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"Good morning," I said to CJ after seeing him exiting his door for school. He looked at me and waved back, he still did not have his glasses. I wondered why he did not just buy another one already, it was Monday so it had already been more than a week since he broke his other one. "Want a ride?" I questioned. He shook his head no. I learned not to pressure him about things like a ride so I just nodded my head. I doubted he saw the small action though. 

I watched as he started walking down the road making his way to the school. I hoped in my car to get there before I was late. Within five minutes, I arrived at the school. "Good morning," I heard Justin say the moment I stepped foot out of the car. He was again parked next to my car. He gave me a smile to die for and walked over to me. "What did you do over the weekend beside ignore my text?" He questioned. I started laughing, I actually did not see his text until the next day so I did not see the point of even replying. He looked at me weird wondering why my rude action seemed funny to me.

"Morning" I finally replied. "I'm sorry about the text, but if you still want to we can hang out this weekend," I said. He thought about for a while before nodding his head. "Saturday will be fine," I told him since we had our first game this Friday and on Sundays, I hang out with my mom. "I'll see you in class," I told him. He nodded his head again and I made my way inside of the school. 

By the time, I was inside, the bell rung and I made my way to AP Calculus. "Good morning Bianca," Ms. Brun told me. I said good morning back and took my seat. One by one everyone started coming as we started our new lesson for the week.


"Give me four laps!" Justin yelled. Today was one of the days that our coach was out and Justin was in charge. I hated when he was in charge, he was the boss and he enjoyed yelling out orders. I did not even know why we were running the track after all that hard work at practice, but according to him, we were being punished because one of my teammates couldn't block a goal the perfect way.

I sighed and looked over at him, I walked up to him as the other girls started running. "You like being the boss, don't you?" I asked him. 

"Yes, yes  I do," he replied. He blew his whistle making me almost go deaf. "Now run so we can get out of here," he said. I nodded my head and started running around the track. After about five minutes, everyone was done. "Okay, good practice everyone," Justin started as we walked towards the soccer field. "Remember our game against Creek High is this Friday, let's kick their butts!" He said with too much enthusiasm. "Have a good day everyone and Greta," he said to our goalkeeper. "You're on clean duty," he gave her a smile and left.

Clean duty simply meant she had to put everything we were using like the balls to the water back in their places. I wished I could stay and help her, but I was really tired and wanted to go home. I grabbed my stuff and made my way out of the field. As I walked passed the library, I spotted CJ coming out of it. It was odd for him to stay here after school. "Hey, what are you still doing here?" I asked him. He turned and looked at me. 

"My teachers love giving me work, I had to tutor someone from my History class," he said. "Feels like a second job, I should be getting paid," he said. 

"But you get extra credit," I told him.

"Which I really don't need," he said. "Anyways, how was your practice?" He said putting air quotations around practice. I raised my eyebrow, "I just don't see the point of playing sports in High School," he said. 

"I don't know, it's fun," I said. I always enjoyed soccer simply because it's just fun. "You should try soccer, you might like it," I told him. 

"I did, my dad forced me to be in our soccer team in Elementary School, I quit soccer the moment I reached middle school," that is the second time he mentioned his dad to me. I wondered what happened to him, did he pass away or something? I chose not to ask him any questions about it afraid he will stop speaking about it overall. 

"Oh," I said, "you played with Justin?" I asked him. Justin used to play soccer when he was younger also. 

"Unfortunately," he said. 

"You guys need to stop, you can't seriously be mad at each other for a candy cane," I said. It was beyond stupid. 

"Tell him that," he said. "And it's not just the candy cane, he's just I don't know, ridiculous," he said. I nodded my head, "and you are worse for dealing with him," he said. I gasped, now he was officially taking it so far. 

"You are so mean," I frowned, he looked at my face and started laughing. I never really heard him laugh before, he sounded amazing. 

"Probably," he replied. "Did Justin leave yet?" He asked, I shook my head no. He was still somewhere in the building, he had to go check on the fields after everyone left before he could leave himself. "Is he on the soccer field?" He asked, I shook my head no again. "Figures," he said. "Let me open your eyes, follow me," he started walking. I looked around awkwardly but followed him regardless. I wanted to see what he could possibly open my eyes to.

We walked for a while before we turned towards the Mathematics hallway. I walked down the wall until he stopped in front of Ms. Brun's classroom. Why was he taking me to her classroom? I doubt she was even still here. "Why are we here?" I asked him. The doors of the classrooms all have small windows in them and he looked through it. He pointed towards it for me to look, I tippytoed a bit since the window was high and looked through it. Ms. Brun was still here seated on her desk grading papers.

She looked up a few times, there was obviously someone else in the room with her, but I could not see it. She suddenly stood up from her desk and that's when I saw Justin. He walked towards her and they started talking, it started getting intense. They were mad at each other for something, Ms. Brun yelled something. I could not hear what she said, but I could hear the sound. Her face screamed anger and she turned, but Justin pulled her towards him and said something to her. His hand was resting on her waist gently, he let out a deep breath and said something else.

They looked into each other's eyes; I could not believe what I was seeing. Were they really seeing each other, I turned and looked at CJ, he shrugged his shoulder. For a guy who could not see far without his glasses, he sure could see some things. He pointed to the door again, I turned and looked and they were now kissing.

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