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In the morning while Manfred was busy making coffee, Eve was busy sharpening things that, well, need sharpening.

He looked at Eve sitting on the couch as he poured the coffee and said, "You know, seeing you with all those knives can be scary."

She chuckled, "Well, do you know how many times that me and my scary knives have saved your trouble making butt."

There was a knock at the door. They look outside to find a Jack-in-the-Box sitting on their front porch. Manfred winds it up and it plays the same tune that was in Hightower's voicemail,until it pops open revealing the jack was defaced and with resemblance of , was a note, telling him to be at the old train station by 10 a.m, and don't bring Eve.

Later in the Rv, after they had gotten dressed, they informed Xylda of Hightower's gift.

"He knows where I live. Would've been easy enough to shoot me when I opened the door, but he didn't." He told Xylda

"He wants to make you suffer first, and he knows that Eve was with you." Xylda told him.

"Yeah, he's doing a pretty good job." He sighed with acknowledgment

"Hon, I wish I never got you into this mess."

"Didn't even have the decency to stay alive to help me out of it." He joked

This earned a light chuckle from Xylda but her grandchildren could see regret in her eyes.

"Truth is, I wanted that money as much as you," he stated, looking at the little note that came with the "Manfred" in the box, "Do I meet him?"

"No. He wants you to go without Eve, and with his type of power you'll be deadman. You ask for help," Xylda said

Eve looked at her brother and she knew that he wanted to leave, "Manny, i know that you want to leave Midnight but we can't this is our home, and it would make a certain waitress unhappy." She teased, "I'm gonna head over to Fiji's."

"Why?" Manfred asked looking up from the note.

"To get some Ague Root, Fiji said that she had some and i can pick it up today, and Manny don't do the whole 'when the going gets tough, we live in a house with wheels', please." she got up from her seat, hoping her brother heed her words, and left the Rv.

As she arrived at Fiji's, she heard the sound of engines reviving, specifically motorcycle engines. She turned around and saw the Sons of Lucifer, and noticed Bobo run out in the middle of the street. One of the Sons of Lucifer throws a molotov cocktail through the pawn's window setting it ablaze.

Bobo stands in the road, helpless as the bikers drive past just after bombing Midnight Pawn. Having noticed the fire, Creek, Eve, and Manfred join Bobo outside the shop.

"Lem and Olivia are still in there," Bobo told them before looking at Manfred and Eve, and taking off to the other side of the street, "Come on!"

Bobo went to the emergency box mounted on the build next to the fire hydrant and took the wrench to open the hydrant while Manfred and Eve grabbed the hose. Once they got the hose hooked up to the hydrant, Bob had begun to extinguish the fire, and soon enough the fire was out.

As Bobo was turning off the hose Creek asked him, "The Sons of Lucifer did this?"

But he didn't reply and went into the shop. Eve followed him to figure out why the Sons of lucifer bombed the pawn shop. Soon as they entered they immediately started coughing.

"Olivia!" Bobo called out.

They could hear her coughing from the back of the building and she soon came into their sight.

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