eight: crystal snow

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"can I touch your heart? I want to touch it but it keeps slipping through my fingers, someday, someday.


crystal snow only holds an ambiguous shape

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crystal snow only holds an ambiguous shape. I can't bear my story of unrequited love. eh I'll manage to change it on my own."

After Jungkook met Elianna, things changed around him.

He wouldn't just think about her more, he'd notice her more and see her more. He'd see her crossing the street with her eyes lowered, walking past him with her earphones blasting loud music which made him wonder, what kind of music does she listen to? He'd see her with Shira in a coffee shop, in a tree filled park when he would go out for a run; he'd end up running in the opposite direction though, because he wouldn't know how to react if she saw him. He'd see her whilst walking to Taehyung's and spend a few minutes thinking about whether or not to say hello to her. He thought about bumping into her and spilling coffee over her like in the books but he didn't even like coffee. Elianna usually never saw him back, it was always him seeing her around the town they live in.

The one time he saw her was when he was walking back from the dance studio. His bag was swinging over his shoulder, he was sweating and grumpy because he was in need of a desperate shower. She was walking past, hands in pockets and she was alone. They made brief eye contact and Jungkook swears he saw a smirk playing on her lips. He did a double take and looked over his shoulder, she wasn't staring back like he was hoping.

Seeing Elianna around so much made him wonder why he had never seen her before. He now noticed her on the streets, in the crowds and in places he never used to. It shows just how much he has a thing for Elianna. Jungkook doesn't know what to call what he feels for her. It's just a stupid crush he hates.

One time, Elianna was at Taehyung's apartment. He opened the door without knocking to see Elianna on the kitchen counter, her legs swinging as she shouted to Taehyung who was in the bathroom, wanting toilet paper.

Jungkook came to the rescue, trying to ignore the weird feeling in his stomach when Elianna greeted him with a wide smile and he grabbed the toilet paper.

He went to the toilet and threw it at his best friends face.

After the three of them spent time together, Jungkook walked Elianna back to her apartment. It was one of his favourite moments with her. Her side bumped into his all the way and they walked extra slowly so it took longer to get to hers. He talked, she talked, he listened, she listened. Jungkook wanted to kiss her goodnight but chose not to when she thanked him, squeezing his hand so quickly that he didn't even notice, before closing the door.

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