Welcome to Midnight

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Manfred looks out the window of his penthouse taking in the view of Dallas when his sister walks up behind him.

"C'mon, Manny put a shirt on. Rachel will be here any minute." Eve said then she tossed him the shirt she had in her hand.

As Manny caught the shirt, he heard a knock on the door and knowing who is knocking. He put the shirt on, he then opened the door to see it was Rachel, a good and longtime client of his.

"Rachel, my god! You get younger everytime i see you." Manfred said

"Oh, shut up!" Rachel said before she walked into the penthouse.

"Rachel, it's so good to see you again. Love the hair." Eve said

Rachel walks up to eve and gives her a hug.

"Thank you, sweetie. And i see you took my advice and got your hair cut a bit, and you look gorgeous." Rachel complemented

"Thank you." Eve said

Manfred and Rachel hug and do a kiss on the cheek, Rachel takes off her jacket which Manfred takes for her.

"Mm, nice." Rachel complemented on the room.

"Always the best for you, darling. Um, I'm sorry. I should have told you on the phone when we set up the appointment. Um, my fee has gone up." Manfred said

"Terribly sorry that we didn't tell you, Rachel." Eve said

"Well, after all this time you two should that you're worth every penny." Rachel said with no bother of it

They two then led Rachel into another room where they had set everything up. Rachel and Manfred took a seat at the small table while Eve lit some candles and took a seat at the edge of the bed and begun to read her book.

Rachel then handed Manfred a wedding band, and nodded her head signaling her was ready, Manfred clasped his hands over it and closed his eyes.

"I want to see you... Show yourself. Harold, make yourself known. Rachel's here. She wants to talk to you." When Manfred finished, he opened his eyes and looked at the ring in his hand before looking up at Rachel. "He's here.

Manfred chuckled before saying "He wants you to know he thinks the new haircut is hot."

Rachel then laughed at what she was told. "thirty-two years we were married. Now that you're dead, you like it short."

"Harold says he was stupid. He hated change." Manfred replied.

Rachel sighed wistfully. "Oh, Harold. Not a day goes by that I don't miss you something awful."

Manfred shook his head. "He doesn't want you to grieve him forever. He wants you to be happy."

Rachel took in a breath of courage. "I – I need to tell you something. I'm seeing someone."

The flames of the candles flickered as soon as she said that and this caused eve to look up from her book.

"He's listening. Go on." Manfred said

"We're taking it slow, but..." she smiled, "I'm happy."

Manfred paused a moment before informing her what Harold had said. "He wants to know who it is."

"It's Kevin." Rachel said quickly

the flames on the candles to go out completely, the room had begun freeze over.

"Perhaps we should take a break. Or stop all together" Manfred said

"ya think." Eve scoffed as she got up from the bed.

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