Chapter 8: Lessons on Acceptance

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My mind felt fuzzy, my heart was racing, and my stomach was in knots as I sat in the Mikaelson library, staring down at the piece of scratch paper that Madison had slipped into my book.  My phone sat hastily on my knee and I was reading the note over and over again.  I wanted to call her, more than anything but then there was the part in my head that was screaming at me to not.  The last time I felt this way was with Evelyn.


"Eve!" I squealed as Evelyn pinched my sides in an attempt to tickle me.  We were sat on the couch in her house, cuddled up and watching a movie.  Evelyn though, of coarse, got bored half way through and decided to entertain herself by hitting all of my ticklish spots.

Evelyn let out another loud laugh at my reactions as I tried to squirm away from her.  She finally paused her movements, letting me catch my breath.  She smiled widely down at me.

"What?" I asked letting out a breathy laugh.

"You're just so beautiful." She said, awe in her voice.  I blushed hard.  

Our moment was cut off though by a firm knock on the door and Eve's mother running into the entry way to answer it.  There was a deep voice that rang throughout the house.

"Is my daughter here?" Dad.  My breath caught in my throat.  I looked to Eve as she stared at me in concern and fright.

"Aspyn, your father's here to pick you up." Ms. Parker called out.  I took a deep breath as I slowly got up from the couch.

Evelyn grasped my hand tightly, looking up at me.  I looked back down into her worrisome eyes and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and a small, forced smile before I let go of her.  I grabbed my jacket and slipped on my shoes before following my dad out the door.  I quietly thanked Ms. Parker on my way out and as soon as the door shut behind me my dad grasped my arm in an iron grip.

"You're a sinner child."

End of Flashback

"Aspyn" I snapped out of my daze as someone spoke my name and I looked up to see Rebekah had joined me in the library.

She was looking down at me with a sad smile.

"Are you okay love?  I've been calling your name for five minutes." Wow. I must have really been out of it.  I felt my heart ache as I thought back through my memories.  I was a sinner, that's what my father told me anyways.

"I'm okay" My voice came out in a choked out whisper that sounded the complete opposite of what my sentence insisted.  Rebekah let out a small sigh as she sat down next to me on the couch, I was about to hide Madison's note when Rebekah's hand found mine.

"Hayley told me."  I looked at Rebekah confused and she answered my unspoken question almost immediately.  "About Madison." 

I froze, what had Hayley told her?  That I had made friends with a waitress?  That I was oogling at her at the diner?

"Aspyn... You're apart of this family now and that means that you can come to any of us about anything.  We'll accept you, you don't have to worry about walking on eggshells here when it comes to being who you are." I looked up at Rebekah and couldn't help but let a small tear fall.  I've been with them for not even a week yet and I already felt more safe here than I ever had at my old home.

"You can tell me anything." Rebekah continued and she gave me a smile that was so optimistic it could honestly cure cancer.

"There was this girl Evelyn, back at home.  We never dated, officially.  But we hung out all the time, she was my best friend.  I cared for her, a lot... as more than a friend.  My father didn't want me hanging out with her, ever.  He said that I was a sinner, the devil's child.  He took her away from me..." I let out a loud sob at that.  My body shaking.  

Rebekah let out a small gasp as she pulled me into a tight hug, rocking me back and forth.  This hug felt extremely comforting and it made me feel almost whole again.

"Love, don't even think for one moment that loving anyone in that way is a bad thing.  You are free to love whoever you want to.  You need to accept who you are, not push it away." I let out another shaky cry as Rebekah smoothed down my hair, hushing my cries.

After I had calmed down Rebekah pulled away from me.  She smiled and brought her hands up to my face, brushing away my tears that rested on my cheeks.

"Now this Madison girl, you like her?  And she told you to call her?" Rebekah asked, looking like a middle schooler gossiping with her friend about their latest crushes.  I let out a watery laugh and nodded.

"Should I? Call her I mean" I asked as I looked over the note once again.  Rebekah nodded enthusiastically. 

"Absolutely!  I'll give you a moment.  I can't wait to hear how it goes." She let out a small squeal before getting up to leave the room.  Well I guess here goes nothing...

I took a small breath, trying to sooth my nerves.  I looked down at the note and dialed Madison's number.  My thumb hovered over the call icon a couple seconds before I hit it and brought my phone up to my ear.  The phone rang a couple times before I was greeted with a silky voice.


"Madison?  Hey it's Aspyn." I spoke, my voice giving away how nervous I was.

"Oh Aspyn!  I was hoping you would call!" I couldn't help but smile at that, she was happy to hear from me.

"Really?" I asked, a smile in my voice.

"Well of coarse silly!  So I was thinking that maybe we could hang out sometime soon, I'd really like to get to know you." I blushed at that.

"Me too..." I spoke shyly, not really sure what to say, but lucky for me I didn't really have to say anything because Madison was a talker and I could certainly tell.

"What about tomorrow night?  I could swing by and pick you up, I could show you around the city?" 

"That sounds wonderful! I can text you my address?" I asked her, feeling my muscles start to relax.

"Absolutely, I'll see you tomorrow Aspyn" Her voice grew soft and this dreamy sound to it.

"See you tomorrow" I replied in the same tone before hanging up.

I felt like a giddy pre-teen girl as I let out a loud squeal that I'm sure everyone heard throughout the house but I didn't really care.  That was something I would have never thought, that I would actually feel comfortable in this house or in any place at all.

This was feeling a lot like home.

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