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"I enjoyed spending the day with you," Justin said as we exited his house. We walked to my car in the parking lot. "And thank you so much for helping my sister," he added.

"It was no problem," I told him. He nodded his head. 

"She has a big heart and she is oftentimes clueless and some people take advantage of that," he said. I kind of felt bad because I was doing the same thing to her. At least, I was trying to fix her with an amazing guy who would treat her right. "Anyways, thanks I will see you tomorrow," he said. I gave him a quick hug and got into my car. I drove myself home ready to take a good bath and lay down in bed. 

I reached home soon enough, I parked my car. I turned and looked at CJ's house. He had to be home by now, he worked in the morning on Sundays and he got home around five sometimes. I let out a deep breath and walked over to his house. I rang the doorbell and stood waiting for him. After a few seconds, the door opened. 

I had not seen him since that awkward kiss yesterday and it was still very much awkward between us. I should have never asked him to kiss me; I was certain that I would not feel something for him and that I would just be helping out a friend, but I was wrong. He stood at the doorframe in only his sweatpants and a tank top. I never took my time to study his body before; I didn't even know he had muscles. He did always wear a loose hoodie outside the house. 

His eyes were fixed on mine, I could tell it was still awkward for him also. Speak Bianca, Speak, my mind told me. I gathered myself and decided to tell him the reason I came here. "Hi," I said giving him a smile. 

"Hey," he said back. He opened the door wider and I walked in. I never walked inside his house before. The house was built the same as mine, there was not much difference. "What's up?" He asked me as he walked into the kitchen. I watched as he took a bunch of pills setting them down on the counter. He did take a pill divided container to put them in. 

"Um... so, Allison is single now and she will be attending the party tomorrow," I told him. "If all goes well, you guys will be dating by next week unless you-"

"I can't go," he cut me off. I raised my eyebrow, oh no, he was not going to do this. I worked hard for all of this, it took a lot of work to come up with a plan and then make Allison feel better after her boyfriend dumped her. He was not going to bail out on me. 

"What do you mean?" I asked him, "you are off and I promised I will watch your mom and she will be taking her pills. And there is no school on Tuesday so you do not have to worry about being out too late or having a hangover," I told him. Tuesday was a stupid teacher planning day. I seriously do not know what type of school has planning days in the middle of the week. "I worked hard for this, Christopher James. You cannot just decide not to go," my hands were now on my hips.

He poured one of the pill bottles in the container, he seemed not to even care about what I was saying. "Yes, I can," he finally replied looking up. I huffed and gave him an angry face. "Bianca, I'm sorry, okay?" He asked. "I'm sorry you wasted your time, but I just can't, okay?" He asked me. I nodded my head, he put his head down again and continued his work. 

"Why can't you go?" I questioned him. I at least deserved to know the truth about it since he did waste my time. He looked at me and shook his head; he went back to separating the pills. He finally finished and set the containers on one of the cabinets. "Christopher James?" I called him. 

"Bianca," he said my name in the same tone I had called his. He walked towards me and stood in front of me. Why was he so close to me, it never bothered me before. I took a step back, "I can't go because I think I have feelings for another person," he said. I looked into his eyes, I quickly put my head down. 

"Um..." I said. Return to your normal self, Bianca. "Well, she better be single and ready to mingle because I am not going to try to set you up with her if you are just going to say you like someone else. How many people can a guy like anyway?" I asked. He chuckled still staring at me. 

"She is single, I don't know about ready to mingle," he said. 

"Who is she?" I asked him. I was getting interested in this so-called girl he was interested in. I wondered if she's pretty. I shook my head, I did not even know why I cared about that. Of course, I cared, I might like him. 

"You," he said. Some part of me was happy to hear that he might like me, but I knew better than to start anything between him and I. I had to come up with something smart to say. 

"You?" I asked him, "is she Chinese?" I asked. 

"Don't play smart with me," he said. 

"I don't know what you mean," I snapped back. He moved his hands and wrapped them around my waist, he then pulled me towards him. I taught him how to do that, I was just too good of a teacher. I knew it would drive any girl crazy because it was sure driving me crazy. There was no longer any space between us, he bent down and smacked his lips against mine. 

I quickly pulled away putting my head down; he lifted up my chin making me look at him. "I like you, Bianca."


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