Chapter 4: Bump In The Night

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"Stop! Please!"

My chest felt tight and my hands were shaky as I desperately tried to push my 'father' off of me.  Loud sobs caused me even more difficulty breathing.  His rough hands bruised my skin as he gripped onto my thigh with an iron grip.  I desperately tried to shake off his hands only to come up empty.

"Let go of me!" I cried out as I squirmed around trying to loosen myself up from his grasp.

"Shut the hell up." He barked, his hand coming down to make contact with my tear damp cheek. I cried out in pain as I looked back up at his, though as I did I found myself staring into his completely black eyes that were dripping blood to match the tears that were falling from my own pale blue ones.

"Aspyn!" His voice cried out as his hands came up to clasp around my throat.

"NO!" I cried out as I swung my fist out, trying desperately to knock him off me.  My name was called out again though, but this time, in a soothing, accented, voice.

"Aspyn, wake up Aspyn.  Shhh it's okay..."

"Aspyn you're okay."  My eyes flung open as I jerked my body away from the hands that were holding me.


Niklaus' POV

"NO LET GO OF ME!" I reached out to Aspyn grabbing onto her wrists, being careful as to not hurt her.  She was awake, yet it seemed as though she was still stuck in that god awful dream that I had peaked into when she was asleep.  

"Aspyn, it's me!  You're safe, it's me!" I tried to reassure her, pulling her closer to me to try and calm her down.  When I pulled her against my chest it seemed that whatever state of mind she was in started to fade.  

Aspyn's body crumpled into my arms, loud sobs coming out and making her entire body quake.  The light to her room came on and when I looked up I saw that Rebekah and Elijah both stood there, watching us with concerned eyes.  I let out a small sigh as I pressed a small kiss to the crown of Aspyn's head.  

"Shhhh" I whispered out, rocking her back and forth as if she were a small child.  

"It was just a nightmare, you're safe.  I'm not going to let anyone hurt you." I wasn't normally the reassuring one out of my siblings.  I was never one to comfort much, I had my own ways of protecting my family if they were to be hurt by someone else.  This girl though, this broken girl I felt a strong connection too.  

I remember all of the nights I lost sleep due to the nightmares that haunted me and I remember all of the pain that Mikael had caused me both mentally and physically.  I never wanted this to happen to anyone else and Aspyn, I needed to heal her.  Even just a little bit, show her that she could have a family that loved and cared for her completely.  I suppose that's what we are for her now, she's family.  Forever and Always.

The Littlest Wolf {The Originals Fanfiction}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα