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The team huddled together as we cheered shouts of joy from winning our first game. I walked away and put my hands over my ear to keep myself from becoming deaf. The girls would not stop screaming and no offense to any of them, but they sounded like a bunch of little girls happy for candy. They finally ended their shouts of joy, the other team came over congratulating us. We gave them handshakes and smiled at them, "I am so proud of you guys," the coach said as we finished. 

"Victory party at my place!" One of our teammates, Eve, yelled. The other teammates nodded their heads all surrounding her asking for the address. I walked over to the bleachers where my mom was waiting for me. She quickly got up and gave me a big hug.

"I missed coming to your games," she told me. I smiled remembering the last time I actually played soccer. It had to be freshman year and despite my mom's busy schedule, she was always at every game. "I'll see you at home?" She asked, I nodded my head. She gave me a quick hug again and I watched as she grabbed herself making her way to the parking lot. I turned and looked at my team still excited for their win; they acted like they have never won a game before. 

I walked towards the lockers and quickly changed into more comfortable clothes. I had to get home to shower because I did not trust the showers here. I grabbed my stuff and made my way out. "Not going to Eve's gathering?" Justin asked as I made my way to my car. He opened the trunk of his car and put his stuff in. 

"No," I answered him. 

"Why, you don't like parties?" He asked, "I'd take you to be a party girl," he said. 

"Depends on what time of party you are talking about," I replied. I opened the backseat of my car putting my bag in.

"Too sophisticated for high school parties?" He asked. 

"You know me so well," I joked. He chuckled shaking his head. He finished putting everything in and stood to stare at me. "So, do you have a date with her after this?" I asked referring to Ms. Brun. I had been so busy with the game and practice that I had not had a chance to question him about it.

"Who?" He asked raising his eyebrow. I paused for a minute wondering if I should even bring it up. He stood impatiently waiting for more information on what I was talking about. 

"Ms. Brun," I replied, "or do you prefer to call her Emma?" I asked. He seemed uneasy for a moment. He put his head down, after a while, he gathered himself and looked up at me. 

"I have no idea what you are talking about," he said. 

"Come on Justin, lies are not good, I saw you guys," he let out a deep breath and ran his hand through his messy hair that was due to him yelling and working hard earlier to make the game a success. He turned to look around before bringing his attention back to me. "How long has it been going on?" I questioned, "and why would you ask me out when you are seeing a wonderful woman?" I had so many questions for him, "You thought you could use me to cover it up?" I was getting a little angry. Usually, I was the one doing the using.

"No," he said. He closed his car door and came near me grabbing my hand. I looked down at it, "I was not using you, you are an amazing girl and I really want to go out with you."

"Well, I don't steal other people's man," I said, "anymore," I added after a while. He raised his eyebrow, "nevermind," I said. 

"I'm sorry," he said again. He let go of my hand, "just don't say anything about Emma and I," I chuckled. He did call her Emma. It seemed weird calling her by her first name. It seemed weird having any type of personal relationship with a teacher.

"So, what's up with it?" I asked.

"I don't know," he said, "I know you might think it's weird, but I love and care about her. And she is mature, she's not like girls my age. She does not care about shallow things, she has experience and I know it is wrong, I-I just-"

"Can't control yourself?" I questioned. He nodded his head, "does your father know?" I asked. 

"No," he replied, "he would fire her so fast and probably even call the police," he said. 

"I'm sorry," I said. I did not know what I was apologizing for. "Well, I can keep a secret," he mouthed me a thank you. "Just be more careful in school," I said.

"Wait when did you see us?" He asked. 

"On Wednesday," I answered. 

"What were you doing by her classroom?"

"Well-" I could not answer that.

"Who told you?" He asked. 

"No one," I said.

"Bianca," he groaned.

"Fine, CJ did," I finally let out. 

"Of course Christopher did," he murmured under his breath. 

"Wait his name is Christopher?" I asked. It seemed like that name fitted him more. It sounded more like him than just CJ. CJ sounded like the name of a bad boy and he was anything, but a bad boy. 

"Yeah," he said, "Christopher James," he said. 

"Christopher James Wright," I said to myself. It sounded good. Justin looked at me with a weird face, "anyways, I have to go. I'll see you on Monday," we had a date tomorrow, but we both knew I would not show up after my discovery. I really did not know what to think. He said he loved Emma, so what kind of relationship did he even want with me? He nodded his head and I hopped in my car ready to get out of here. "Justin," I called him rolling down my windows, he stopped and looked over at me. "It's not weird," he smiled.

I sped my way to my house, within three minutes I was there. When I arrived, CJ's porch light was on. He was sitting on the porch, I barely saw him outside. I wanted to say hi so I walked across the street, "hi Christoper James," I said. He looked up at me raising his eyebrow.

"Justin," he groaned. "But hi, how was your game?" He asked. 

"Great," I replied, "how's your mom?"

"Great," he said also. We stayed silent after a while; he removed his hoodie from his head letting his hair fall on his face. He then ran his hand through his dark hair, when I stared at him, he looked up raising his eyebrow. 

"You still haven't gotten your glasses?" I asked, he shook his head no, "have you ever tried contacts?" I questioned. I wear contacts and they have saved me. I hate the idea of something on my face.

"They irritate my eyes," he said. 

"You're nearsighted, right?" He nodded his head, "on a scale of one to ten, how bad would you describe your vision?" 

"Eight?" He asked if that was an acceptable answer. I chuckled and gave him a quick smile. I would just get the glasses for him, maybe he simply could not afford it. I heard a noise coming from inside his house, he turned and looked at it. "I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow at eight for tutoring," I nodded my head. He got up from the small bench and walked inside the house. 

"CJ!" I heard as he opened and closed the door.

"I'm coming, mom!" I heard him yell also. I chuckled and made my way to my house. 

"Hey mom, I'm home," I walked into the kitchen to see my mom seated on the counter eating ice cream. I smiled and grabbed a spoon taking a seat next to her as I took a spoonful of the cookies n cream ice cream. "Mom, remember that friend you said you had that could look up anybody?" I questioned. She nodded her head, "um...can he possibly look up CJ's eye doctor and get his prescriptions?" I asked.

"Why?" She asked. 

"No questions, please," I said, I put my hands together and pouted my lips.

"Fine, I'll give him a call tomorrow."

"Thank you mom, I love you."

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