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 They looked into each other's eyes; I could not believe what I was seeing. Were they really seeing each other, I turned and looked at CJ, he shrugged his shoulder. For a guy who could not see far without his glasses, he sure could see some things. He pointed to the door again, I turned and looked and they were now kissing.  

I stood there shocked unable to take my eyes off of them. I have seen some messed up things in my short years living on earth, but I have never witnessed a student kissing a teacher. I removed myself from the small glass and leaned on the wall. "They were kissing," I told CJ, he nodded his head. "I feel so stupid," I murmured under my breath. I was being played and I did not even realize it. 

"You should," CJ replied, I rolled my eyes ignoring him, "you got played by someone who's IQ is ninety," he said. 

"No, it's not," I said. I'm sure he had a higher IQ then that if he could plan this and keep it a secret. Shit, he might even be smarter than me.

"It's true," CJ answered, "we took an IQ test in kindergarten," I looked at him again and rolled my eyes. He was the worst person to be around when you are feeling sad. I didn't think he even felt sympathy. I looked at him and shook my head then started laughing, I really could not believe it. Cj looked at me raising his eyebrow, "what's so funny?" He questioned. I shook my head, I really could not believe it. 

"So,  how long have they been seeing each other?" I asked putting air quotations around seeing, "and how the heck did you find out, are you stalking him?" I asked one after the other. I thought he barely had time; he works and he has to take care of his mother. 

"I don't know, why don't you ask them?" He asked pointing at the door, "and I found out because I came to her class one afternoon to turn in my late homework," he said, "then I saw this," he said. 

"You know this is illegal, right?" I asked him. 

"I don't see the harm, Justin is eighteen and we are seniors," he said. I sighed and looked around, I heard steps coming down the hall. I looked up to see Allison walking towards us. I wondered if she knew about her brother's affair. I wondered if his father knew about it. What were they thinking? They can get in so much trouble for just doing this. 

"Hey Bianca," Allison greeted me, we exchanged small smiles. "Hey CJ," she said. CJ stood there frozen not replying to what she said. She smiled at him and just stared, "is my brother in there, I'm gonna kill him. He knows he's my ride home," she said looking through the window. She knocked on the door and waited for a while before walking in. I guess that answered my question, she knew.

"What just happened?" I asked CJ, he looked at me shrugging his shoulders, "you like her," I said teasingly. He put his head down, I could see the blush creak through his white cheek. He shook his head no, "yes you do," I said with a bright smile. "CJ likes Allison, CJ like Allison," I said in a singing voice. I was so childish, he looked at me with an annoyed face. "Just admit it," I told him. 

"Okay fine, I like her," he said. "Just shut up about it," I smiled and clapped my hands. 

"So, ask her out," I said. He shook his head no, I raised my eyebrow. 

"She doesn't even know I exist and she has a boyfriend," he said coming up with the reasons. She did have a boyfriend, Justin mentioned it before. However, he also said that she was mad at him because he did something stupid. Who knows? Maybe they have already broken up. I didn't even know her boyfriend, I didn't think he went to our school. 

"She just said your name," I said. "And didn't all of you guys grow up together?" I questioned. They have been going to the same school since they were children. I'm sure she knew plenty about him and she knew he existed. 

"Yes we did," he said looking through the window, "let's go," he quickly told me. I nodded my head and started walking. He went faster and started running down the hallway, as we left the hallway I heard the door open. That was close, I did not want Justin to know I saw him. I hope Allison did not tell him I was standing by the door either. We quickly exited the school building, when we reached outside, we both stood and let out a deep breath. 

"Have you ever tried talking to her?" I inquired. Maybe all he had to do was try to talk to her for her to realize he was interested. 

"We talked once," he said thinking about it, "the day we got married," he smiled. 

"You guys got married?" I asked confused about what he was talking about.

"Yeah, in third grade," he said, "it was with a ring pop and she only married me to get some of my chocolate," he said. I started laughing shaking my head. Sometimes I felt jealous of hearing people talking about their childhood. I never got a chance to marry a stupid boy for chocolate or I never stopped talking to someone because I stole their candy cane. In fact, I don't even remember much about my childhood. All I remember is moving a lot, new schools, new people. I never had friends and I never wanted them knowing I'd have to leave.

"Maybe you guys can get married for real one day," I said. He shook his head. After a while, the door opened and Justin walked out of the building with his sister. He waved his hand saying bye to me. I gave him a small smile and watched as he walked towards the student parking lot. "You want a ride?" I asked CJ feeling tired and wanting to get home and take a warm bath. He shook his head no, "come on," I groaned, "you have to, we shared secrets today," I said punching his arm lightly. He shook his head no again, "please?" I asked, he sighed and nodded his head. 

I grabbed my keys from my bag and walked towards the parking lot. I reached my car and unlocked the door, I hoped on the driver's side and CJ hoped on the passenger side. "Excuse the mess," I told him, "I need to clean my car, but I'm quite lazy if you have not figured it out by now," he nodded his head. I started the car and made my way home; it has been quite the day.

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