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A knock came on my door, I turned and groaned into my pillow. I wondered what my mom wanted now, I told her to leave me alone. I did not want to talk to her nor hear her say any of her attempted motherly talks. "Bianca, it's me," I heard his voice say on the other side of the door. What was he doing here, I groaned some more and toss my blanket off my body.

I walked into my bathroom and finally brushed my teeth even though it was already three in the afternoon. I looked into the mirror, my hair was a mess, but I did not care. I walked towards my door and opened it, Justin let out a sigh, "when's the last time you showered?" He questioned entering my room. 

"Last night," I replied. I did shower, I just did not feel like getting up to go to school this morning especially after what happened. "Anyways, did you bring what I requested?" I asked him. 

He went into his bag and pulled out some papers, "full notes of what happened today," he said. I mouthed him a thank you and set it down on my nightstand. "So, what's going on?" He asked me as he took a seat on my bed as if the place was his. I dreaded the question, my mom has been asking it ever since I came back. I still did not answer her and I did not plan to. 

"He dumped me," I answered Justin. He looked at me and smiled, "I'm serious," I told him. "It's stupid to be wallowing about it, I know," I said before he had a chance to tell me. "I just did not realize how much I liked him until it happened, I think I might love him or something, I'm so pathetic," I said taking a seat next to him. 

"You're not," he told me, "love is a strong emotion and it often times makes us blind and do stupid stuff," he told me. "Look, I do not know why he would break it off with you, you are an amazing girl and I am not just saying that. I mean sometimes you have an attitude and a spirit of entitlement, but you are still amazing. I do not know what guy would not want that type of girl," he said. "Now what happened to the girl who trashed a guy's car, kissed a stranger?" He asked me. 

"You're right," I told him, "he does not deserve my time, I should trash his car or throw eggs at his house," I said. 

"Um..." Justin stopped me grabbing my hand, "no, that's too much. Christopher is just being stupid right now. He just lost his mom and the moment he comes back to his senses, you will have your man back." 

"Thank you, Justin," I told him giving him a hug. He actually did help, I do not know why Allison was always crying over boys. If I had a brother like him, I would never have any boy problems. I tried to pull away, but he was holding onto me. "I'm sorry about you and Emma," I told him. I didn't think I ever got the chance to say that to me. 

"It's fine," he said finally pulling away. He sighed and looked at me, "Christopher really ended it?" He asked me as if I did not already tell him that. I nodded my head again, he laid his hand back on my bed, "don't feel so bad, you were going to end it in a few months anyway, he saved you an awkward conversation," he said.

"I was not going to," I replied. I did not even think about ending it.

"Why?" He quickly sat up and looked at me, "you're leaving."

"I know," I said, "I just thought we would, I don't know work it out."

"I don't see how, you're going to be traveling across the country and even out of the country. When you are not playing, you will be practicing."

"Yes, but many people have dated long distanced before. It's not impossible. Is that why you broke up with Emma because you don't want to have a long distance relationship?" I asked him.

"Yes, because I don't want to do that to her."

"Do what?"

"She wants to settle down, have a family, grow old together, and all that happy shit, but I can't give her that. First of all, I do not know if I want it plus I have college. She deserves someone who will be able to give her what I can't. Someone who will love her and who is husband material. Long distance dating is not impossible, it just won't be fair to him."


I sneaked my way into the class hoping Ms. Brun did not catch. I was not even that late, I slid in my seat, "you're late," Justin said as if I did not already know that. 

"I overslept," I told him. I snoozed my alarm and kept doing. I was just so tired, I did not even know why I decided to come here. I had a hard time falling asleep last night and when I finally drifted off, it was time to wake up. Justin nodded his head. Ms. Brun walked towards her door closing it, I knew I was not that late. She did not even close the door yet.

She looked around the room at the students, her eyes stopped at me and gave me a smile, "glad you could join us, Ms. Jackson. Say what, I am so happy to see you that I want to see you again this afternoon. See you in detention," I rolled my eyes, but made sure she did not see me. 

"You guys need to get back together," I whispered to Justin. He raised his eyebrows, "she's been a bitch ever since you guys broke up," I told him. I knew it was a mean thing to say, but it was the truth. The woman needed to get laid, some good dick can fix any attitude. Justin chuckled shaking his head. 

"Mr. Wright," she said making me bring back my attention to her. I thought she was going to ask me about him or something, but I was surprised to see her looking towards his seat. I turned and my heart nearly stopped when I saw him standing there. "It's so great to have you back," she said. He nodded his head and gave her a small smile. His eyes drifted towards me, we were lost in each other's eyes for a while until Ms. Brun started her lesson. I haven't really seen him since he dumped me, it had been a week, but it felt like yesterday. 


"Hey," I heard his voice say before I could even escape the class. I paused a bit taking a deep breath. I continued to walk, I did not want to see him nor talk to him right now. "Bianca," he called me. I still did not turn around, he grabbed my hand and made me turn around. "Hey, can we talk for a sec?" He questioned.

"Um... no, I have to get to my next class. Can't get two detentions in one day," I joked. 

"Bianca, please."

"CJ, I'm serious, I have class," I turned and looked at the other students as they rushed to their next classes. He sighed and groaned. He then proceeded to grab my arms, he pulled me towards the back of the school. "CJ, let go of me!" I screamed. "This is kidnapping, you are taking me against my will and I-" I stopped talking when he let go of me. 

"I just want to talk," he told me. 

"About what?" I snapped back. I did not realize how angry I was with him until I saw him in front of me.

"About what happened, I just wanted to say sorry."

"Okay, is that all?" I asked him. 

"I guess," he told me. 

"I have to go, I'll see you in Physics," I told him. I turned around and walked back into the school a tear threatening to fall out of my eyes. 

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