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"John mentioned that you played soccer," Victoria said as we sat eating dinner. I thought to stand in the kitchen with them was awkward, but this was even more awkward. My mom and I never sat on a formal table to have dinner, we usually sat in front of the television or on the island in the kitchen. However, here they actually ate dinner together even though it looked like not everyone wanted to be here. 

Connor looked like he was one moment from punching his dad while Charles looked bored out of his mind.  Charlene was the only one who looked happy to be here, John couldn't stop looking at Connor and smiling. He was like me, he must feel so good for making him angry, something I would also enjoy. "Yes, I do," I replied to Victoria's question. She nodded her head and dug in some more into her chicken. I tried not to like her, but how can you hate someone who makes chicken this perfect?

"We should totally play sometimes," Charlene quickly added, I nodded my head. That seemed fine, "maybe Charles could join us," I looked over at Charles who was just playing with his food while looking down, he was obviously on his phone. Charlene kicked him under the table. He looked at her with a death glare.

"Charles you know phones aren't allowed on the dinner table," John said to him. He looked at his father and rolled his eyes. He got up from the table, "sit down," he quickly said. Everyone's eyes were now on him to see what he would do. His father's face looked serious and I was afraid he was going to hit him. It seemed like the right thing to do, he ignored his father and started to walk towards the exit, "Charles," he said. He turned and looked at him, I put my fork down now afraid of what would really happen. 

He walked out, I gasped. I could not believe he would do that. I would do it too, but I thought his kids would be different. John got up and exited the kitchen, "I will be right back," Victoria said exiting the kitchen also. 

"I'm sorry about Charles," Charlene said, "we only found out about you a few months ago and he has not taken it in so well." I nodded my head understanding, I would be angry also if I just found out my dad had another kid.

"So he doesn't like me?" I asked her.

"I don't know," she answered, "he's just angry at mom and dad, mostly dad. He thinks they should have told us about you. And he might also be mad at dad for cheating," she said.

"Understandable," I said looking around. 

"Everyone is angry at dad, you're very lucky for not growing up with him," Connor finally spoke for the first time that night. "He's just well, dad," he said laughing. He might be right, but I would love to have an opinion about my father also. 

"Don't listen to him," Charlene said. "You'll love him," she added.

"Of course you think that, all he does is buy you stuff and take you out for ice cream. He hates Charles and I, he literally makes a big deal out of everything," she said.

"Because he doesn't want to see you guys end up in prison, stupid especially Charles. He looks black and he has quite the temper," this conversation was becoming too serious. "Sorry that your father is involved in your life!" Charlene yelled at him. 

"Charlene, do not yell at your brother," John said coming to take back his seat. 


"She shoots and she scores," John said as I made the goal. Charlene frowned since she was the goal keeper. John and I laughed. It had been fun here with them, we went out and we played soccer. It was mostly always John, Charlene, and I since the boys did not want to. "Bianca, you should totally accept that offer, you're smiling," he commented.

"Smiling?" I asked him.

"You smile when you play, it means it makes you happy. You enjoy the game, maybe going pro would be good," he said. I looked at him and nodded my head. I did enjoy playing the game, in fact, soccer was always the one thing I enjoyed. 

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