Blinded by the light

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Since the night they had kissed, Emilio and Eve have kept their relationship a secret. It is the night of the full moon, and Eve offered to keep watch even though Emilio protested it but she gave good reason for doing it which is making sure there won't be a repeat of what happened because of officer gomez, and he eventually gave in.

Halfway through the night, as she leaned against the church close to the cellar doors, she heard shouting coming from down the road. And seconds later several howls, Eve then looked at the direction at where the howls were coming from and she saw a group of teenagers go into Fiji's yard and start trashing it.

Eve sees Fiji intervening by using her magic to create wind gusts that stir up dust in their faces, which scares them off. She hears the teens calling her "Sabrina the middle-age bitch" and threatening to burn her at the stake.

Their next stop was the pet cemetery, where they vandalize the church and headstones with graffiti.

"Cherry-popping time, Aerin," one of the boys told the only girl in their group.

"You know, it's okay. You go ahead. This place kind of creeps me out," she replied.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you not disrespect the dead." Eve told the group as she remained in the shadows.

"So what, it's not like they're gonna care they're dead." One of the boys said

"I warned you." Her eyes turned purple soon the tree, near the cemetery, branches moved and tried to wrap around the boy that was closest. The teens soon ran away in fear, the girl screamed as she stepped on a dead opossum and then jumped when the tiger in the cellar started banging against the doors.

When the sun came, Eve unlocked and removed the chains, and sneaked back into her house for a quick shower, and to brush her teeth, and to change her clothes. Before going back to the church she grabbed a cup of coffee from the restaurant for Emilio. The cellar doors opened as she had reached the church.

"Good morning." She greeted him as he exited the cellar.

"Morning." He greeted her. The gap between them close as they side-hugged.

"I got you coffee," she handed him the cup, "I thought you could use it, especially after last night."

"Thank you."

Eve grunts and winces as she gets a short sharp pain in her head and ripples go across her face.

"Are you alright?" Emilio asks with concern.

"I'm, I'm fine, it's just something that used to happen when i was younger back when I didn't have much control, it still happens occasionally when I'm in places of great spiritual energy".

The two then stared at the ground, more specifically the insects and dead possum that is on the ground.

"It's the veil. The more it breaks, the more darkness and evil are here." Eve turned to Emilio with concern in her eyes, "The veil is affecting you're were-self, isn't?"

"Perhaps, but for now i want you to go to the restaurant and get something to eat you've been up all night."

"Not all night, i took some naps every few hours. And besides this isn't the first time I've stayed up all night." She looked back at the ground, "why don't i help you clean this up."

"No i got this. You can go and get something to eat, I'll see you there once I'm done."

"Fine. If it will make you feel better I'll go." She kissed him on the cheek," I'll see you later." And with that she walked over to home cookin

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