Chapter 12: I Have No Idea How To Waltz

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I let out a long string of groans as I stretched out my legs the next morning. I slept a little too good last night, there were no nightmares. I'm wondering if it was the fact that I was so exhausted from the Mikael drama or maybe it was that Madison was the last thought that crossed my mind last night.

I felt my stomach grumble as I slowly sat up. I let out a small huff of air as I threw my hair up into a messy pony tail and climbed out of bed. I grabbed a pair of fuzzy socks and slipped them on my bare, cold feet. I went into the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face to wake me up. I quickly brushed my teeth before making my way out into the hallway outside of my room. I sluggishly made my way down the steps and into the courtyard to see Elijah, Rebekah, and Klaus all sitting around talking and eating.

Rebekah was the first to notice me as she jumped up. "How are you feeling this morning?" she asked as she grabbed a plate for me and started to pile it with various breakfast foods. I took a seat next to Klaus before answering her question.

"Sore." I croaked out, cringing at my scratchy voice. They all nodded, sympathetically at me. Rebekah set down the plate in front of me along with a glass of orange juice. "Have your wounds healed?" Elijah asked, his eyes scanning over my body.

"U-m" I cleared my throat, trying to get my voice back. "For the most part, I still feel really weak and my cheek hurts... from where he hit me." I saw Klaus from the corner of my eye tense up.

"I don't really want to talk anymore about that though. What's the plan for today?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Well," Elijah spoke up, straightening his suit jacket. "We are actually going to be hosting a ball here tonight. Niklaus and Marcel believed it would maybe bring some peace between the wolves and the vampires in the city." I looked up at him at that. A ball? I didn't have anything to wear to that, there was also the fact that I wasn't a fan of being around crowds. I never went to parties and I didn't even like going to any gatherings that were more than a few people. I don't even think I ever went to a school dance.

"What do you think love?" Klaus asked, turning to look at me.

"Well I have no idea how to waltz, and I don't have anything to wear." I answered his question, they all let out small laughs at that.

"I would be more than happy to teach how how to waltz and I'm sure Rebekah has a dress in her possession that you could borrow. No worries about any of that. We'd like to introduce you to everyone tonight, as the new addition to the Mikaelson family." Elijah informed me. I stared at them all in shock, 'family'?

"That is, only if you want to." Rebekah said, reaching across the table and placing her hand onto of mine. They were all staring at me, waiting for my reaction. I didn't understand, they barely even knew me. I've been with them for maybe a week and a half and yet they wanted to include me into their family.

I chewed on my lip thinking it over. I've never had a real family. In the week and a half they've known me, they have been kinder and far more loving than anyone else has really been in my entire life and that scared me because what if the day comes in which they take that kindness away, just like my father did. I felt a few tears well up in my eyes and I tried my hardest to hide them, to push them back down but it was useless.

"Hey, " Elijah spoke, getting up from his spot. He walked around the table and knelt down in front of me. "I know how scared you must be and I know that given what you've been through, trusting, it's not easy. But I give you my word, that no one in this family is going to hurt you. I promise." I looked down into Elijah's eyes, believing him once again. I took in a deep shaky breath.

"I think, I just need some time." Was all I could say before I got up and left the room. I felt an immense amount of guilt push down on my chest before a sob came out of me. I shook my head as I leaned up against the nearest wall. I'm not sure how long I was leaning there. Everything was blurry, my eye sight, my hearing, my head. It was all blurry until I felt a pair of strong, yet skinny arms wrap around my waist.

My head snapped around to see Madison standing there, much to my surprise. I turned into her as a reflex and wrapped my arms around her, burying my face into her shoulder.

"Freya let me in." Madison spoke, her voice was soothing and soft like silk. She rubbed soothing, light circles on my back. I took in a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I finally found my voice. I pulled away from Madison slightly, wiping away my tears and letting out a shaky breath.

"What are you doing here?" I finally asked. Madison gave me a gentle smile as she placed one of her hands onto my cheek that wasn't bruised.

"Before I left last night, Elijah told me about the ball that they were hosting with Marcel. I came over to ask you if you'd like to be my date." I looked up at her in shock before I let out a small little laugh of joy. I nodded my head before whispering a small "Of coarse."

"Fantastic!" Madison exclaimed before she returned back to her serious demeanor. "Now why don't you tell me what has gotten you so upset?"

"I don't want to burden you." I told her. My body stiffened, my guard coming back up.

"Aspyn, you will never be a burden, no matter how much you believe that you are. Did someone hurt you?" I took a deep inhale, pulling away from her and folding my arms in front of my chest.

"Yeah, you could say that. It seems as though people have been hurting me for a long time." I elaborated slightly, still not going into detail. Madison let out a sigh as she realized that would be the most she would be able to get out of me at the moment.

"Alright, well you don't have to tell me everything right now, but just so you know that when you're ready to share, I'll be right here ready to listen." Madison grabbed my hand in hers and gave it a small squeeze.

"I'll see you tonight." She said before vamping off.


"This is hopeless!" I exclaimed, laughter in my voice as Elijah tried to teach me how to dance.

"Hey, nothing is hopeless. Ever." I rolled my eyes at his deep response to a not so deep exclamation.

I wasn't sure how this was going to happen, I couldn't even dance in tennis shoes how was I supposed to dance in heels tonight. I let out a huff of frustration.

"I keep stepping on your feet. If I do that to Madison tonight, in heels she'll never want to dance with me again." I voiced my thoughts. Elijah let out a small laugh at that.

"Nonsense, Madison's a vampire. She's tough, she'll be able to handle it." I lightly shoved Elijah at that.

"Not helping." He let out another chuckle.

"C'mon, let's try again." Elijah held out his one hand towards me and I took it. He pulled me a little bit closer towards him and set his other had on the middle of my back as I placed mine on his shoulder. I averted my gaze down to my feet.

"Don't look at your feet." I frowned at that, how am I supposed to know I'm moving the right way then?

"In the waltz, eye contact his important." I sighed and averted my gaze up to meet his.

"Now what?" I asked.

"I'll count and move my left foot back first, you take a step forward first." I nodded, taking a deep breath. I listened to Elijah's counting, this time successfully following his lead without breaking any toes. As we finished, a huge grin spread across my face.

"I did it!" I smiled excitedly. In the midst of my excitement I lunged at Elijah and gave him a tight hug. "Thank you!" Elijah wrapped his arms around me, hugging me back.

"You're welcome Aspyn. Now, guests will be here soon, why don't you go ahead and get ready." I pulled away from him nodding in absolute excitement before rushing off to Rebekah's room where she told me to come as she insisted on helping me get ready for my first ever dance.

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