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I was kind of happy this morning, I did not know why especially since it was Monday and I was up early walking to math class. I had a nice weekend so I guess that gave me permission to be happy. I walked down the hall, Justin was already waiting by the door for Ms. Brun to open up her classroom. "Good morning," I told him leaning on the wall. He looked up from his phone giving me a smile, he then raised his eyebrows, "what?" I asked him. 

"Why are you so happy?" He questioned, "it's early in the morning," he added.

"I don't know, Justin," I replied, "maybe I've decided to appreciate the small things in life such as being alive and healthy," he nodded his head totally not believing what I said. "Why are you happy?" I asked him back. He did smile when I walked up to him. 

"Why not?" He replied in the same manner as me. "I am alive and healthy plus I got laid," he replied patting my back gently.

"You are such a guy," I groaned. 

"Not my fault you didn't get laid," I rolled my eyes and ignored him. Just then the door opened, I was getting tired of hearing him say it. He had a girlfriend, I doubt getting laid could bring up his happiness. "Good morning, Ms. Brun," he said with a smile. 

"Morning Justin," she said back, "Morning Ms. Jackson," she said to me also. She gave us both a smile and we entered her classroom taking a seat. She then closed the door and walked to the board writing down the date and what not. "Why do you guys show up early to my class, don't you guys have friends to hang out with or something?" She questioned as she looked through her bag and got ready for the school day. 

"Maybe we just want to see you," Justin replied.

"You saw me last night, Justin," she replied, "but I am a sight to see, I would want to see me also," she said. "What about you Bianca, don't you have friends you want to see in the morning?"

"Fortunately no," I replied. I would not want to see anyone in the morning anyway. The door suddenly opened and CJ walked in. He gave me a smile and walked to his seat. He had his headphones in and he did not bother taking them off upon entering the classroom. 

"Good morning to you too, CJ," Ms. Brun said sarcastically rolling her eyes at him. "Anyways, Thanksgiving is this Thursday, are you guys excited?" She asked us. Justin nodded his head and I just shrugged my shoulders. I really did not care, but I was excited about the time off from school. "What are you guys doing?" She asked us.

"Family, what about you?" Justin asked her.

"I am flying to California to be with my annoying family which I hate," she replied.

"Then why go at all?" I asked her. It has always bee my mom and I, so I do not have any annoying family, but if I did I sure as hell wouldn't fly across the country just to see them.

"Cause they're family," she replied, "I'm sure you have some annoying people in your family, but you still look forward to seeing them," I shook my head no. I haven't even met anyone in my family. My mom was an only child and her parents died years ago. "Lucky, but what are you doing for Thanksgiving?" She asked me. 

"Nothing, I don't celebrate Thanksgiving," I replied, both her and Justin turned and looked at me raising their eyebrows. "Well, my mom never did so I don't."

"What do you do for the day?" She asked.

"Usually watch a movie or sleep, it's like any normal day for me," she replied. They looked at me like I grew a second head or something. I'm sure I'm not the only one that does not celebrate Thanksgiving. My mom even works some Thanksgivings so it never even mattered. The bell rung and one by one the students started coming. 


"I will see you guys tomorrow, please finish the assignment," Ms. Brun said as the students left the class one by one. I grabbed my stuff and exited the classroom ready to go to English class.

"Bianca," I heard my name being called, I stopped walking and turned around and saw CJ. "Hey," he told me as he caught up to me. I turned back around and started walking towards my class. "So, do you want to do something later, after school or-"

"Does your family celebrate Thanksgiving?" I asked him cutting him off. It just bothers me so much that people think it's weird that I don't. Sometimes I can't help but feel jealous of the life some people have. I would love to have annoying family that I still can't wait to see. I would love to have Justin's father; he is a crazy overprotective man and sometimes I question if my dad would have been the same if he was in my life. 

"Um... we used to when I was a kid," he answered, "after my mom got sick, it just didn't feel great anymore. We used to do the whole big meal, turkey thing," he added. I nodded my head, now I did not feel so bad.

"How old were you when your mom got sick?" I asked him. 

"Around eight," he replied. 

"Wait, you've been taking care of your mom ever since you were eight?" 

"No, I only started taking care of my mom a few months ago, that's why I'm so bad at it," he chuckled, "my dad used to," he added after a while. He was not so bad at taking care of his mom. I wouldn't last taking care of someone mentally sick for a week and he has been doing it for months.

"Where's your dad?" I asked him, I never asked him that before and I actually now wanted to know.

"Europe," he answered, "might be in Paris this week, I don't know," sadness flashed through his eyes for a little bit until he gave me a small smile. I reached my classroom and stood outside as I watched student rush in the hallway to get to their next class. 

"Your dad left?" I asked him, he nodded his head. 

"We had an argument and it's just crazy now."

"Isn't he still married to your mom?" I questioned. He shook his head no. What kind of person divorces their spouse when they are sick and why would he just leave his son to take care of his ex-wife? "I'm so sorry," I told him. 

"No," he replied, "it's fine, my parents got a divorce years ago. I think it was like a year before my mom even got sick."

"Oh," I said, I think I am so messed up that I expect all dads to be like mine. "That must have been really hard on you as a kid, I'm sorry," I told him again.

"I was glad actually, my parents used to argue all the time. I mean after they got a divorce, they became friends and we had Sunday dinners together," he said thinking about the warm memory. "I think sometimes a divorce can be a blessing," he said. "My dad moved back in after my mom got sick, took care of her, and now we're whatever now," he said. "What about you, did your parents get a divorce?"

I shook my head no, "they were never married," I said.

"Oh," he said, "where does he live, you never talk about him?"

"I don't know," I answered, he gave me a sorry face. The late bell rung, "I have to go," I told him. 

"Wait, do you want to-"

"I have to go," I told him again. I felt like if I stayed one more moment there I would start crying. 

"I guess I'll see you-" I stopped listening and entered the classroom. I took my seat and waited for what horrible thing we would do today. My day started out fine and now I was just sad.

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