chapter 17

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Jeamal's POV

Jeamal dropped off Audax to spend some time with his grandparents. She made sure that Audax spends time with people that loves him so he would no feel lonely later on in life especially because of his father.
She checked her email while sitting in the parking lot when her phone rang.

"Hi Mrs Deamria. Long time no see"  she said adjusting her earpiece.
"Can we meet up right now?".
Mrs Deamria completely ignored Jeamal's greeting. She has always been a woman with an attitude and it got in the way of her relationship with Jeamal. Jeamal started the car.
" free right now...".
"Cover to my house now". The call disconnected before Jeamal could reply.

Jeamal came in front Mrs Deamria home office. She hesitated before she knocked.
"Yes, come in".
Jeamal walked over to the couch and sat down.
"So..", Mrs Deamria said standing up from her desk to sit opposite Jeamal.
Jeamal immediately eyes her outfit.
"Why is she wearing black....whats with the buffy eyes? Her eyes wasn't that way during Sean's funeral."

"Why did you do it?...was it because I sent those people to you or wait was it because Sean dumped you", she said in anger. Jeamal clenched her fist, her eyes turned red as Mrs Deamria spoke.
"What do you mean by you spent people....there is no way", Jeamal paused calculating her words. "You sent those guys to attack?". Mrs Deamria rolled her eyes.
"Lets get to the point. Why did you kill Sean?"
Jeamal could not take it anymore. She knew that people could be mentally sick but this woman was over stepping her boundaries.
"Sean died a year ago MRS it dementia or what?......go check yourself".
Mrs Deamria laughed with a serious face.
"Sean was found dead last week dear.....stop playing dumb. You killed him because he framed his death and is about to get married".
Jeamal trembled as she met Mrs Deamria's eyes. She could not understand what those words meant.
"Iss shee kidding me?"
"Now tell me Jeamal....maybe i should have the police personally interrogate you. You are the only suspect".
"Are yyooou sayyying that Seann was alive all this whileee?" she stammered. Her memories where running wild. Then she remembered the phone call she got almost eleven months ago. "It was Sean...was it?"
Mrs Deamria stood up and dialed security.
"I need you to take care of some garbage for me".
Jeamal stood up slowly still fazed by the conversation.
"YOU ALL ARE SICK CRAZY UNBELIVABLE LIARS!!...wait i suffered all this while alone. I could have died no no no give me a second does this make sense. I EVEN HAD A CHILD FOR could he do that to Audax", she cried out loud. She was not a weak person; she never allowed people see her crumble down.  Jeamal clutched her purse, her eyes where red but there was no trace of tears.
"I need prove....i need prove that he was still alive", she said in a mocking tone. Jeamal smiled as Mrs Deamria showed her all the documents regarding Sean's bank transactions and a picture with a woman. Jeamal looked at it closely then bursted into laughter, she was not going to cry so all that was left was laugh.
"I have been mourning an asshole uhh".
Two men in suit entered the room while Jeamal was about to leave.
"Oh wait Mrs Deamria...your grandson is doing well by the way since you didn't ask and about the police i would visit them myself and get interrogated you ruined one ruins Jeamal", she said with a sad smile before she left the room.

Jordan's POV

Jordan waited for Yancy at the tennis court, sitting down on the bench he watched her make some powerful strokes. He looked at his watch to check the time. These day he was happy to get home early ever since Jeamal and Audax moved in. Yancy approached him breathing heavily with a smile on her face.
"To what do i owe this visit", she said dabbing the towel on her face. Her curly her was pulled to a bun but some managed to escape.
"I need to talk to you". Jordan pulled out his license. "As an investigator".
Jordan noticed Yancy stagger a bit before she gathered herself together.
She smiled,"Would you let me clean up first?"
Jordan nodded not liking the fact he had to waste time. All this time the investigation was slowed down because he wanted to give Jeamal some time.
"Lets get it over with now"
Sean was dead which means Jeamal could not press charges but now the question is who killed him and who else was after Jeamal. He rubbed his hands on his face.
A few minutes later, Yancy stepped out all cleaned up.
"Can we get-"
"lets grab something to eat", she said cutting him off.
The ride was silent since the left in Jordan's car. Jordan caught Yancy stealing a glance at him and it made him disgusted.
They got to a cafe. Yancy ordered some chocolate cream cupcake while Jordan stuck to having the business he was there for served.
"Why where you with Sean?" he placed his phone on the table with the recorder on.
"We where hooked up through business but mostly because of his mother". She slowly chewed the cupcake in her mouth and Jordan knew that was strategy to keep herself from getting nervous.
"It was obviously not a business relationship Miss Faud, you where seen with Sean couple of times and it seemed pretty intimate". Jordan narrowed his eyes, he was trying to keep this strictly business putting all past friendship aside.
"Yes thats right.....we were dating." Yancy shifted in her chair anxiously.
"He proposed right?" Jordan's workers followed Sean a couple of times. Sean's bank transaction showed that he rented out a whole stadium and he knew what that meant.
"I didn't show up". she shrugged her shoulders.
"Sean dissappeared that night Yancy......anything suspicious?"
Yancy hestitated then moved forward to face Jordan.
"I am telling you this not because your an investigator but as an old bestfriend. That night i ordered some men to take Sean to an old warehouse". She paused and looked as Jordan's reaction.
"I decided to play a prank for wanting to treat me like know what he did to his ex wife or wife. We left him there but the next morning he was found dead".
Jordan sighed.
"My guys never touched...they weren't even there that night. No one else knew about that warehouse. the cctv that was put was cut off when it got to that point."
Yancy raised her hands in a surrendering mode.
"I told you all i know......I lusted for Sean and i didn't have the guts to kill. Someone else got bad blood for him" she whispered.

_______________I see you...pretty long chapter uhhh.....THANK U SO MUCH FOR READING I TRULY APPRECIATE IT.....THE BIG QUESTION IS "WHO KILLED SEAN???" you tell me who yo
ou think killed him. "AND WHAT WOULD HAPPEN JEAMAL AND JORDAN'S RELATIONSHIP?___________________________ THank u😙😙😙😙

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