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"Then you do," he said, he grabbed his phone out of his pocket, "you need to leave, you're going to miss your flight."

"I'm not leaving," I told him. He stared at me raising his eyebrow. "I want to stay, CJ," I answered his unasked question. "This is the first time in my entire life that I feel at home somewhere. You make me feel like I'm the only one that matters and I would be a fool to leave that," I added. He sighed and put the cake he had in his hands down on the small table. 

"Bianca, you can't stay," he told me. "I'm going to hate myself if I stop you from doing something you love," he approached me pulling me in a hug. "You need to do this because you might not have planned it, but it makes you happy. I promise I'll come visit and we can video chat, but I will not allow you to stay."

"It's not really your decision," I said, he pulled away and looked into my eyes. "I want to stay," I added. He could not stop me from staying if I wanted to. I really did not want to move to a new place where I would literally have to start all over. I have been running all my life, moving to places after places and I think it's time that I stop running.

"Yes, but you shouldn't stay," he said. He passed his hands through his dark hair letting out a sigh. "You have a chance to do something you love while traveling the world, it would be stupid to not take it."

"Why are you so against me staying?" I questioned him.

He stayed silent for a while, "because I love you," he finally replied. I raised my eyebrow. "I want to see you happy and it does not matter if I'm part of that happiness or not. I've met enough people sacrifice their dreams for love and it always ends badly. They end up hating each other and being bitter for the rest of their lives. I do not want to see it happen to you."

"What if it doesn't?" I asked him.

"Remember how I told you my parents were from New York?" He asked me, I nodded my head. "My mom wanted to move here because she always liked life in a small city. Simple things, my dad followed her," he started. "That's why they got a divorce, my dad was not happy. He loved the big city and traveling the world," he said. "The point is leaving behind a dream caused a whole family to break down, I don't want that for us."

"You go play soccer for as long as you want, I will be right here when you come back, but you're right it would be selfish of me to ask you to stay and it would be stupid of you to want to stay." I looked at him and nodded my head. Perhaps his wisdom made me love him more. Why was he so selfless? He was right, I heard enough of those stories also and the last thing I wanted was to hate him after ten years because I never had a chance to follow my dreams. 

I always learned that we should make sacrifices for love, maybe this time it would be different. I was making a sacrifice for myself, choosing myself no matter how hard it seemed. He made me happy, but I knew better than to stay just for that. "You promise to come visit?" I asked him. He nodded his head giving me a smile. 

"I will be the first person you see before your first game," he told me. I pulled away and looked around, he just stood there and stared at me. 

"What are you even going to do here?" I questioned him. He walked to a table and grabbed a brochure. He handed it to me. It was about a hotel in France.

"My dad wants me to come with him to France," he said. "He has been saying it's great and it's worth my time, I guess I should finally check it out," I smiled. "Plus with everything that has happened, I need a break before I start school in the fall."

"You need a break?" I asked him, he nodded his head. I laughed shaking my head.

"What?" He asked.

"You said you needed a break, you would have never said that a year ago. You realized that life has to be enjoyed."

"Yes Bianca Jackson, I was serious, you really have changed me. You were just what I needed this year with everything so thank you," I came closer and gave him a hug. "You saved me," he added.

"From what?" I asked him.

"From myself," he replied. I pulled away giving him a smile. "Now, I remember you buying me a cake, let me show you how great it is," he said. I smiled, he grabbed my hand pulling me into the kitchen. He grabbed spoons and take the cover off. "The smell only," he licked his pink lips. He handed me a spoon, I watched as he wasted no time and stuffing his mouth with some of the cake. I dug in also, he was definitely right. This cake was heaven.


"You have everything?" My mom asked me, I nodded my head. I did not know why she asked, we were already at the airport, it's not like she could drive back to the house to get it, but I knew she was just worried about everything. It was the first time we would be away from each other. We were always together, I put my bag down and gave her a big hug. "I love you and I am so proud of you," she said. A tear fell down my cheeks. "Now, I am coming to visit every month and please don't-"

"Mom," I cut her off. She pulled away and sighed, she mouthed me sorry. "I'll be fine," I reassured her. I turned around to see Charlene, Charles, and John who decided to come say goodbye to me also. I walked to them, Charlene did not hesitate to give me a big hug. "It was so nice to meet you and I wish we met each other earlier," I told her.

"Yeah me too," she told me. 

"Well, I guess this is goodbye," Charles said. I knew he was not the emotional type so I just nodded my head and gave him a fist bump. Now it was John's turn, I looked at him and he did the same.

"I'm not mad at you anymore," I told him, "I just wish I had a father when I was younger, I really needed one," I told him, "but thank you so much for reaching out. I might act like I don't need you, but I do and it's all I ever wanted," I told him. He smiled and pulled me into a hug. 

"I love you," he whispered in my ear. He pulled away, I looked at everyone. This was harder than I thought, I was supposed to stay sane and not get attached. I promised myself I would not be sad when it was time for me to leave and here I was being sad. Despite being sad, I was happy in a weird way. I was sad to leave, but I was excited to see what the future held. Alabama would surely always be my home, it had shown me nothing, but love. 

It thought me so many lessons, I looked around as everyone rushed to where they were going. I think I finally found my home, my phone vibrated, it was a message from Justin. I smiled, he could not come say goodbye in person because he was stuck in a family event. I opened the message, it was a whole paragraph. Only Justin, I said to myself shaking my head. "You should get going," my mom said. I nodded my head and grabbed the small bag. I mouthed everyone bye, I took a deep breath and turned around.

I promised myself I would not look back, I would just walk towards, but it was too hard. I turned around looking at my family again, I'm fine, I said to myself. 

"Welcome to American Airlines," the flight attendant said as I entered the airplane. As I looked for my seat my phone vibrated again, this time it was CJ.

Call me when you land, Precious.

The End

This is the saddest ending I've ever written besides 'You and Only You' (Should definitely read it).

It might be sad, but I'm happy with it, let me know if you are. 

This is what I hope you guys got from this story: love is found in the weirdest places, keep your heart open, and true love is when you let the person you love be happy even if it's not with you.

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