Chapter 3: Everything is Blue

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A/N: Warning mentions of sexual and physical abuse in this chapter.  Read with caution or skip over if you are sensitive to such topics

"So love, what's your story?"

I looked up to see that everyone at the table was looking at me with concerned expressions, ready to listen to a story I'm not sure that I'm ready to tell.  I was scared and ashamed.  Along with telling them my story, that would mean I would have to also share a few horrible, dark secrets that I had been good at keeping for so many years.

"I'm not s-so sure..." Rebekah cut me off.

"Aspyn, you can trust us.  I know it might be scary but you need to tell us so that we can help you." Rebekah placed her hand on top of mine.  I looked up at Elijah and he sent me a small, encouraging nod.

I wasn't sure where to start, so I just told them how I felt.

"It hurts" I spoke quietly.  

"What hurts?" Elijah asked, reaching across the table to place his hand over mine.

"Everything...." And thats when I let it out, loud sobs that I didn't know if I would be able to ever stop.  I felt a large weight on my chest and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"He hurt me a-and I tried to stop him" 

"Who hurt you?" Hayley asked, looking at me with shocked eyes.

"My dad..." I whimpered through my tears.  The next voice that spoke up surprised me.

"What did he do?" Klaus.  He was looking at me with this intense stare full of tears, full of compassion.  I looked around at everyone that was looking at me.

I took a deep shaky breath before I unfolded my story.  Trying to keep my composure until I was done with my depressing tale.

"He's not my real father... he adopted me.  My adoptive mother passed away when I was 14.  After... he started to drink, like all the time." I stopped and took a deep shaky breath.

"And whenever he drank he would get angry at me, hurt me...  Last night, I got home from school and he was... angrier than I've ever seen him."  I heard Klaus take a deep breath of frustration.

"He hit me, kicked me over and over again.  And then..." This was the part that my mind kept replaying over and over again.  I could feel his hands on me, his harsh hands hurting me, grabbing me... touching me.  A sob came out of my mouth.  Rebekah rubbed my upper back, trying to comfort me.  All I need was the courage to say that one word.  I looked up and found Klaus' eyes, he still had the same pained, yet comforting look in his eyes.  I focused on him.

"H-he raa-" But I couldn't, I couldn't say it because as soon as I tried, I felt as though my throat was closing.  I shook my head, more cries coming over me and Hayley finished off my sentence with rage in her voice.

"He raped you"

Hearing those words completely broke me, I looked up to find Klaus but his seat was empty.  I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump a foot in the air.  And when I looked up, Klaus was right there next to me.  He coaxed me up to my feet before pulling me into his chest.  That hug felt like he was trying to glue back all of the pieces of me that were falling apart.

"It's all going to be alright love" His voice soothed me before I felt reality hit me once again.

No, it's not going to be alright.  How could he say that?  As much as a monster that my father was, was I honestly any better?  The guilt was eating me alive and I felt like I needed to unload it before anything would ever start to become somewhat better.  I shook my head, nuzzling it deeper into Klaus' chest.  I inhaled his scent of body spray and it comforted me like a fluffy soft blanket.

"It's not" I sobbed out clutching onto him, afraid of being let go of.

"No one can hurt you here." Elijah's voice came through as I felt another strong hand on my back.

"I made a horrible mistake..." I let out, my voice shaky and filled with a strong tone of regret.

Klaus gently let go of me and held me away at arms length, he looked into my eyes.  His face was one of pure focus, like he was trying to figure something out.  His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration.  Suddenly he asked me something that took me deeply by surprise. 

"You're not human... are you?" I looked up at him in confusion, how would he know?  I slowly shook my head, signaling 'no'.  Hayley stood up from her spot, a look of knowing on her face.

"Werewolf." She stated quietly, I turned my face to look at her.  My eyes drooped slightly in sadness, welling up with even more tears.

"I-I killed him..." I don't think anyone with human ears would have been able to hear me but everyone in this room did.  Hayley made her way over to me, letting out a small sigh.  She placed her fingers under my chin and forced me to look her in the eyes.  

"We're going to help you get through this."  I don't think I've ever had anyone in my life before actually willing to help me or able to accept the sadness that consumed me.  But they did.  I never thought that I would find people that cared about me as a family should about one of their own.  Was this what a real family looked like?  

"Are you all werewolves too?" I asked, curious.  I had no idea if they were or not.  And I felt myself wanting to shrink as Elijah let out a chuckle.  Did I say something stupid?  I turned to Klaus and he just had a big smile on his face.

"Actually love, Hayley is the only one here who is a pure werewolf.  Freya is a witch, and Elijah and Rebekah are vampires along with Kol whom you'll meet later."  Klaus explained.

"And you?" I asked curious, maybe I should've just assumed that he'd be a vampire like his siblings but nothing is ever as it seems.

"The original hybrid." Klaus had a proud smirk on his face and his smile reached his eyes.  His smirk was almost contagious.  I tried to hide my smile but ultimately failed.  I couldn't help but smile through my drying tears.

"It's been a long night for you, love.  I'll escort you up to your room.  I'm sure you're just exhausted." Rebekah said.  I turned to her, my smile dropping.  Every time I closed my eyes I saw him.  I was dreading what this night had in store for me.

When I was 15 this one girl in my class invited me to a sleepover, only because she had to invite everyone in the class.  Anyways, at that sleepover we watched some horror movie.  I didn't want to, but I did so anyways because I didn't want any of the other girls to have something else to make fun of me for.  I watched it and that night I couldn't sleep and when I did fall asleep I had a horrific nightmare.  It's like I'm reliving that experience all over again.  Except this, it wasn't a stupid horror movie with special affects.  It was reality and that's what scared me most of all.

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