chapter 5

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Jeamal was waiting in a near by cafe after she called Private investigator Jordan. Jordan changed their meeting venue since he wasn't at the office. She ordered a Milk tea as she waited for him to arrive.
My phone rang waking me up from my daydream.
"Hello?" I said hearing the noise in the background. "Hello-o-o". There was no reply from the other end. Then was a faint sound, It sounded like a woman's voice. Immediately, the call was disconnected. Jeamal grimaced still staring at her phone.

"Ms. Jeamal, hi", Jordan extended his hand. He was a young man in his middle twenties. He had sharp features with a strong jawline. His eyes distinguished him, giving him a very calm look.
"Just call me Jeamal", she said sitting down. He noticed her baby bump and smiled, "how are you feeling now?". Jeamal stared at him, "those eyes".
"Good". She said taking a sip from her tea. "Would you like anything?"
"No, am good", he smiled again.

Jordan POV

After briefing her for a few minutes, they concluded their meeting. Jordan caught a glimpse of Jeamal's eyes as she looked at her empty tea cup. He felt pity. "The case was a complicated one, and with her condition it must be so much". He thought as he stared at the empty street.
"Did you like the tea that much?", he asked.
She nodded her head and smiled. "For a woman in her early twenties, she was strongwilled"."She looked like she was taking her life head on."
"I would love to spend the day with you", he joked. "But I have alot of paper work and meetings to get to", He said getting up from his seat.
"Do you need any help?', He asked with the question written sincerely on his face. Jeamal looked pale and weak," No thanks".
Jordan left her there wishing he could have helped to her car at least.

Bryan POV

Bryan looked out the window as his private jet landed from China. He took out his phone and texted Jeamal. "She never returns text messages", he hissed scrolling through all his unreturned texted messages. He pinched his forehead as he tried to clear his thoughts.

His driver was about to get into the driver's seat, but Bryan stopped him.
"Don't worry, I would go myself", he said convincingly. The driver hesitated before handing over the key. Bryan called Jeamal as he took off from the airport.
"Hey B", Jeamal answered still trying to recollect herself at the cafe.
"Why do you sound like that?. Where are you now?." Jeamal did not hesitate to give him the address in fact she needed help. She felt tired. "It's probably the tea". She thought after getting off the phone with Bryan.

***thank u so much for catching up with this chapter. Who called Jeamal?,
Would Jordan start catching feels for Jeamal?. And What would Bryan be up to?.******
Pls continue reading to know. Thank u so much 😙😙😙**??????

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