Chapter 7: Crimson Red

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I glanced out the window as we made our way back into town.  I was still sore, and exhausted and I felt all grimy and dirty from last night.  But more than anything, I was absolutely starving, I suppose breaking every bone in you body and turning into a completely other animal makes a person hungry.  

I bit my lip feeling embarrassed to ask the for as something as little as food.  My words weren't what had informed them, it was my stomach.  It let out a long and loud growl and the thought of food causing both Hayley and Klaus to let out humorous laughs.  I rolled my eyes, sure they found it amusing, I however was becoming cranky and easily annoyed.  My hunger was honestly controlling me at this point.

"How about we stop and grab a bite to eat when we get back into town?" Hayley asked, turning around in her seat to face me.  My face was red hot as I nodded at her suggestion before grabbing my book I brought with me, well Elijah's book, and started reading the rest of the trip back.

I was broken out of my reading-trance when I felt the car come to a halt. 

"I texted Elijah, he said that he'll be joining us." Hayley informed us as she hopped out of the car.  I furrowed my eyebrows at how giddy she seemed by just talking about Elijah.  Were they like dating? 

I shrugged it off as I followed Hayley and Klaus into the dinner.  It was dimly lit inside and had this rustic look to it.  It wasn't too crowded which I was thankful for.  Klaus looked around before he smiled and started heading in a certain direction.  I followed behind him, Hayley walking beside me.  

As we made our way over to a table I noticed Elijah sitting there, dressed in a slick, black suit.  We all took our seats, Hayley next to Elijah and me and Klaus sitting across from them.  

"How did last night go?" Elijah asked, I wasn't sure who the question was directed to but the small silence that followed made me believe that no one else was going to answer it.  So I did.

"Well I didn't kill anyone." I answered honestly, feeling a huge relief lift off my shoulders.

"Well love it'll only get easier from here." Klaus said, grinning.

"Good morning!" I looked up with everyone else to see an incredibly beautiful girl standing there with a waitress uniform on.  She had bright red hair to match her bright eyes.  Her eye makeup was done to make her eyes pop and she had crimson red lipstick on and a blinding smile.

I felt my heart rate pick up as she looked down at me, sitting in my chair.  A deep blush crept up across my face as she gave me a really friendly smile.

"I'm Madison, I'll be serving you this morning.  Can I start you off with drinks?" She asked, her voice was like smooth velvet and had a upbeat tone to it.  

"Love, your turn." I snapped out of my trance that I was in as Klaus nudged me.  Everyone was looking at me and I felt the heat rise up to my cheeks again.  

"U-um... just water please." I finally answered, kicking myself for stuttering.

"Sounds good, I'll be right out with those!" I watched as Madison walked away, a small skip in her step and I couldn't help but to stare at her as she walked away.  How could one person be so happy and chipper?

When I directed my attention back to everyone else at the table and Hayley had the biggest smirk on her face.  I let out a small sigh, way to go ahead and make it obvious Aspyn.  I scolded myself.

I've never really dated anyone before.  I've had my first kiss but other than a couple minor junior high boyfriends that lasted for like a week I lack experience in that area I suppose you could say. I've had hints that I may be gay or bi at least.  I had a couple small crushes on girls in high school but nothing that felt to this extent.  My heart was hammering in my chest and my hands had began to sweat.  And through that all I could only hear my father's voice in my head.  It's wrong.

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