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 I quickly pulled away putting my head down; he lifted up my chin making me look at him. "I like you, Bianca."  

I knew I wanted to hear him say it, but I knew better than to start anything permanent with anyone here. "You must be talking about another Bianca," I told him. He glared his eyes on mine getting tired of me playing around. "Okay fine," I finally let out. I pulled away from him and started pacing around the room. "See, I'm sorry, CJ, but I do not date and even if I did, trust me you would not want to date me," I told him honestly. 

"And why is that?" He asked me. 

"Um...You barely know me, I'm not a very nice person, we'd probably argue for most of the time and you'll come to hate me," I told him. 

"I doubt it," he said. "You are a very nice person," he answered my excuse. "You talked to me multiple times even after I told you to leave me alone, you bought me new glasses when mine broke," I was about to tell him it was my mom, but he stopped me. "I knew you bought them," he told me, "and you made it your job to set me up with a girl simply because I said I had a stupid childhood crush on her," he said. These were good reasons to think of me as a nice person; however, that still was not enough. 

"Okay," I said, "I did these things because I wanted to repay you for tutoring me," I told him. "CJ," I called him. 

"You didn't call me my full name," he told me. 

"You hate when I do that," I told him. 

"Well, maybe I do like it," I couldn't help, but let out a chuckle. 

"Well, Christopher James, let's just forget this happened, okay?" I questioned to make sure we were both on the same page. "I really hate dating and getting too attached to people, I hope you understand that," I said. "I move every year to a different state and I am a different person; I'm just a passerby."

He grabbed my hand and stopped me from walking around, he looked into my eyes. "Just tell me you don't feel the same way and I'll leave you alone," he told me. I nodded my head, I removed my eyes from him because I could not look him in the eye to tell him that. "No," he grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "Look me in the eye," he added. 

"I can't do that," I said what he wanted to hear. "I do feel something towards you and I won't lie about it, but we can't have anything between us. I've never liked anyone before except that time in Vegas," I said thinking about the last person I allowed to enter my heart. That ended in a disaster. He raised his eyebrow to see what I had to say in Vegas. "It's a long story," I told him not wanting to think too much about it. "The point is I can't let myself feel anything more because when it comes time for me to move, I'll be sad and I do not want to be sad. I look forward to moving every year, I like a new start and I can't do that if someone is making me sad."

"You don't have to move," he said. I widened my eyes, I never thought of it like that before. "You're going to turn eighteen and you will graduate high school. You can stay anywhere you want, you don't have to keep moving to new places." He was right, I could decide where I want to live now and I could decide what to do with my life. 

I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen, CJ pulled away slightly. His mom, Katlyn, entered the kitchen. She gave me a small smile and passed through taking a seat on one of the stools. "We'll talk about it later, just think about it," he whispered to me. I nodded my head, I watched as he walked and started talking to his mom."Mom, I picked up the refills," he told her. He said something else, but I did not hear him. I liked seeing how he reacted with his mom. For some odd reason, it made me like him, even more, knowing he was so caring. 

He looked over at me, I gave him a smile and he returned it. I waved my hand and told him bye, he mouthed bye to me and I made my way out of the house. I walked across the street to my house.


"Morning," Justin told me coming to stand next to me in front of Ms. Brun's room. He leaned on the wall next to me. 

"Morning," I told him back. He let out a deep breath as I did the same. I guess we both had things on our minds. The door to the hallway opened and I looked up to see CJ coming. I hoped I could avoid him, but he lived next door and we had the same lunch with two classes together. Justin looked at him, but he did not say anything smart this time.

He always had something to say about CJ whenever he saw him, but he was too busy with his own stuff. CJ reached us and leaned on the wall also, he didn't bother to greet either of us. The door opened and Ms. Brun stood to let us in. All three of us went to our seats; class did not start for another ten minutes. I was used to being here early, but I had no idea why CJ was here so early. 

Ms.Brun walked to the board and wrote the date. She then turned and looked at all of us, "what's wrong with y'all?" She questioned. "Didn't enjoy your weekend?" She asked looking at each of us. 

"I don't know," Justin replied, "did you enjoy yours?" He asked her. 

"I did," she answered, "very much," she added.

"What did you do?" Justin asked.

"The usual," she answered, "went out dancing with some friends, got drunk, went on a date with a nice and decent man, and yesterday I spent my time reminding myself of why the heck I decided to teach math to high schoolers who act worse than first graders," she replied looking at him. I could tell her answers had a completely different meaning. "What did you do?" He asked Justin back. 

"Stayed home and did the homework you gave," he said pulling out the homework from his bookbag. She huffed and turned her attention back to CJ and I.

"What about you guys, what's up?" She asked. 

"Nothing, I had a great weekend," I replied, "I watched Supernatural, trashed a guy's car, and ate ice cream," I decided to pick the positive things that happened over this weekend. 

"Sounds fun," she said. "I wish Dean existed in real life," she added pouting her lips.

"Me too," I replied. CJ turned and looked at me slightly. 

"What about you, CJ?" She asked him. 

"Just went to work and I might've scared away someone I really care about," he replied. Ms. Brun was about to reply when the bell rung. The door opened and students started coming taking their seats. 

"Good morning class, I hope everyone had a nice weekend, let's get to work."

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