That was one of the common questions Ying Yue had as a child which transcended the brink of current human knowledge. No one truly knew whether it contained the fleeting memories of life, a calming silence, or a bright light--but she could only feel the numbness of her limbs in the unknown darkness followed by a sharp burst of pain which spread through her chest.

She let out a low gasp, her fingers moving with a slight twitch as the various mutterings of her surroundings only grew in volume. Slightly opening her eyes to meet the sudden brightness which presented itself, Ying Yue immediately became victim to the sensation of a sword being harshly withdrawn from her chest as she stumbled forward. Her eyes widened as she slowly placed a hand over the gash in her chest, only to find that it had completely healed.

No...! How can this be...?!

With the exclamations of shock and horror immediately spreading through the palace courtyard like fire, her stepmother continued to loom over Ying Yue, bringing forth words which only unsettled the younger woman even further.

"I knew it. You have their blood..."

Taking an unconscious step towards Emperor Tang, she immediately paused as his followers drew their swords, glaring and standing cautiously as if she was a savage animal. Ying Yue glanced to the side at the loud clanking of metal which followed as a group of men finally managed to subdue her husband from ending Ji Li.

"Ying Yue..." As their eyes met, he gave up whatever he was planning to do, staring at her with a strong expression of disbelief as the rest of the people. Zhang Wei was the first to glance away when a soldier grabbed his arms to send him on his knees as Ying Yue clenched her jaw, trying to repress her pain from presenting itself.

However, that proved to be quite difficult as the people's dark mutters grew louder.

"That's impossible! She clearly killed her!"

"This can't possibly be a sign from the heavens! Suddenly coming back to life like that can only be explained by witchcraft!"

"Consort Sui must be so pained to do this to her daughter as a mother...but who knew we were living under the rule of someone such as her?"

Ying Yue flinched at their words, her eyebrows furrowing in a conflicted expression. After all, her thoughts were the same. What had happened to her was clearly unnatural. Despite the attempts of hundreds of physicians and alchemists in the past, they were unable to find anything on prolonging youth--let alone resurrection. 

Then...Why me--? Was this simply a sign, or...was this in my blood from the start--?

"Ah, so this is what you were hiding under your sleeve for so long?" Emperor Tang questioned loudly, a self-satisfied smile spreading on his face as if he found a gold mine. "Witchcraft."

At his confirmation, some Jin citizens began to rush forward with a harsh anger, chants of dethroning their leaders and murder ringing in the air rhythmically. They only managed to be held back by a line of soldiers per the wave of Emperor Tang's hand.

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